Thursday, June 25, 2009

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Cineforum in Primavalle STUDENT NEWS + UPDATES VARIOUS

The (provisional name!) 'Collective youth Roma Nord' (which also involves a number of collective self-pasteur) is organizing an initiative for Saturday, July 4 against the cost of culture.
will be screened on the mythical 'Rock'nRoll' gardens of Via Litta 2, from 21.30. Admission by subscription
a seguire dj set musica electro e raggae + bar (birre a volontà e qualche cocktail tra i più semplici!)
Di seguito il volantino
(torneremo anche fra qualche giorno con aggiornamenti sul mondo politico)

(in aggiornamento)
27-6-2009: Contestato il presidente del municipio XIX Alfredo Milioni da ragazzi di roma nord (tra cui alcuni del nostro Collettivo) per delle irregolarità (già costate a Milioni un richiamo dalla regione lazio) nell'attribuzione dei seggi alle elezioni del fantomatico consiglio dei giovani. I posti di alcuni compagni che si erano candidati ed erano stati regolarmente eletti sono stati assegnati irregularly to the fascist clique (best known for the beatings took in Piazza Navona during the Wave) "blocking student."
THE PHOTO ON THE WAY BATTISTINI banner hanging in front of the town hall:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

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intelligence and knowledge domains to create new representations of the world.

Su "PLoS ONE": Dal sito:
Scimmie intellligenti... chi più, chi meno

Gli studiosi hanno utilizzato alcune batterie di test per determinare il parametro "g" elaborato in psicologia per valutare la correlazione tra i risultati ottenuti in diversi compiti cognitivi

Ricercatori della Harvard University hanno mostrato per la prima volta come l'intelligenza possa vary between different individuals in a population of monkeys, notably in the cotton canopy in tamarin (Saguinus oedipus).

In the new study were considered 22 tamarins subjected to 11 different tasks arranged in order to evaluate various cognitive functions including working memory, executive control, the speed of information processing and inhibitory control.

Through tests, the researchers were able to identify examples of high, medium and low capacity, according to a score of general intelligence. The latter, also referred to by the letter "g", is a parameter for human intelligence and thought is conceptually similar to the most famous quotient IQ intelligence. Just use a parameter "human" enables researchers to get more information on the evolution of intelligence in primates.

The parameter g refers to the positive correlation of proven performance in various tasks in an intelligence test: Konika Banerjee and colleagues found that g accounts for the 20 percent of the performance of the proposed tasks in monkeys during the study The remaining 80 percent of the variability appears to be due to contingent factors relating to the task itself or the environment.

Although we can not make a direct comparison, the value of "g" for the man realizes the 40-60 percent of the variability Individual results of different tasks of an IQ test: From this point of view, the increase could actually be connected to the evolution of the human brain.
"The general intelligence is an important component of human intelligence but can also be based on neural substrates that old," said Banerjee, a researcher in the department of psychology at Harvard and co-author of the article published in the latest edition of the journal open-access journal PLoS One. "If several primate taxa differ in the value of 'g' and if human beings are placed at a great distance from the rest of the species that can only mean that we are able to combine thoughts derived from different domain knowledge to create new representations of the world. "
According to the researchers the battery of tests they devised, in which many responsibilities included the acquisition of a portion of food, should be a first step in developing methods of standard assessment for all primates, to check with other species. (Fc)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

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The Pasteur
teaching alternative, as you know, can not be done due to asbestos on the roof of the gym . This material, in fact, carried by the wind would make it impossible to live within the school environment ...
In fact, apart from the fact that the situation is so for decades, you do not understand the prohibition of an activity such as teaching alternative was to take place entirely within a school hours (So \u200b\u200bneedless to say that the prolongation of the afternoon could have been the principal cause bureaucratic problems ...). More than anything there is the impression that this is not an excuse for us to do even one day of teaching.
With this motivation there was also banned the party the afternoon in the gym, with its concert, scheduled for these days (this afternoon, while courses such as those of language, remain undisturbed), but we are "dealing" to see if you can move it to another place in the schoolyard.
The point, however, is that at the end of year is easy for the head of the Pasteur take some time and get through school without taking una decisione per autorizzare le iniziative degli studenti... e quindi è difficile ottenere qualcosa tra fine maggio e inizio giugno.
Sul movimento:
eravamo rimasti al corteo del 4 aprile. I maggiori cortei successivi sono stati quello antifascista del 25 Aprile (in 10 000 a Roma, e 150 000 a Milano, dove c'era la manifestazione nazionale) e quello contro il G8 sulla sicurezza tenutosi a Roma sabato scorso, con 20 000 partecipanti per gli organizzatori, 5 000 per la Digos.
Non ci sono stati scontri, anche se ad un certo punto un gruppo di nazisti ha attaccato il corteo, per poi scappare dopo 20 secondi, e far trovare ai compagni che li inseguivano la polizia schierata dietro l'angolo. I 4 compagni arrestati sono già stati rilasciati.
the demonstration against the G8 summit in Turin, then, there have been strong and unjustified levels of the police, who also test a new type of tear gas (of course without even warn before) the most painful and very damaging to health than conventional ones.
negative is the fact that the party organized by the Bangladeshi community in Rome in the night, 20 Nazis attacked the few people present and have destroyed all the material of the festival, which lasts several days. This is because Alemanno has not, as every year, the availability of the usual park Centocelle to make the party, but the initiative has shifted in a more intolerant and right [X INFO node/10207]. The next day took part in a march against fascism.
note, finally, a series of activities in universities, particularly in Rome 3 (exhibitions, festivals, conferences, debates and social dinners) is not usual for the period and certainly a positive sign.
For more detailed information on anything to write collettivo.pasteur @