Sunday, September 27, 2009

Create Your Own Wrestling Card

Justice, ethics and good sense. The three roads that lead to the truth, according to Cardinal Carlo Maria Martini.

Post in costruzione.
Dal corriere della sera del 27 Settembre 2009.
Domande & Risposte al Cardinale Martini.
"Eminenza, sono una donna di Milano, artista, che ha seguito la sua Cattedra dei non credenti. Mi piacerebbe sapere cosa intende con la parola autenticità? Autenticità e verità, quale legame esiste tra le due parole?" --- Antonella Ortelli (Milano)

*** La risposta del Cardinale:
" L'autenticità mi pare ammetta......

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Yellow Lab With Runny Eyes

A serious limitation of all religions that are based on metaphysics.

Premesso che, come giustamente ha affermato Benedetto XVI a Ratisbona, le sacre scritture vanno interpretate secondo ragione, il cattolicesimo, come tante altre religioni, che si basano sulla metafisica, ha un grave limite. Si ritiene che Dio, o chi per Lui, abbia voluto communicate a code of ethics similar to our codes (criminal, civil, etc..) articles and several paragraphs (or, for Catholicism, the ten commandments + other sins which incurs excommunications and other). This implies a generalization of the strict rules and not elastic, even more of our criminal laws in which it refers at least the "extenuating circumstances". With this metaphysical vision of the divine laws, or what is or is BLACK WHITE, as it is believed that a divine law must necessarily be PERFECT. Nothing could be more inhuman and irrational. As rightly said Umberto Eco about the city 'Plato's ideal, this could be good for the gods and not men, as imperfect. In gospel itself, Christ has clarified the issue when a scribe asked him what was the greatest commandment 'GREAT. Meanwhile, it appears that not all sins are equally important, but a response to Christ's "Love God ... and love your neighbor as yourself", espicitata better, soon after, in the parable of the Good Samaritan (understanding what to do to become close to others = altruism towards those who need it), there is the key to solving the problem. In fact, soon after, in the same gospel, said that the other commandments are derived from this most important commandment (altruism). Loving God also always brings as a consequence, to love their brethren (see step Gospel: "I was hungry and you gave me food, ......). should therefore be self-evident, but unfortunately it still is for those based on metaphysics, which each rule should be interpreted according to that religion" keystone, that is, every action must be judged as a whole, if it is a selfish or selfless action, which will bring good or harm to its neighbor. To give a concrete example, if you abort a child of 9 years old raped from the father (if recent Brazilian), doctors who do this may incur an excommunication, as they do to save the life of the child, surely destined to die in childbirth. The same applies, for example, for a separation (also in the presence of children) when it comes to "beat" all the time and create an atmosphere of serious tension: it is irrational to think that this is the will of God rule laid down by Christ on the indissolubility of marriage must be interpreted reasonably to limit abuse of selfish stronger (usually the rich and powerful men who repudiated their wives to marry younger and more beautiful), but in any interpretation of religious law must always prevail altruism and the good of others, especially the weakest and need, bearing in mind that you can not always be saints, but ordinary people, subject to jealousy, anger, contempt, impatience, hatred, and many other defects that prevent a volte, un'accettabile convivenza. E anche la buona volontà, nella realtà dei fatti, non è sufficiente nemmeno per nascondere ai figli il reale stato di conflitto e di tensione, con conseguenti gravi traumi psichici.