Saturday, November 21, 2009

Herpes Outbreak During Implantation

Network of The Third Secret of Fatima and the new vision of reality

From the site: / x-files/fatima.htm

As noted Bongiovanni:
".. The Third Secret of Fatima brings into clear light the deep schism that exists within the Catholic church. On the one hand there is a strong economic power connected to banking scandals, the money laundering, and corruption that is nested within the Catholic church from the early Middle Ages until today and on the other there is the true church of Christ made by missionaries and those who give heart and soul to the next using the revenue budget for good. Make clear such a division would collapse the temporal power of the Church of today carries undisturbed. Our Lady clearly prophesies the end of this type of church and announced the birth of a spiritual church in obedience to what the deep Christ taught and for which he gave his life with passion and resurrection. .. Those who hold temporal power and economic state of the Vatican does not want people to know that the return of the Master Jesus is coming, indeed, that spiritually he has already returned, and soon personified as a human being promised to manifest himself in the scriptures. "

As said Father Balducci (demonologist Holy See) in an interview, confirming in part the text of the third secret (the one working for thirty 'years but never endorsed by the Church):
"In the Third Secret of Fatima is about two things. In the first case, all you have done, the second a few. The first is a nuclear war before the end of the millennium, and the context is clear. In fact, the text speaks of the use of weapons more powerful than a thousand suns. It is clear of such weapons is taking into account that the text goes on to say "the survivors will envy the dead. "It is those who, surviving nuclear weapons, will suffer from radiation. The other, less well known, and the crisis the Church's doctrinal. .." Yes, Lady in the Third Secret of Fatima says this but no one has noticed that, first of all, you pulled that everything will happen if humanity does not repent. "So everything is conditional on this premise. But I'm optimistic. We, as men, we influence of nell'avverarsi a prophecy, moving the date and intensity of the events prophesied by mitigating. "

Also, some seer (or supposedly so) says:
"that since the Council of Nicaea start errors doctrine of the church. "

Many believe that the third secret of Fatima foretold THE END OF CATHOLICISM dogmatic, and a return to Christianity before the Council of Nicea, and as we said, Father Balducci, prophecies can be changed with the prayers and free will.

The new vision of reality, based on the interconnection between the unconscious, in a network reminiscent of the Internet, could be the key to give philosophical and scientific foundations of Christianity to a metaphysical and not on n dogmatic, that are not in opposition to Catholicism (changing as well, or mitigating the prophecy of Fatima, and in any case by not prevail, even temporarily, le forze del male), ma si affiancherebbe ad esso per RECUPERARE quanti hanno perso e potrebbero perdere la fede nel cristianesimo per i contrasti tra una visione metafisica del mondo e le ultimissime scoperte della scienza, specialmente nel campo della biologia, genetica, psicosomatica e neuroscienze. Ricordiamo infatti che nel concilio di Nicea è stato considerato canonico anche il vangelo di san Giovanni, dal carattere profetico, ma troppo intriso di filosofia gnostica del tempo, che è poi servito da base a Sant'Agostino per introdurre la metafisica neoplatonica nel cristianesimo.

Where Is A Good Place To Scooter

The current positions of reductionist neuroscience.



Thoughts in the words of Luigi Di Bianco


In my piece last week, I denied that there may be personal immortality because the brain and soul are so closely related that the death of the body, and thus the brain, leads, inevitably, even the death of the soul. To verify the intimate blood-brain In this article we will see how it's done with the brain and how it functions as cognitive / intellectual.

The study of the brain is a real challenge given the enormous complexity and mystery that surrounds this body central to our existence. Even Spinoza, in the seventeenth century, wrote: "[...] the human brain than in all the ingenuity of the human development of expertise."
What's really surprising is that simple cells can lead to thought, action and consciousness. Although there has been remarkable progress in knowledge of brain processes, it must be said that the neurobiology is nevertheless very far from a complete theory of consciousness. A solid base of knowledge has been gained, however, about how the brain works.
neurons, the basic unit of the brain, are produced during fetal life. During this phase, the body produces about 250 000 neurons per minute. But about a month before the birth, production stops and the brain begins a second phase that will last a lifetime: the creation of connections between cells. In this process, cells that fail the connections are eliminated, so that at the time of birth are already halved. The memory of neurons becomes impressive 30-40 from the years when, without replacing the body, brain cells begin to die at a rate of 100 000 per day about 1 per second. But if you are over 30/40 years is that you do not worry too much: luckily there is a corresponding decline in mental ability to create new connections preserves, in fact, to a certain point, the mental faculties acquired.
The neuron, this tiny cell that is the brick of the brain may be likened to a miniature computer that collects, processes and transfers information, or rather, nerve impulses.

Figure I shows the diagram of a neuron. Each neuron consists of a cell body, or soma, which contains the cell nucleus, or to continue the similarity with the computer processing unit central (CPU). The information processing unit comes along a large number of fibers called dendrites. Each dendrite is a port of entry. How many input ports are there for each neuron? There is no fixed number. Each neuron can have a variable number of dendrites that can vary from several hundred to several tens of thousands. In the drawing I have indicated only three doors at three input lines.
If you consider that a neuron may have tens of thousands of input ports can you account for the complexity of this tiny computer. Now imagine that these miniature computer, the brain there are about 100 billion! Yes, you read that right ... one hundred billion.
Where do the signals input? From the sensory cells, such as the retina of the eye, or, more frequently, from other neurons.
signals arrive at the micro-computer through the input ports (dendrites) and are processed by the central (cell body). If and only if, the Central Unit under certain conditions, then the cell body 'shoot', or sends a signal along the only line of output or output port. The line of output is a single long fiber called an axon. The axon extends a long distance, usually about an inch (one hundred times the diameter of the cell body) and up to one meter in extreme cases.
Where does the output signal along the axon? You may go to activate muscle cells or, more frequently, is applied as input to other neurons. Towards the end even the axon is divided into many branches. It happens so that a single signal output is not only a recipient but may involve tens or hundreds of neurons or muscle cells linked.
Normally a neuron fires a signal all-or-nothing, or, to put it in computer terms, a digital signal of value 1 or 0. But what needs to check the CPU to decide whether to shoot or not the output signal? Each neuron has a threshold of activation, if the activation level reaches the threshold, the neuron fires, the output signal. The level of activation of the neuron at a given time is determined by signals applied to the hundreds or thousands of ports of entry.
But it's not that simple! Each port has a filter that can amplify or attenuate the incoming signal. The filter is called the synapse (in my drawing I have indicated with the letters w1, w2, and w3). If there are 100 billion neurons and each neuron may have tens of thousands of input ports ... there are many synapses in the brain? ... An impressive number in the thousands of trillions.
The existence of these synapses was discovered by Charles Scott Sherrington, the great neurophysiologist, Nobel Prize 1932 for la medicina e la fisiologia. Le sinapsi non sono connessioni fisiche perché tra due neuroni s’interpone sempre una microscopica fessura. Per superare questo varco, i segnali si trasformano: da elettrici, diventano chimici. La terminazione dell’assone rilascia sostanze, dette neurotrasmettitori, che, saltata la fessura della sinapsi, sono raccolte dagli appositi recettori presenti sulla membrana della cellula-obiettivo. Catturato il neurotrasmettitore, il messaggio chimico viene riconvertito in impulso elettrico.
Per i nostri scopi, possiamo tralasciare la complicata reazione elettrochimica e vedere le sinapsi come un semplici filtri che amplificano o attenuano i segnali elettrici che vengono frapposti fra l’assone della cellula mittente and the dendrite of the receiving cell.
Back to my figure than before. To know the level of activation reached a certain point in the neuron in the figure to be calculated the formula: A = i1 * w1 + w2 + i2 * i3 * w3 where the value of 'w' is positive in the case of excitatory synapses and negative the inhibitory synapses. Well, think about it, even if it's thousands of synapses, the activation level of the neuron will be determined once and for all, from the result of a precise calculation. No way! The factor of amplification / attenuation of w1, w2, and w3 is not fixed. The synaptic connections exhibit, in fact, a certain plasticity, which may change the factor of amplification / attenuation of w1, w2, w3, and in response to certain patterns of stimulation. In other words, the brain is capable of shaping itself through the continuous remodeling of existing synapses and the creation of new synapses.
Your brain, my brain is not the same as it was only 1 second ago, it reshapes the time, every time we use it changes. Every single thought that passes through our minds change something in our brain's neural circuits.
We have already seen that two neurons to communicate, exchange chemicals that cause them to generate specific electrical impulses. Imagine repeating this process, millions, billions of times and you'll have an idea, albeit simplified, of the transfer of information (visual, acoustic ...) within the neural circuitry of the human brain.
hours Put together the individual pieces and try to imagine the 100 billion neurons, and the thousands of trillions of synapses connected together in a complex architecture of interconnections traveled continuously by electrochemical signals. At this point you can grasp the complexity of the architecture of the brain insane, this lump of matter amorphous, shapeless, slightly repulsive and too often underestimated (see Descartes).
But what this complex architecture? That report with the processes of learning, with the saving? The secret is stored in neuronal plasticity, cioè nella capacità delle sinapsi di modificare il fattore di amplificazione o di attenuazione di un segnale.
Vediamo un caso semplice. Immagina, per esempio, di cogliere un fiore mai visto prima e che qualcuno ti dica che il fiore in questione si chiama ‘fresia’ (in costiera amalfitana, dove crescono spontaneamente, le fresie dovrebbero essere già fiorite in questo periodo). Ti accorgi che questo fiore è caratterizzato da un profumo piacevolissimo e lo annusi varie volte. Questo tipo di informazione viaggerà dalla tua mucosa olfattiva (la parte interna del naso che "sente" gli odori), lungo il nervo olfattivo, fino alla parte della corteccia cerebrale organizzata per analizzare e comprendere i profumi. Nel fare ciò, information will observe a huge number of synapses, creating the equivalent of a "path" of neurons. From repeated experience, every time riannusi the flower, the information will travel back along the same path and also strengthened even more, just as the passage of many people on the snow creates a deeper groove in relation to the number of people they pass.

This process, called "facilitation" is the physical basis of the processes of learning and memory: when the information is passed many times through the same "path", ie the same sequence of synapses, the synapses themselves are so "Easier", for example, when you hear, after a certain time, the same pleasant fragrance, it will automatically combine the image of a flower called freesia. That's created a memory. I felt the scent of freesias as a child and still be able to recognize him with his eyes closed.
The same thing happened when, at school, trying to memorize a poem. Mentally repeating, again and again, a sequence of words is going to reinforce a certain neural pathway that also was easy to recall when it was questioned in the classroom. This mechanism also explains another little mystery: why, when we learned a poem, reciting it is so difficult starting from the second verse, and not from the beginning? Just because the whole store is part of a process "easy" end only the beginning you can go back without difficulty. This
learning theory was proposed for the first time by the Canadian psychologist Donald Olding Hebb who introduced what is still known as the "Hebb rule", or learning Hebb. According to this rule: "When a neuron is close enough (minimum synaptic cleft, note) to neuron B repeatedly to contribute in a lasting manner to his excitement, then takes place in both neurons a growth process or metabolic change that and the effectiveness of A B is increased in exciting. "
Obviously the process of learning is much more complex. The information to learn and memorize are characterized by different parameters (color, taste, sound, emotion, dimension, joy, sorrow ...) which, taken one by one, affecting different brain areas. The brain is in fact divided into hundreds of regions, each of which governs a specific function.
Every time we think, remember, speak, sing, run, smell or suffer, these areas are activated in a transversal way, through a process not yet elucidated the integration of individual aspects of reality. The greater mystery is how do the pieces scattered in various areas of the brain to recompose if necessary, in a few milliseconds, making the memory full resume. Easier, however, is to understand why some memories are lost (or be made to disappear voluntarily): Just the way that "facilitated" between synapses can not be obliterated or severely weakened, and the memory becomes inaccessible.
course, it is legitimate to think that learning is something more than the restructuring of a number of synapses ... but it is absolutely certain, there is substantial evidence that the neuronal plasticity without we would not be able to learn and remember.
So far I have tried to give an idea as simple as possible, the structure and functioning of the brain. Now provo a passare ad un argomento molto più controverso e ancora avvolto nel mistero. Ora “si tratta di capire come si passa dal cervello alla mente. Come si passa cioè dal corpo allo spirito”. (Edoardo Boncinelli)
Ecco qui, penserai, … ricompare lo spirito e la speranza di immortalità. Ma se pensi di poterti ancora aggrappare allo spirito a cui si riferisce Boncinelli per continuare ad illuderti di essere immortale … sorry … sei cascato male.
Il neuro-scienziato Antonio Damasio, portoghese operante negli USA, rappresenta una delle figure di maggior spicco a livello mondiale nel campo delle neuroscienze. Secondo Damasio, lo studio delle funzioni cognitive, e in particolare della coscienza, è stato long been neglected because of the philosophical tradition which, as you saw in my previous article on the soul, can be traced back to Descartes. Damasio, in 1994 he published the book "Descartes' Error" which explains how Descartes did not understand that nature has built the apparatus of rationality, self-awareness, not only above that to which the biological but also from it and within itself. For the record I note that Damasio, in 2003, has also published "Looking for Spinoza. Emotions, feelings, and brain. "
He reports the case of patients with damage in the prefrontal region that seem to have lost consciousness and the capacity to experience some of the most common emotions. These patients behave like zombies, are, that is, able to move and do things, but seem to have lost self-consciousness. In other words, these patients seem to have lost its soul.
While the structure and functioning of the brain we have made great strides, same can not be said for the study of cognitive functions, and in particular of consciousness. We must admit that it is still far from a theory of consciousness.
report here, however, the theory of consciousness proposed by Antonio Damasio.
consciousness, in the model Damasio, emerges from specific phenomena that occur in the neurons of the brain. Damasio uses terminology very special to present his theory. He introduces the word "movie-in-the-brain" or "film-in-head" to describe the brain's ability to create images of the world and one's body based on neural maps of the brain. The image of his body and his feelings is something called "proto-self" or "proto-self." Finally, he uses the term core-consciouness to define self-awareness or "autobiographical self."
I introduced above, the term 'neural map'. What is this strange thing? A neural map can be thought of as a set of addresses to specific memory locations in the brain. Wanting to make a similarity with the web pages of the web we can say that the map corresponds to the set of neuronal hyperlinks on the home page Positanonews. Clicking on the link or hyperlink jumps to another page with access to information of interest.
consciousness, according to Damasio, is to construct mental images, a movie in my head (movie-in-the-brain) generated by specific neural maps. Let's see how it works. In the film there are two main characters interacting.
The first figure, the body image (proto-self) and their feelings of the moment. Extrasensory abilities of this character are very limited: the only proof that sensations are those of the moment generated by the relationship interazione con il secondo personaggio del film. Il proto-sé ha scarsissima memoria: l'unico passato che possiede è quello, vago, relativo a ciò che è appena accaduto. Non sa fare previsioni per il futuro.
Il secondo personaggio del film è l’immagine di un qualsiasi oggetto del mondo esterno. ‘Oggetto’ qui deve intendersi in modo molto esteso. Può essere un’altra persona, una faccia, un auto, una melodia, un mal di denti, il ricordo di un fatto, ecc. Nel film-nella-testa i due personaggi interagiscono fra di loro in serie di reciproche azioni e reazioni.
Le immagini del proto-sé e dell’oggetto vengono generate da una mappa neuronale di primo livello che permette l’accesso a limited knowledge base of the brain. In the film we
then the two characters, proto-self and object, which interact with one another in terms of frame, but we do not have a mechanism to record the story of: a neural map of the first level is low. To record the history need to switch to a second level neural map managed by a third character, the "silent narrator."
He watches the film, notes and currency, in silence, the mutual actions and reactions of the two characters. It 'important to consider that the silent narrator has a neuronal map of the second level and is therefore able to access a wide base of knowledge brain, with all the memories, experiences, and especially the somatic markers.
I will not dwell here on the concept of somatic markers otherwise the article does not come to an end. Suffice it to say that the somatic markers recall the outcome, positive or negative, of similar encounters between proto-self and object.
The narrator contemplates the scene of the silent film but it is not a passive spectator, he, in addition to "think about thinking", the proto-self, may adopt measures, in accordance with its broader base of knowledge, to update the map neuronal first level and then adjust your attitude and feel of the proto-self in relation to the object. The narrator
silent non è quindi uno semplice spettatore del movie-in-the-brain. Egli stesso sta dentro un film generato dal cervello, o meglio è il protagonista principale del film dal titolo “il narratore che guarda il film dell'incontro fra proto-sé e oggetto”. Ma c'è di più, oltre a contemplare il film, il narratore silenzioso può modificare la storia del film che sta guardando.
La capacità del “narratore solitario” di contemplare le interazioni fra il proto-sé e il mondo e, nello stesso tempo, la sua facoltà di influenzare la storia del rapporto, costituisce, per Damasio, l’essenza della core-consciouness o coscienza di sé.
Rileggendo quest’ultima parte dell’articolo I realized that maybe the whole story of the movie-in-the-brain you will be very tight if not obscure. I think that phrases like "think about Thinking" and "the narrator watches the film of the encounter between self and proto-object" are not very happy, but I can not find anything better. Try making an extra effort of imagination. Just think, for example, a shoe box inside a shoe box bigger. The outer box is the "silent narrator," in the inner box are the proto-self el 'object. The two boxes together are the film-in-head generated by neuronal maps.
This is my personal interpretation of the Damasio's theory of consciousness. We have to do two assessments: the first is whether I've actually fully understood the theory of Damasio and the second is whether Damasio has hit the mark in developing his theory.
One thing is certain: to Damasio should certainly be credited with helping to bring the body into the scientific discussion on consciousness. The idea that the body is involved in conscious experience breaks sharply with a tradition that the mind quite distinct from the body and returns to consciousness itself the biological requirements necessary to make an object of scientific study.
In the next installment will try to attack the second illusion man considered one of the center ed il fine ultimo di tutto l’Universo.
A sabato prossimo!
Luigi Di Bianco
comments are welcomed ...
Il contenuto di questo articolo ed i relativi diritti sono di proprietà dell´autore.

Riporto un articolo apparso sul Corriere della Sera il 25 giugno 2009

Cervello: «fotografato» un ricordo
Grazie a un'etichetta fluorescente confermati i meccanismi molecolari della memoria

L'incremento della fluorescenza (verde) fra le frecce gialle rappresenta il momento della formazione del ricordo (Science)

ROMA - Scattata la foto della formazione of a memory at the molecular level: a light switch at the level of synapses (the bridges of communication of neurons), American and Canadian scientists have observed in all stages of direct molecular 's engraving of a memory trace in the brain. Announced last week in the journal Science, the result is due to Wayne Sossin of the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital (The Neuro), McGill University, with experts from the University of California, Los Angeles.

FLUORESCENT LABEL - When a memory is formed at the level of the synapses that connect neurons and put in communication, there is a consolidation of the structure of the 'synaptic bridge' through the production of new proteins. A year ago, thanks to Gary Lynch of the University of California Irvine, in a paper published in the Journal of Neuroscience, the formation of a memory was immortalized for the first time by microscopic techniques in the brains of mice with a "close" on the reorganization of synapses . Now the group Sossin reiterated the company with a different method. With a fluorescent label that binds to the new proteins formed, Sossin showed that the level of synapses, immediately after the seizure of information by the brain, increases the fluorescence. This means, to further confirm what we already knew, that while we train and set a reminder, new proteins are produced in the synapses and thanks to such that the synapse is strengthened and the memory remains fixed in the brain long term.

Friday, October 23, 2009

2006 Burton Custom Snowboard

Evolution and esoteric religions.

When we speak of "God" or any other form of supernatural entity, we must be aware that it is a "concept" is not very precise and Gerardus van der Leeuw, in his book The Phenomenology of Religion , it stresses that the lived religious experience refers to something different, surprising, coming out of the ordinary. The oldest
belief is generated by empirical observations, and for most of the evolution of primitive religion, we must replace the image di Dio (concepita solo negli ultimi millenni), la semplice NOZIONE del diverso, dell’eterogeneo, dello straordinario.
Il soprannaturale, in qualunque sua forma, è dotato di Potenza (o MANA), e non è di natura fisica, ma si rivela nella forza fisica o in tutte le forze e capacità possedute dall’uomo.
Sciamanesimo, in antropologia culturale, è un termine che indica l'insieme delle credenze ed il modo di vivere e di vedere il mondo, di società animiste non alfabetizzate, imperniato intorno ad una particolare figura di guaritore-saggio ed alla sua attività magico-religiosa: lo sciamano.

Lo sciamanesimo si riferisce a una vasta gamma di credenze e pratiche tradizionali which includes the ability to diagnose and treat disease, and all the possible problems of the community and the individual, from how to get food to how to get rid of enemies. That means the alleged ability of the shaman to "travel" in a state of trance in the spirit world and use their powers. This is the main characteristic of the shaman that distinguishes it from other forms of healing.

Shamanism is an ancient cross-cultural practice that has very specific and distinctive characteristics shared within a flexible structure that is capable of adapting to different cultures and religions.

Here, then, a brief summary of anthropological evolution:
Il numero di “Science” del 2 ottobre è stato dedicato alla descrizione dell’Ardipithecus ramidus, l’ominino riportato alla luce tra il 1992 e il 1995 da Tim White ad Aramis, in Etiopia, e datato a 4,4 milioni di anni fa, una forma né scimmia e né uomo. E’ un antenato di Lucy, l’australopiteco vissuto circa 3,5 milioni di anni fa; e discende dagli antichissimi ardipitechi, vissuti fra 7 e 4,4 milioni di anni fa. Anche se non è esattamente l’anello mancante, si ci avvicina moltissimo. Dagli australopitechi discende poi il genere homo. (vedi:
Un milione di anni fa, una nuova specie denominata Homo Erectus (che aveva recently replaced older cousins \u200b\u200bsuch as Homo ergaster and Homo habilis) had made its appearance in Africa and Asia and had gone to Europe and later in Italy.
For thousands of years, deserts, glaciers and vast inland seas had isolated the different groups of hominids.
cold and inhospitable environment of northern Europe had developed a new species well adapted to the cold: the Neanderthal man indeed. L 'Homo Neanderthal was one of the most successful human species ever. For 250,000 years has dominated Europe, a continent in the grip of ice ages and inhabited by wild beasts.
Then, 100,000 years ago, the crucial challenge: the arrival of yet - Africa - di un'altra specie umana.....l' Homo Sapiens. La fenomenologia delle religioni risale almeno all’uomo di Neanderthal, con il culto dei morti e degli antenati, e si replica poi nell’homo sapiens, con lo sciamanesimo.
Nei pressi di Baku, in Azerbaigian, nel sito di Qobustan, vi è un insediamento con numerose incisioni rupestri del periodo neolitico. Si possono ammirare più di 4000 iscrizioni che risalgono a oltre 12.000 anni fa e pitture rupestri che ritraggono uomini e donne dell'età della pietra impegnati nella caccia o in danze rituali. Si ritiene che le loro danze fossero accompagnate dalle melodie del Gaval-Dashy (la pietra tamburino), una roccia che emette un suono profondo e risonante quando viene sfregata. Segno che già a quel tempo esistevano religioni primitive post sciamanesimo.
Bisogna aspettare i Sumeri, con l’invenzione della scrittura per passare dalla preistoria alla storia. La Mesopotamia, nel periodo che va dalla fine dell'ultima età glaciale (c. 10000 a.C.) e l'inizio della storia,venne abitata da varie civiltà come quella Ubaid e quella Uruk. Uno dei siti neolitici più vecchi conosciuti in Mesopotamia è Jarmo, datato 7000 a.C. circa. A partire dal 3500 a.C. la Mesopotamia venne abitata da fiorenti civiltà come i Sumeri, gli Accadi, i Babilonesi, gli Assiri, gli Ittiti, gli Hurriti e i Cassiti. Alcune di queste civiltà fecero importanti scoperte e invenzioni. Per esempio i sumeri furono tra i primi a inventare la scrittura while the Babylonians invented one of the first law codes in history, the Code of Hammurabi.

Sumerian religion:
The Sumerians worshiped a major triad, represented by An, god of the sky, from Enlil, god of air, or breath of wind and large storms (consider that the land is alluvial and marsh; the word paradise, derived from Indo-European mean marsh garden), and Enki, god of the earth or ground. Also worshiped the goddess Inanna, the goddess of love and war (equivalent to the Akkadian goddess Ishtar), the god Dumuzi, the god of pastoralism, the Ningirsu patron god of the city of Lagash, Nammu the goddess, the goddess of the generator, and other deities , about six hundred, divided between children and sacred objects.

The Sumerian (Ding, Ding-Ding plural or ding-e-ne) were generally the patrons of particular cities, where they were revered and had their temple. Their religious significance logically followed the political fate of the city, so often prevailed, even over the whole country, at times it was subservient to the will of the winner. Especially feared was the destruction of the sacred statue, or theft of the statue that was taken into exile by the enemy.

According to Sumerian belief, the gods would create humans from clay for use as servants. Often, of expressing their anger and frustration in earthquakes: the essence of Sumerian religion was emphasized that all humanity was at the mercy of the gods.

The Sumerians believed that the universe consisted of a flat disk enclosed in a dome. The afterlife meant a descent into a vile nether world, to spend eternity in a wretched existence as a ghost (Gidim).

Sumerian temples consisted of a nave with aisles on either side. Alongside the corridors were the rooms of the priests at the end of one stage and there was a table of clay for the sacrifices of animals and plants. The barns and stores are usually near the temples. After a while, the Sumerians began to place the temples on artificial hills, terraced several layers: the ziggurat.

Fortunately, today we know the Australian Aborigines, who lived for at least 50,000 years isolated from other continents, and were not therefore the evolution of religious concepts of the other peoples of the earth. And 'in fact very likely that, as the Sumerian religion very structured, this derives from oral traditions or unconscious archetypes dating back at least 12,000 (or more) years before the advent of writing. This oral tradition (and / or archetypal unconscious) has also affected all other religions of the world (Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Egyptian Magic, Judaism, Greek Mythology (which also follows the Greek philosophy), etc. .. The Australia è l’unico lembo di terra oggi sul Pianeta, nel quale i reperti archeologici e soprattutto le opere d’arte, permettono di ricostruire 50.000 anni di storia di popoli cacciatori-raccoglitori dell’età della Pietra, e nel quale persistono ancora tradizioni orali che confortano tali ritrovamenti con testimonianze dirette dei loro contenuti concettuali. Ad esempio, questo popolo non ha il concetto di Dio e nemmeno quello della proprietà (sono loro che appartengono alla terra dove vivono, e non viceversa). Vedi

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Create Your Own Wrestling Card

Justice, ethics and good sense. The three roads that lead to the truth, according to Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.

Post in costruzione.
Dal corriere della sera del 27 Settembre 2009.
Domande & Risposte al Cardinale Martini.
"Eminenza, sono una donna di Milano, artista, che ha seguito la sua Cattedra dei non credenti. Mi piacerebbe sapere cosa intende con la parola autenticità? Autenticità e verità, quale legame esiste tra le due parole?" --- Antonella Ortelli (Milano)

*** La risposta del Cardinale:
" L'autenticità mi pare ammetta......

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yellow Lab With Runny Eyes

A serious limitation of all religions that are based on metaphysics.

Premesso che, come giustamente ha affermato Benedetto XVI a Ratisbona, le sacre scritture vanno interpretate secondo ragione, il cattolicesimo, come tante altre religioni, che si basano sulla metafisica, ha un grave limite. Si ritiene che Dio, o chi per Lui, abbia voluto communicate a code of ethics similar to our codes (criminal, civil, etc..) articles and several paragraphs (or, for Catholicism, the ten commandments + other sins which incurs excommunications and other). This implies a generalization of the strict rules and not elastic, even more of our criminal laws in which it refers at least the "extenuating circumstances". With this metaphysical vision of the divine laws, or what is or is BLACK WHITE, as it is believed that a divine law must necessarily be PERFECT. Nothing could be more inhuman and irrational. As rightly said Umberto Eco about the city 'Plato's ideal, this could be good for the gods and not men, as imperfect. In gospel itself, Christ has clarified the issue when a scribe asked him what was the greatest commandment 'GREAT. Meanwhile, it appears that not all sins are equally important, but a response to Christ's "Love God ... and love your neighbor as yourself", espicitata better, soon after, in the parable of the Good Samaritan (understanding what to do to become close to others = altruism towards those who need it), there is the key to solving the problem. In fact, soon after, in the same gospel, said that the other commandments are derived from this most important commandment (altruism). Loving God also always brings as a consequence, to love their brethren (see step Gospel: "I was hungry and you gave me food, ......). should therefore be self-evident, but unfortunately it still is for those based on metaphysics, which each rule should be interpreted according to that religion" keystone, that is, every action must be judged as a whole, if it is a selfish or selfless action, which will bring good or harm to its neighbor. To give a concrete example, if you abort a child of 9 years old raped from the father (if recent Brazilian), doctors who do this may incur an excommunication, as they do to save the life of the child, surely destined to die in childbirth. The same applies, for example, for a separation (also in the presence of children) when it comes to "beat" all the time and create an atmosphere of serious tension: it is irrational to think that this is the will of God rule laid down by Christ on the indissolubility of marriage must be interpreted reasonably to limit abuse of selfish stronger (usually the rich and powerful men who repudiated their wives to marry younger and more beautiful), but in any interpretation of religious law must always prevail altruism and the good of others, especially the weakest and need, bearing in mind that you can not always be saints, but ordinary people, subject to jealousy, anger, contempt, impatience, hatred, and many other defects that prevent a volte, un'accettabile convivenza. E anche la buona volontà, nella realtà dei fatti, non è sufficiente nemmeno per nascondere ai figli il reale stato di conflitto e di tensione, con conseguenti gravi traumi psichici.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

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Pubblichiamo alcune foto della contestazione fatta ad Alemanno, che martedì 30 giugno si è fatto un "giro turistico" per roma nord, passando per il Gemelli ed arrivando al Santa Maria della Pietà (con oltre 1 ora e mezza di ritardo).
All'arrivo dell'amato sindaco i ragazzi dei licei e gli universitari di zona del collettivo giovanile roma nord, pronti con gli striscioni (in uno dei quali, tra l'altro, si denunciava l'identità e continuità politica che ci sono tra Alemanno e Veltroni), hanno alzato cori e tirato insulti verso un uomo che se ne sta infischiando, come Veltroni prima di lui, del problema abitativo, del degrado delle periferie e della mancanza di spazi per i giovani, e anzi vuole peggiorare la situazione facendo interventi sconsiderati sul territorio come il raddopio di via trionfale a fini commerciali (con gravissimi danni per la vivibilità del quartiere e l'ambiente) e lo spostamento del campo nomadi di monte mario a via barellai (solo 200 m più in là.. uno "spostamento" simbolico..cosa che fa pensare, come alcune voci confermano, che dietro ci sia qualche finto bando per l'assegnazione del territorio ora occupato dal campo nomadi a qualche "Alemanno-boys" di zona... staremo a vedere). I fascisti di zona, chiaramente, hanno fatto il servizio d'ordine ad alemanno insieme alle "forze dell'ordine" ed hanno provato a far partire un applauso all'arrivo del sindaco che, però, evidentemente era deboluccio, in quanto il "primo cittadino" came running into the building where he was to speak, surrounded by bodyguards, and has not even been seen by many of those present. O_o

FINALLY REMEMBER THE WAY TO STUDENT Cineforum Litt No. 2 this Saturday (July 4)! Bring people! -Here is the flyer-

Thursday, June 25, 2009

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Cineforum in Primavalle STUDENT NEWS + UPDATES VARIOUS

The (provisional name!) 'Collective youth Roma Nord' (which also involves a number of collective self-pasteur) is organizing an initiative for Saturday, July 4 against the cost of culture.
will be screened on the mythical 'Rock'nRoll' gardens of Via Litta 2, from 21.30. Admission by subscription
a seguire dj set musica electro e raggae + bar (birre a volontà e qualche cocktail tra i più semplici!)
Di seguito il volantino
(torneremo anche fra qualche giorno con aggiornamenti sul mondo politico)

(in aggiornamento)
27-6-2009: Contestato il presidente del municipio XIX Alfredo Milioni da ragazzi di roma nord (tra cui alcuni del nostro Collettivo) per delle irregolarità (già costate a Milioni un richiamo dalla regione lazio) nell'attribuzione dei seggi alle elezioni del fantomatico consiglio dei giovani. I posti di alcuni compagni che si erano candidati ed erano stati regolarmente eletti sono stati assegnati irregularly to the fascist clique (best known for the beatings took in Piazza Navona during the Wave) "blocking student."
THE PHOTO ON THE WAY BATTISTINI banner hanging in front of the town hall:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Free Blueprints Programs

intelligence and knowledge domains to create new representations of the world.

Su "PLoS ONE": Dal sito:
Scimmie intellligenti... chi più, chi meno

Gli studiosi hanno utilizzato alcune batterie di test per determinare il parametro "g" elaborato in psicologia per valutare la correlazione tra i risultati ottenuti in diversi compiti cognitivi

Ricercatori della Harvard University hanno mostrato per la prima volta come l'intelligenza possa vary between different individuals in a population of monkeys, notably in the cotton canopy in tamarin (Saguinus oedipus).

In the new study were considered 22 tamarins subjected to 11 different tasks arranged in order to evaluate various cognitive functions including working memory, executive control, the speed of information processing and inhibitory control.

Through tests, the researchers were able to identify examples of high, medium and low capacity, according to a score of general intelligence. The latter, also referred to by the letter "g", is a parameter for human intelligence and thought is conceptually similar to the most famous quotient IQ intelligence. Just use a parameter "human" enables researchers to get more information on the evolution of intelligence in primates.

The parameter g refers to the positive correlation of proven performance in various tasks in an intelligence test: Konika Banerjee and colleagues found that g accounts for the 20 percent of the performance of the proposed tasks in monkeys during the study The remaining 80 percent of the variability appears to be due to contingent factors relating to the task itself or the environment.

Although we can not make a direct comparison, the value of "g" for the man realizes the 40-60 percent of the variability Individual results of different tasks of an IQ test: From this point of view, the increase could actually be connected to the evolution of the human brain.
"The general intelligence is an important component of human intelligence but can also be based on neural substrates that old," said Banerjee, a researcher in the department of psychology at Harvard and co-author of the article published in the latest edition of the journal open-access journal PLoS One. "If several primate taxa differ in the value of 'g' and if human beings are placed at a great distance from the rest of the species that can only mean that we are able to combine thoughts derived from different domain knowledge to create new representations of the world. "
According to the researchers the battery of tests they devised, in which many responsibilities included the acquisition of a portion of food, should be a first step in developing methods of standard assessment for all primates, to check with other species. (Fc)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

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The Pasteur
teaching alternative, as you know, can not be done due to asbestos on the roof of the gym . This material, in fact, carried by the wind would make it impossible to live within the school environment ...
In fact, apart from the fact that the situation is so for decades, you do not understand the prohibition of an activity such as teaching alternative was to take place entirely within a school hours (So \u200b\u200bneedless to say that the prolongation of the afternoon could have been the principal cause bureaucratic problems ...). More than anything there is the impression that this is not an excuse for us to do even one day of teaching.
With this motivation there was also banned the party the afternoon in the gym, with its concert, scheduled for these days (this afternoon, while courses such as those of language, remain undisturbed), but we are "dealing" to see if you can move it to another place in the schoolyard.
The point, however, is that at the end of year is easy for the head of the Pasteur take some time and get through school without taking una decisione per autorizzare le iniziative degli studenti... e quindi è difficile ottenere qualcosa tra fine maggio e inizio giugno.
Sul movimento:
eravamo rimasti al corteo del 4 aprile. I maggiori cortei successivi sono stati quello antifascista del 25 Aprile (in 10 000 a Roma, e 150 000 a Milano, dove c'era la manifestazione nazionale) e quello contro il G8 sulla sicurezza tenutosi a Roma sabato scorso, con 20 000 partecipanti per gli organizzatori, 5 000 per la Digos.
Non ci sono stati scontri, anche se ad un certo punto un gruppo di nazisti ha attaccato il corteo, per poi scappare dopo 20 secondi, e far trovare ai compagni che li inseguivano la polizia schierata dietro l'angolo. I 4 compagni arrestati sono già stati rilasciati.
the demonstration against the G8 summit in Turin, then, there have been strong and unjustified levels of the police, who also test a new type of tear gas (of course without even warn before) the most painful and very damaging to health than conventional ones.
negative is the fact that the party organized by the Bangladeshi community in Rome in the night, 20 Nazis attacked the few people present and have destroyed all the material of the festival, which lasts several days. This is because Alemanno has not, as every year, the availability of the usual park Centocelle to make the party, but the initiative has shifted in a more intolerant and right [X INFO node/10207]. The next day took part in a march against fascism.
note, finally, a series of activities in universities, particularly in Rome 3 (exhibitions, festivals, conferences, debates and social dinners) is not usual for the period and certainly a positive sign.
For more detailed information on anything to write collettivo.pasteur @


Monday, May 18, 2009

Pepe The Kingstuffed Animal

tolstoismo e anarchismo

by Anarchist Magazine Online

tolstoismo and anarchism

"One swallow make a summer "
by the Editions Spartacus

Last Tolstoy and the Italian anarchist movement.

Edizioni Spartacus sent to the library in May, the anthology of Lev Tolstoy, One swallow make a summer. Writings on society without a government with the opinions of the Italian anarchist (1894-1910) , edited by Piero Brunello (series 'revival', No. 21, pp. 250, € 12.00). We publish here, some tracks, adding to Tolstoy's comments Errico Malatesta, Luigi Galleani and Luigi Fabbri.
With this anthology, Piero Brunello has the receipt in the environment between libertarians Italian la fine dell'Ottocento e il primo decennio del Novecento del pensiero religioso, politico e sociale dell'ultimo Tolstoj. A un certo punto della vita, Tolstoj abbandonò la letteratura per scrivere lettere aperte, appelli, articoli e opuscoli polemici nei quali raccontava la sua conversione interiore, e denunciava l'esistenza degli eserciti e delle chiese, la proprietà della terra, il patriottismo, la pena di morte. Scriveva che i governi e gli stati erano la sciagura dell'umanità. Accusava re e imperatori d'ingannare i loro popoli con visite, parate militari e brindisi in nome del benessere e della pace mentre in realtà organizzavano i futuri massacri. Indicava nelle chiese cristiane la radice delle guerre e dell'abitudine all'obbedienza; the history books - still - instead of calling things by their name, justified the lie, and concluded with calls like this: "Soldiers, disobey! NCOs, dimettetevi! Farmers, refuse to work for the bosses! No more wars, peace among peoples, to those who cultivate the land. "
In Italy, the editors of the anarchist papers followed the French translations of its brochures or Italian editions were made on that basis, it gave notice to the readers and selected publications of songs under titles such as The society without government, The word Leo Tolstoy , thinking anarchist Leo Tolstoy , The government is evil , cannon fodder. The figure of Tolstoy was so revered that his words were used to strengthen the propaganda. After reading the anticipation of writing My newspaper underwear in a French magazine, Luigi Fabbri pointed it out in the fortnightly "Thought", which ran alongside Pietro Gori. One phrase in particular had struck: "It is said that one swallow does not make a summer, but because one swallow does not make a summer, it must, that the spring shows, do not fly, it will have to wait? Then every bird and every blade of grass should wait, and so the spring would never. " Fabbri commented: "This is the answer to those who criticize ai rivoluzionari la loro audacia col pretesto che i tempi non sono maturi, che non è venuta la primavera, per volare» (“Il Pensiero”, Roma, 10 agosto 1903).
Brunello ricostruisce, in forma di antologia, un dibattito a distanza su temi cruciali per chiunque voglia riflettere sui meccanismi del potere e del dominio, e per chiunque abbia a cuore libertà, eguaglianza, giustizia. Raggruppando i testi per parole chiave («Cristianesimo», «Patriottismo», «Guerra e pace», «Società senza governo», «Agire moralmente» per quanto riguarda Tolstoj; «Polemista, educatore», «Asceta cristiano, proprietario coll'ideale del buon contadino», «Progresso, revolution, advanced individual "in the section devoted to reviews of anarchists), it was proposed to show around such words, and vice versa around like silence, has formed a revolutionary tradition. The crux of the matter was, and still is, in order to interpret the call to non-resistance to evil . Elsewhere - for example in the Netherlands and the United States - will give rise to civil disobedience and nonviolent direct action in Italy is rejected in the name of revolution, so are denied the conscientious objection and desertion in the name of an imagination that provides armed soldiers running in support of the proletariat and the oppressed in revolt.

by Edizioni Spartacus

Lev Tolstoy

"The power must be destroyed. But how? "
of Lev Tolstoy

inscuotibile Power is now, but it does not rely more sull'unzione, the election, the representation or other spiritual principles, but on the strength, and yet the people no longer believe in the power and respect and will not submit to it if he can not do otherwise.
Now, after the middle of last century, after the power has become inscuotibile and at the same time the people had lost its justification and its prestige, a doctrine began to appear among men [...]. According to this doctrine, the power is not, as was thought at other times, something divine, of Augustus, nor is it a necessary condition of social life, but simply the result of gross violence towards one another. That power is in the hands of Louis XVI or the Committee of Public Safety, the Director or the Consulate of Napoleon and Louis XVIII, the sultan, the President, the mikado or prime ministers, wherever there is the power of each other, there will be freedom, but oppression of each other. That is why the power must be destroyed. But as
destroy it? And how, by destroying the power to ensure that men do not return to the wild of violence exercised by the rough on each other?
All anarchists - how you call the purveyors of this doctrine - not agree among themselves on the response to the first question and say that the power to be effectively destroyed must be destroyed not con la forza, ma con la coscienza che avranno gli uomini del suo danno e della sua inutilità. Ma alla seconda questione: come deve essere stabilita la società senza il potere? essi rispondono in modi differenti.
L'inglese Godwin che viveva alla fine del secolo XVIII e il francese Proudhon, che ha scritto verso la metà del secolo ultimo, rispondevano alla prima questione che basta, per distruggere il potere, che gli uomini abbiano coscienza che il bene generale (Godwin) e la giustizia (Proudhon) siano violati dal potere e che se si spanda nel popolo la convinzione che il bene generale e la giustizia possono essere realizzati, ma solo con l'assenza del potere, questo si destroy itself.
the second question: How power shall be secured without the benefit of society? Godwin and Proudhon replied that men guided by a sense of general well (Godwin) and the Justice (Proudhon) would necessarily forms of life the more reasonable, fairer and more beneficial to everyone. Other anarchists such as Bakunin and Kropotkin, as recognized even by means of the destruction of the power in the masses aware of the harm it causes and its anomalies with the progress of humanity, but also necessary and possible to believe in the meantime the revolution, which suggest prepare men. Answer the second question that as soon as the State and the property will be destroyed, men will put up with reasonable course, free and profitable life.
the question of the means to destroy the power, the German Max Stirner and Tucker meet American writer almost like the previous ones. Both
estimate that if you understood that self-interest of each is not sufficient guidance for legal and human acts and that the power does nothing to prevent the manifestations of these principles, leaders of human life, the power would be destroyed by itself Thanks to obedience and not primarily, as Tucker says, the non-participation in the authority. Their response to the second question is that men, get rid the superstitious belief in the necessity of power, that do not follow their own interest, the grouping themselves according to social forms of life the more regular the most beneficial for everyone.
All these doctrines are quite wrong on this point, that if the power must be destroyed, he can not be by force, since the power will be power, but you can not achieve this if not illuminating the consciousness that the power is useless and harmful, and that men must not obey or participate. This truth is undeniable. The power can not be destroyed with the consciousness that reasonable men. But in what must be to this awareness? Anarchists assume that it can be based on considerations relating to the general good, justice, progress, self-interest of men.
But, without revealing that all these principles are consistent with one another, the very definition of the general good of Justice of progress, of 'personal interest are infinitely various, and this is why it is difficult assume that men disagree and include several principles on whose behalf they are fighting against the power, might destroy it when it is so firmly established and defended with such skill.
is the assumption that the considerations of the general good, della giustizia, della legge del progresso possano essere sufficienti perché gli uomini che non si sono liberati dal potere, ma che non hanno alcuna ragione di sacrificare il loro bene personale al bene generale, si aggruppino in condizioni eque che non urtino la libertà individuale, questa supposizione è ancora meno fondata. Quanto alla teoria utilitaria ed egoistica di Max Stirner e di Tucker, che afferma che i modi di agire di ciascuno secondo l'interesse personale stabiliranno degli equi rapporti fra tutti, essa non è solamente arbitraria, ma assolutamente contraria a ciò che è accaduto e in realtà accade.
Di modo che, riconoscendo con ragione l'arma spirituale come unico mezzo di distruzione del potere, la dottrina dell'anarchismo, according to a non-religious and materialistic conception of the world, has no spiritual weapon, and is limited to assumptions, to dreams that make it possible for the defenders of the violence - thanks to the falsity of the means of implementation of the doctrine that it is proposed - to deny its very basis. And
spiritual weapon is that men have known for a long time, which always destroyed the power and gave those who used it, the complete freedom that can not be removed. This weapon - and there is no other - is the religious view of life in which man considers his earthly existence as a partial manifestation of his life, linking this to the infinite life, the same time, with his supreme good in the fulfillment of the laws of this infinite life, it determines that the submission to these laws is more important to him no matter what obedience to human laws. [...].

Lev Tolstoy
(L. Tolstoy, to politicians, in Id, to politicians. Russo-Japanese War,
trad. M. Salvi, Sonzogno, Milan sd [ 1905], pp. 10-14)

Troubleshooting. Explanations of
Errico Malatesta

On the other hand an error, as opposed to what they fall into the terrorists, threatens the anarchist movement. A little 'reaction against the abuse in recent years has made the violence a bit' for the survival of Christian ideas, and especially the influence of Tolstoy's preaching mysticism, to which the genius and high quality author's moral damage vogue and prestige, began to acquire a certain importance among the anarchists, the party of passive resistance, which has the principle that they should leave oppress and vilify himself and others rather than to hurt the attacker. That's what has been called the 'passive anarchy.

Errico Malatesta

Poiché alcuni, impressionati dalla mia avversione contro la violenza inutile o dannosa, hanno voluto attribuirmi, non so troppo se per lodarmi o per denigrarmi, delle tendenze verso il tolstoismo, io profitto dell'occasione per dichiarare che, secondo me, questa dottrina, per quanto appaia sublimamente altruista, è in realtà the denial of instinct and social duties. A man may, if it is very ... Christian, patiently suffer all sorts of vexations without defending themselves with all means possible, and perhaps remain a moral man. But he would not, in any case and without intending it, a terrible selfish, if he left without oppressing others groped for their defense? if, for example, prefer that a class was reduced to poverty, that a people were trampled by the invader, that a man was injured in the life and freedom, rather than denting the skin of the oppressor?
There may be cases where passive resistance is an effective weapon, and then it would certainly be the best weapons, as would be the most Economic human suffering. But, more often than not, practice passive resistance means reassuring the oppressors against the fear of rebellion, and thus betray the cause of the oppressed.
is curious to observe how the terrorists and tolstoisti , precisely because they are one and the other mystics, to arrive at that same practical consequences. Those would not hesitate to destroy humanity while half of the triumph of the idea, they would leave that all mankind should remain under the weight of the greatest suffering, rather than violate a principle.
For me, I violate all the principles of the world in order to save a man, which would then be adhered to the principle, because In my opinion, all the moral and sociological principles are reduced to just this: the good of men, of all people.

Errico Malatesta
(from "The Anarchy", London, August 1896, republished in Id, selected writings, edited by G. Berner-C. Zaccaria, RL
Edizioni, Napoli 1954 , pp. 21-25)

Leo Tolstoy 1828-1910

of Luigi Galleani

We gave in our last issue the announcement of the death of Leo Tolstoy Nikolajewitch, avvenuta la mattina del 30 novembre u.s. ad Astapova.
Rileviamo in questo una circostanza che, comunque interpretata, non rimane meno vera: l'annunzio della sua morte ha corso il modo d'un brivido fugace. Sono dieci giorni che è morto, e nessuno parla più di lui.
Tra qualche anno nessuno, all'infuori del mondo puramente letterario in cui aveva fin dal 1863 conquistato il diritto di cittadinanza con Guerra e Pace e con Anna Karenina , parlerà più delle sue dottrine, delle sue opere filosofiche e morali.
E sarà giustizia.
Perché tutta la sua filosofia si riassume in uno sterile tentativo d'impossibile restaurazione cristiana, e tutta la sua morale si conchiude nel più wicked teaching of resignation and renunciation, the duty of non-resistance to evil.
[...] And for him the essence of Christianity could be summed up in his speech, according to legend, Christ had given to the disciples on the Mount of Olives:
I. Be at peace with everyone and if peace is troubled efforts to restore it;
II. The man did not take a woman and neither under any pretext, never abandon the other;
III. Do not take oaths;
IV. Suffer the injury and not to return evil for evil;
V. Do not disturb the peace not to benefit your country.
How in the name of the five commandments of the Lord had dared to electrocute the churches "Not only have all the time misunderstood the doctrine of Christ, and the force of things, were always bitterly hostile" but "such as churches as congregations erected on his own infallibility, are institutions openly anti-Christian" (1 ), so again in the name of five commandments of the Lord hurled against the state, against the law, police, judiciary, the army his thunderbolts. Not in the name of humanity, not in the name of liberty in the name of Christ!
Christ said, "Do not judge unless you want to be in turn judged" and in the name of Christ repudiated the courts and judges; Christ had commanded, "thou shalt not kill!" and in the name of Christ repudiated the military service that is a school of murder, repudiated the state that is founded on these principals.

Luigi Galleani

repudiated and the law because the State did not exercise their severity on a limited and restricted shares of morality and try again public opinion: "The opinion public reprimand from the time of Moses selfishness, cruelty, lust, selfishness condemned in all its forms, not only when violent attacks and the property of others; condemns every kind of fornication hill courtesans, divorced their wives like glue legitimate wife condemns all cruelty, mistreatment, starvation, massacres, not only men but also of animals, while the law does not condemn some forms of selfishness, theft and fraud, some forms of lust and cruelty, adultery, murder or mutilation, and thus allows all other forms of lust, selfishness and cruelty "( 2).
therefore not to excess, but for lack of severity and authority Tolstoy could conclude that "the observance of the law no matter what sign is the most crass ignorance" ( 3).
Cotesta proud attitude of Tolstoy against the church, against the state and more against the property, since he has always considered the rich 'guilty by the mere fact of being rich "have created many suspect that Tolstoy was an anarchist. The suspect was also authorized by the opinions he had expressed summary execution of Alexander II and Umberto I.
Tolstoy was an anarchist anarchism especially as regards the life liberated from all yoke of authority, by God before humanity, and he is a believer, "the slave of God" as he liked to declare, because anarchism is done, it is progress, is the highest form of progress that has been given to devise a more civil society human, and he would take us to early Christianity that is the form of capital exceeds twenty centuries of experience, because anarchism takes into account all the historical elements that are scientific economic and moral heritage of humanity and to present these items on the his vision of a new company and it is so rational and scientific even in its case, while Tolstoy's theory is complicated theological metaphysics of morals absurd and anti-human, because where Tolstoy says humility, anarchism says proudly, where Christianity says resignation, anarchism says revolt, which says that it cries repentance freedom, prosperity, fullness of life intense and irresistible! A
Leo Tolstoy is what happened at first it did Herbert Spencer. In its struggle for the individual against the state Herbert Spencer has never lost an opportunity to invest the anarchists of his sarcasm and his invective, and no one gave the anarchists a material more interesting and more effective destruction of revolutionary. The
Tolstoy in his crusade against all forms of violence to hasten with the resignation and the passive resistance l'avvento del «reame di dio» sulla terra, ha infuso nelle vene della rivolta proletaria turbini di sangue indocile colle sue critiche inesorabili dei fondamentali istituti della società borghese.
Per questo tra i borghesi che credono più nell'efficacia della mitraglia regia che non nelle cristiane predicazioni degli apostoli… in ritardo di una ventina di secoli, Leone Tolstoj è stato frettolosamente dimenticato; per questo forse abbondano pietose e diffuse le necrologie sui giornali sovversivi anche su quelli che, come il nostro, non l'amarono mai e giunsero, irriverenti e iconoclasti, a dubitare anche della sincerità della sua fede e del suo apostolato.
Perché, francamente, sulla sincerità della sua propaganda we have had and we have now more than a suspicion, and we have not ever loved.

Luigi Galleani
(from "Chronicle subversive, Barre (Vermont, USA), December 2, 1910, then Id, medallions. figure and figure,
Biblioteca de L ' Gathering of Refractories, Newark (New Jersey, USA) 1930, pp. 90-94).

The anarchist thought in Leo Tolstoy's
Luigi Fabbri

Leo Tolstoy died. And with him is scomparso uno dei grandi geni che hanno onorato la specie umana non solo con le opere dell'ingegno ma anche con un apostolato ideale di bontà.
In poco volgere di anni, quanti il mondo ha perduto di questi fari di luce! A essi tutti gli uomini di pensiero libero e tutti gli oppressori si volgevano fidenti, sicuri di poter trarne un ammaestramento e un incoraggiamento nella lotta faticosa contro il privilegio e per la libertà.
Sia che, come in Zola, Ibsen, Björson, la loro battaglia fosse combattuta nel campo letterario; o, come in Spencer e Bovio, nel campo filosofico; o, infine, come in Luisa Michel, Eliseo Reclus, Francisco Ferrer e Leone Tolstoj, la loro fosse una battaglia molteplice e sul terreno della sociologia e su quello of practical action, it is certain that all these great sons of mankind have left behind a huge void, that inspires us an inconsolable melancholy.
Oh, yes, this is the law of life that drags in the void of death even those who have lived better and more nobly. But we would not feel too sad, if we see the place occupied by others of new intellectual and moral values, which promise to continue the work of early humanity. But, unfortunately, for now we do not see mediocrity that have appeared in the new superb and unnecessary, driven only by egoism and utilitarianism more narrow - which current generations have been bred from a false education throughout resulted dall'arbitraria and unilateral interpretation of scientific progress.

Luigi Fabbri

What is called the "tolstoismo" has no followers, far from it! If Tolstoy's philosophy of life is spread and triumph, we will certainly a regression in human rather than harmful. But this does not prevent us to see Leone Tolstoj la protesta vivente più bella in nome dell'ideale contro lo spirito gretto e basso che vince nell'ora presente. Il suo mistico altruismo, la sua devota abnegazione – inconcepibile per noi occidentali e in realtà inadatto alla vera missione della vita che è azione di combattimento e non contemplazione – hanno un grande valore di protesta e di reazione contro la mancanza di ideali che caratterizza le generazioni presenti.
Malgrado la mentalità diversa e le diverse tendenze, l'apostolo di Jasnaia Poliana è uno degli ultimi eroi di un tempo che è tramontato, del tempo così saturo dell'idealismo e di febbre novatrice che, cominciato coi primi rivolgimenti del 1848, è finito dopo la Comune, col tramonto dell'Internazionale. Lontano da questi avvenimenti, in antitesi coi loro programmi, Leone Tolstoj, si riallaccia a essi per il fervore religioso – religioso nel più nobile e umano senso della parola – che li animava. Poi vennero i pigmei della sesta giornata che, basandosi sopra un materialismo pseudoscientifico, hanno inaugurato l'era della degenerazione riformista.
Che importa se Leone Tolstoj dalle premesse giuste giungeva a conclusioni che non sono tutte le nostre? Che importa ch'egli, dalla critica aspra della società moderna, cui consentiamo, giungesse a consigliare il grave errore della non resistenza al male? Noi non misuriamo il genio, non misuriamo l'opera dei grandi alla stregua dei nostri programmi: e sappiamo intendere lo spirito che li anima, anche al di sopra dei particolari che non ci persuadono, al di là dei metodi e delle forme che non ci sembrano adatte al trionfo delle nostre idee.
Ciò nonostante Leone Tolstoj fu più nostro che d'altri, poiché egli non vedeva la salute dell'umanità che nella scomparsa di tutti gli sfruttamenti e di tutte le autorità. Chi, non dico dei conservatori clericali, ma dei repubblicani e dei socialisti, farebbero proprie le idee di Tolstoj sulla proprietà, sul collettivismo, sul militarismo, sul patriottismo, sullo stato, sul parlamentarismo – che sono così comuni con le idee degli anarchici?
Chissà moreover, that there is also something else for us to learn and assimilate, Tolstoy apostolate. Since only anarchists are too imbued with the utilitarian spirit and material base of our times and it would enliven and ennoble our movement if we could transfuse the spirit of sacrifice and idealism that we miss some time, and Tolstoy, unfortunately unilaterally and exclusively, has played better than anyone in the world.

Editions Spartacus (from "The Thought", Bologna, December 16, 1910)


1. Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God , pp. 96-97.
2. Ibid., P. 172.
3. Tolstoy, Faith, p. 110.

Editions Spartacus
(series 'revival', 21)

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One swallow make a summer
Writings on society without government
with the judgments of Italian anarchists

by Piero Brunello

250 pages - 12.00 €

Saturday, May 16, 2009

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One aspect, though not binding in our system of philosophy based on the NETWORK OF UNCONSCIOUS, the Thesis provides a continuous evolution from inorganic matter Man sapiens sapiens, with no divine intervention needed (which is not not exclude that there may have been for reasons unknown to us).

A first step is the transition from inorganic matter to organic one, and a recent scientific article in "Nature" and taken over by the Corriere della Sera, seem to confirm:

reproduced in the laboratory portion of an RNA molecule through a solution similar to the primordial soup.

LONDON - Four billion years ago, life probably originated on Earth from the so-called "primordial soup", an aqueous solution from which they formed the first organic molecules. A team of British scientists has been able to reproduce in the laboratory part of that process.

TWELVE YEARS OF EVIDENCE - In a study published in Nature, researchers at the University of Manchester, led by John Sutherland, explain how they created ribonucleotides (RNA units, the basic molecule of all life processes) from simple elements, such as those who were presumably in the primordial soup. Instead of starting immediately adding phosphate sugars and nitrogen bases, as had been done so far in such experiments, scientists have gone by the more simple and have played the environmental conditions by heating the solution: the evaporation has left behind a residue of molecules hybrid. Then again, the scientists added water, without heat, evaporate and irradiated with ultraviolet rays in order to reproduce the environmental cycle of the ecosystem primordial in each new phase molecules were increasingly complex. Finally, only the final stage, added phosphate, which also functioned as a catalyst and the acidity regulator: "Surprisingly, it has formed a ribonucleotide," he recalls with enthusiasm Sutherland. "We suspected there was something good out there, but it took 12 years to find out."

THE CHOREOGRAPHY OF MOLECULES - molecules Elements and players in the process of origin of life were known for some time (the fundamental molecules used for this experiment were found both in the interstellar dust in meteorites), but now finally seems to have been established choreography where such reagents must meet to give the useful results. No one in twenty years of trying, was able to demonstrate concrete evidence of the formation of RNA from the reaction of simple molecules and chemicals. For this experiment Sutherland and colleagues is a crucial step to prove the validity of the theory that places the RNA as a starting point of life on Earth. However, there are still many skeptics about the possibility that this system can be created with an entire RNA molecule, which is cumbersome. Sutherland, however, hopes to further develop his research in order to solve the doubts remained.


Another piece is given by another paper, La Repubblica reported, on the faculty of abstraction of monkeys. Unique quality that first it was believed the human race:

study shows that the U.S. is capable of rhesus macaques to evaluate the lost opportunities. Subjected to a game, several examples have shown regret for the loss of the best reward

Remorse, guilt, regret for missed opportunities: these feelings so special and human also belong to the apes. They too, like us, you eat your hands when they waste a good opportunity. Dr. Ben Hayden of Duke University, USA, has studied this type of reaction in the rhesus macaque, showing once again how complex these animals: "It is the first study that clearly shows how the monkeys, like humans, do thoughts like "I could, I would have, I would ...". Typically ours. "Obviously, this kind of feelings should be contextualized within a reality that, as evolved, is not human.

Tartabini According to Professor Angelo, professor of animal psychology at the University of Parma, and one of the greatest Italian experts in the behavior of these primates, guilt and remorse are forms of internalization that arise from the consciousness, or at least the awareness of self and surrounding reality. "You can not feel emotions like this - he explains - if you are not aware of their actions, have made a mistake or have not done the right thing at the right time. It is a common feeling even the dogs, and animal species that characterize the emotionally closest to human beings, like monkeys. "

The rhesus macaques living in various colonies, from 20 to 180 people, organized according to a matriarchal structure, apex of which is a female "alpha." Relations between the females are fairly peaceful, while males are often aggressive behavior, the care of children and monitoring of land are managed jointly by the whole colony. Tartabini explains remorse and regret that, in the case of these animals are generally derived from the violation of social rules, and the monkey is in fact the social animal par excellence. "Any inappropriate behavior - he concludes - is perceived as outside the group, and generates the animal fear of being excluded. And 'that arises from this sense of guilt."

To make the experiment, Dr. Hayden has involved the monkeys in a group game which included an option of having to choose among eight available. Each chip, which is marked by a different color, representing a payout and the green was the one that provided the best prize, a sweet fruit juice. After each monkey had chosen, she was shown what was lost by discarding other options. The neuronal reactions of the animal were then recorded with a scanner and the region used to monitor the consequences of each action, lit up during the game: the more the reward was higher and the cerebral area showing active. And so did every time the monkeys were shown the reward failure, suggesting to students that the animals at that time, were examining what they might have. "People are really good to think not only about why something happens, but what would have happened. We now know that monkeys work that way. They also perceive the value of abstract things."

Monday, May 4, 2009

Help For Fine Grey Hair


Richard Dawkins, in his most famous work, The Selfish Gene, while keeping to an overall system evolution, identify the gene, rather than in species, the main subject of natural selection that leads to the evolutionary process. Dawkins, in fact, states that: "The fundamental unit of selection, selfishness, and then, is neither the species nor group nor in the strict sense of the individual, but the gene, the unit of heredity. "He added, moreover, that scholars and scientists before him have it all wrong because they assumed that the most important developments was the good of the species (or group) rather than the good of the individual (or gene ).

Today, we understand better the nature and especially the behavior of communities of individuals, while not overturning the concept Dawkins, the complement and offset each other in a way quite surprising.

know, in fact, the evolution of social insects (termites, wasps, bees and ants). Here there seems to be a "challenge" to the concept of natural selection, determined by the environment, so individuals with different characteristics have different reproductive success. Social insects show a characteristic that, at first sight, seems incompatible with the vision of Dawkins. In fact, the female bees are prepared to "give up" to play if you develop in normal cells and are exposed to the pheromone of the queen. This feature brings hereditary, in most cases, to zero reproductive success. We know that social insects are descended from solitary species, where each individual develops the ability to reproduce. The development of such behavior reflects a particularly striking case of altruism, that is, behaviors that reduce the reproductive success of those who put them in place for the benefit of relatives. Many naturalists seeking to explain this apparent contradiction, by the reasoning for such waiver to proliferate, to enable a close kin to have many descendants, is a "strategy" winning by natural selection if the amount of an individual to transmit their genes " indirectly "is greater than what is on reproducing itself. In the case of bees, the queen you play a mother or sister of the workers who help, and produces many more descendants of those who could produce a solitary bee.
In one respect, we must also consider the social insects behave as many cells as part of a single organ (the community) and the common good of the community is prefixed to the individual. And in this regard in recent years has come to light a mechanism that could explain in a completely unexpected the source of various social groups of individuals tested by biological evolution. According to Jean Claude Ameisen is the ability to trigger the death of the first time in the biological entities that are organized in society, whether of bacterial colonies, or multicellular animals and social insects. Ameisen's thesis is that apoptosis or programmed cell death, ie death "before time", is the key to explaining the evolution and the individual history of multicellular structures varied and complex, as are the bodies of animals, and certain forms of social organization to be particularly successful, as populations of microorganisms or insect societies. As the cells die by necrosis in the course of inflammatory reactions explode, in apoptosis the cell membrane does not break and there is a sort of collapse and fragmentation directly into the cell. For several decades it was known that cell death during development is used to sculpt the body shape, for example when you have to separate the fingers. In the second half of the eighties has thus demonstrated that cell death is used to select populations of lymphocytes that regulate the immunological control of the self and for structuring the neural networks that incorporate the psychic self. The discovery that this death is programmed and controlled by specific genes and proteins through a mechanism that suppresses the action of specific perpetrators of suicide, normally present in cells, leading to the conclusion that the cells need signals from the social context in which are not to commit suicide. It is then seen that the acquisition of the inability to commit suicide by the cells is one of the crucial steps in the progression of cancer cells to malignancy fatal, but also the onset of autoimmune diseases. By contrast, the cell suicide triggered incorrectly can cause Parkinson's or Alzheimer's.
The genetic selfishness seems so be maximized in the tumor (or tumor) tissue neoplasm composed of atypical cells changed from the normal. The disease is spread by tumor clonality, for lack of cell differentiation and be released from regulatory mechanisms that operate in the body normal.

analyze, therefore, more in dettaglio alcuni comportamenti dei BATTERI:
1) E' noto che la Ps aeruginosa è un batterio cosiddetto "opportunistico", in grado di infettare solo l'ospite con difetto di difese (come in fibrosi cistica, ustioni, AIDS). Per attuare il piano di infezione la Ps aeruginosa produce una enorme quantità di cosiddetti "fattori di virulenza". Molti di questi sono regolati dal sistema "quorum sensing". E' questo un meccanismo per cui un batterio produce delle piccole molecole diffusibili, chiamate AHL, che vengono riconosciute e captate dai batteri circostanti. Quando la concentrazione di queste molecole aumenta oltre una soglia critica, a causa dell'aumento del numero di batteri, i livelli di queste molecole entro le cellule sono sufficienti ad indurre l'attivazione di geni di virulenza, prima silenti, entro il batterio. Tra i fattori generati da questi geni figurano quelli che inducono la formazione di "biofilm", cioè quella sostanza mucoide che protegge gli aggregati batterici (colonie) contro le difese dell'ospite ed anche contro gli antibiotici, in una sorta di resistenza armata. Il "quorum sensing" è dunque un meccanismo di comunicazione tra batteri che li abilita ad agire come comunità nella regolazione di espressione genica. Questo sistema conferisce ai batteri un vantaggio selettivo sulle difese dell'ospite ed è pertanto fondamentale per lo sviluppo della malattia polmonare.

2) Il cannibalismo tra batteri è uno strano comportamento attuato in response to stressors such as malnutrition, the thermal shock conditions and the presence of certain chemicals in the environment. At that point, the colony reduces its population, killing many cells to preserve the other, applying it also seems a rudimentary form of social intelligence that can not destroys the colony. The Israeli researchers at Tel Aviv University, Eshel Ben-Jacob explained, "If we expose the bacterial colonies usually emit chemical signals to avoid competition from other colonies or in response to severe stress, they will do their own work for us killing each other.
3) Discovery of a bacterial protein that controls the size of the colony
Us used to thinking of bacteria as a single-celled organisms, each for himself, however, some findings of recent years have shown that they can communicate with each other as the cells of a multicellular organism. And now it turns out that this comunicazone reached such levels of sophistication to modulate the size of the colonies < sacrificali > inducing suicide. Many bacterial species have a genetic form of suicide, responsible for the production of a dangerous long-lived toxin and antitoxin more unstable (short lived). When the module is on, the synthesis continued dell'antitossina compensates for the presence of the toxin, keeping the bacteria alive. If the form is off, the stocks of antidote and the end batterio muore. Su < Science > un gruppo di ricercatori istraeliani ha chiarito che a controlare questo fenomeno, spegnendo il modulo, è l'azione di una proteina chiamata " fattore di morte extracellulare " ( EDF ), prodotta dai batteri stessi. Ma perchè mai un batterio dovrebbe suicidarsi? La domanda ovviamente non ha senso se lo si considera un organismo unicellulare isolato, ma la prospettiva cambia in un contesto di pluricellularità. del resto non va dimenticato che negli organismi pluricellulari la morte programmata è fondamentale per lo sviluppo. Nei batteri lo scopo è ridurre la densità della colonia in caso di condizioni critiche, come la carenza di nutrienti o la presenza di virus o di antibiotici, che potrebbero debellarla: meglio sacrifice someone and try to resist rather than to die together. < La morte indotta dalla tossina avviene in genere solo in colture sovraffollate. Ora sappiamo perchè: la responsabilità è della proteina EDF >, says the coordinator of the research Engelbergr-Kulka. < In effetti, abbiamo verificato che basta aggiungere questa proteina a una colonia a bassa densità di popolazione per indurre i suoi membri al suicidio >. Even more interesting is the way in which the protein is produced, ie from the degradation of an enzyme. E 'likely that stress induces some bacteria to destroy its enzymes, generating sescreto EDF, which is to communicate to other bacteria to die out if the stress continues. The mechanism is a good candidate for the development of new antibiotics, able to stimulate this form to suicide in bacteria that have it.
4) Self-organization of an amoeba hungry.
Chemotaxis is the phenomenon of micro or macro organisms change their movement pursuant to the merger, or the concentration gradient of a chemical in the environment in which they occur.
AND 'behavior that evolution has largely honored in bacteria, such as basic communication mechanism for the formation of colonies, and for adapting to changing environmental conditions, such as the presence of food or antibiotics. Are many and well documented examples that demonstrate how the interaction with environmental chemicals, which can also be secreted by the bacteria themselves (in this case we speak of chemotactic signaling), leading to the formation of specific patterns surprising, both morphological and behavioral which constitute an effective adaptive response by these microorganisms. Amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum
is that under certain circumstances become a pseudoplasmodio. This microbial taxonomy conceals a matter of considerable interest to those interested in complex systems: if an amoeba is a single-celled organism, a multicellular pseudoplasmodio instead. For this creature chemotaxis plays a recognized role both in the search for food, in which the individual cells "sniff" the concentrations of folic acid to locate food, or in response to a specific environmental stress: lack of nourishment. In this case the cells secrete acrasina and in so doing trigger a process of aggregation, or self-organization, culminating in the formation of a colony of cells.
This aggregate is very consistent, so that it can be distinguished in functional subsystems Members of the motorcycle or sporazione.
What we can observe at one point as a collection of autonomous individuals, in some circumstances engage in unison a series of actions that lead them to join in establishing a single body, without there being a pacemaker cell to direct operations It is the collective response of cells to the spread of acrasina environment to generate the colonial organization.
Today, thirty years after its first draft, the theory of the aggregation of Dictyostelium is recognized as a classic bottom-up studies on the behavior.
Steven Johnson - Emergence.

is not difficult to conclude that the new entity organized collectively emerge from the multitude of individuals. Similarly, if the response of bacteria to the presence of antibiotics, we can say that the collective behavior emerges from a multitude of individual behavior incredibly consistent with the purpose of the action.
communication, or regulation, accompanied by chemotactic life since his appearance probably, and characterizes organisms that inhabit our planet at different scales: from bacteria and amoebae, to multicellular organisms, tissues, neural, social insects, certain behaviors complex animals. Similar mechanisms have been willing to see higher type of social behavior, even up to humans, but this would introduce a universality that evil is not so trivially inferred.
What interests me highlight is the fact that chemotaxis is an example of emergent behavior, where the characteristic of emergency can be clarified as
a property of complex systems:
[A complex system is] a system with multiple agents that interact dynamically in different ways, according to local rules, and indifferent to any high-level education. [...] This system could not really be considered if the emerging local interactions did not produce some kind of macrocomportamento recognizable.
[...] The movement by the rules of low-level to high level of sophistication is what we call emergency. Local
[...] turns out to be the key term to understand the logic of swarm. Observe emergent behavior when individuals turn their attention to a system rather than waiting around for the immediate orders from above, when they think locally and act locally, but their collective action produces global behavior. (Steven Johnson - Emergence.)

5) The micro-organisms like democracy

a complex bacterial community reacts more quickly and efficiently in a stress if the species that comprise it have a uniform distribution of number of individuals.

Bacteria, like humans, live in complex communities characterized by great diversity. And for them to form a "democratic" organization appears to be the most appropriate to ensure the functionality of the entire community. And 'this is the curious conclusion which is a joint study carried out by a consortium of research groups at the University of Milan and the University of Gent, Belgium, coordinated by Daniel Daffonchio.

The research, published early online in Nature, is part of a project on "Microbial Resource Management (MRM Microbial Resource Managenment) which has as its ultimate objective the identification of factors key guiding the behavior of complex microbial communities in various environments, and that, if properly controlled, can afford to take advantage of biotechnology, the microbial communities themselves to applications in agricultural sciences, environmental and biomedical applications.

The concept of biodiversity has a complex joint, which includes aspects taxonomic, functional, spatial and temporal related to the diversity of organisms, with special emphasis on the number of species and their relative abundance. Using experimental microcosms with bacterial communities with the same number of species but with different numbers of individuals for each of them, the study shows that an equal number of individuals for each species initially present in the community is a key factor for the stability and functionality of the ecosystem.

In particular, we show that a community reacts more quickly to a stress if species that make up the show an even distribution of the number of individuals.

If, however, depends heavily on a dominant species, is much more exposed to fluctuations in the environment that surrounds it. In other words, the selection that leads to domination by a few species or the other does not guarantee good performance of the ecosystem.

It is a discovery that opens up interesting prospects for agro-environmental sciences, food sciences and medical microbiology. Molecular techniques have proved successful could be used to predict defects in the functioning of ecosystems and manage biotechnology processes with complex microbial communities, can ensure long-lasting performance. (Gg)