Monday, February 15, 2010

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Analysis of the three non-reductionist philosophical systems Metaphysics, Holism, unconscious

Il sistema filosofico basato sulla “Rete degli inconsci” non postula l’esistenza di nessuna spiritualità (o pseudo-tale) prima dell’avvento di esseri umani (o dotati di coscienza, razionalità ed astrazione); per cui limita queste attività nel pianeta terra agli ultimi 3-4 milioni di anni su circa 13 miliardi di anni dal BIG BANG, e dal punto di vista spaziale, nella nostra galassia, solo sulla terra.
E’ stata l’evoluzione biologica che arrivando ad esseri intelligenti, consapevoli e razionali, ha interconnesso i loro inconsci, come già avveniva per altre forme di animali inferiori (stormi di uccelli, banchi di pesci, insetti sociali, etc.). Da qui la travisazione di questi fenomeni per l’esistenza di un mondo parallelo spirituale o metafisico; e/o di una visone olistica della realtà.
La verità, in natura, è molto spesso quella più semplice e più probabile.

I fenomeni esoterici o pseudo-tali di nostra conoscenza hanno interessato singole persone, coppie di persone, gruppi di persone, o molto più raramente collettività di persone (allucinazioni collettive); e difficilmente very large community of people (unless the collective prayers of the Moslems, Rosicrucians, etc.)..
Hence, among the three systems analyzed, the one that has more chance of being real is certainly one of the network of unconscious, which as with the Internet, has such flexibility of interconnection (single, in pairs, in groups, large groups), and hardly that of the oil, which should involve all at once in the entire universe. Just think of two or three separate flocks of birds circling in the air separately (where the coordination unconscious one?).

3) temporal analysis.
is difficult to imagine a holistic or metaphysical world that remains dormant for 13 billion years, awaiting the arrival of man, to stay active only a few million years, and then slip back into hibernation. The network of unconscious, however, is entirely plausible that this pseudo-spiritual world is born and dies with humanity itself.

4) spatial analysis.
is equally hard to imagine a world of pseudo-spiritual limited to the ground (a speck of dust compared to the universe), and prevail in the rest of the universe only the physical laws we know and the matter does not interact with the "mind "Bodies of intelligent and rational.

E 'self-evident that the system NETWORK OF UNCONSCIOUS is more likely and realistic, and the only explanation for why the metaphysical and the oil had prevailed for thousands of years is due not only to have assumed a network of unconscious type of Internet connection ( what before 2000 in excess of our human imagination, but now quite simple and intuitive). Metaphysics and oil were also born from great presumption that the entire universe has been designed to be functional and the service of man (or other beings who have come to consciousness and rationality), while all science favors a material evolution Biological and without a predetermined direction.

Some may argue that, in this view, there is no love and hate, but let's not forget that instead of a workhorse, it is the innovative concept of good and evil.