Tuesday, May 25, 2010

How Long Do You Have Egg White Cervical Mucus


May 25 18:00 Martha, Memories of a Witch
John Calamari (ITA 2007-50 ')
Martha is tough and imposing as the Dolomites. Sweet and fragile as the
paths that cut the Schlerngebiet. In the search for identity faces
herself, country, family. The young woman who wanted the pants
eventually find the magic. "I una strega” dice. E poco
importa se qualcuno non ci crede.

25 maggio ore 20.00 Reinalda del Carmen, mia madre e me
di Lorena Giachino Torrens (CHL 2006 - 85’)
Una riflessione sull’amicizia, la maternità, la perdita. L’autrice cerca di
ricostruire la storia di amicizia tra sua madre che ha perso la memoria
due anni prima per uno scompenso diabetico, e Reinalda del Carmen
Pereira, sua migliore amica all’Università, detenuta e scomparsa durante
la feroce repressione cilena.

26 maggio ore 18.00 Tres Minutos
di Eva Baratta (ITA/ARG 2004 - 73’)
Quattro donne a Buenos Aires che
conducono vite molto diverse e durante
il giorno affrontano i propri
problemi. Ma per tutte arriva il momento
di fuggire in un altro mondo:
correre alla milonga e soddisfare un
desiderio, una necessità, anche se
soltanto per i pochi minuti che un
tango può durare
27 maggio ore 18.00 La Persona De Leo N.
di Alberto Vendemmiati (ITA 2005 - 87’)
“Avevo dodici anni, e seguivo già
questo istinto, solo che avevo
paura di far soffrire qualcuno…”.
De Leo N., come è nominata nelle
perizie psichiatriche che analizzano
la sua transizione da Nicola a Nicole,
oggi è quarantenne and finally
struggle in pursuit of that instinct

Association Documè
via St. Anselm 25 turin

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Angela Myammee Pitts Nipple


"Today, May 21 in the occupation of the Rector held a debate organized by the Collective Altera, endorsed by the assembly of students and of students' employment, the RU486 which saw the intervention of Eleanor and Silvio Viale Artesio. Standing in a context of creation of free and self-knowledge, we felt the need, explore in a workshop, a question which we recognize as fully political.

You can not fail to notice that the debate on the pill abortion is just one of many examples of how social control passes through the bodies of women, reducing them to an instrument of political blackmail.

argue that taking a drug instead of undergoing surgery to allow the woman to take t the decision to abort more lightly, it is unacceptable to us, as well as to consider abortion a sin to be expiated by pain.

is disconcerting to us as political confrontation and interference Vatican have led to an introduction of the drug in Italy so slow compared to other European countries.

should consider how all this fits into a broader context in which the subjectivity of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people are denied in favor of heterosexuality rules and a model of the traditional family based on marriage.

express our dissent against the declarations of the newly elected governor Cota who wants to promote the integration of the movement for life in hospitals and schools.

Our defense employment in the public university is also born from the desire to create a critical knowledge, other areas of social life outside of sexist logic. "

Female students and students of the Rector Busy

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Bilateral Hamstring Strain Treatment

RU486: The Pill of contention. Medical issue or political problem?

Friday 21 18 May at the Rectorate Busy.

- Eleanor Artesio
Regional Councillor
Former Regional Minister of Health

- Silvio Viale
Professor at the Faculty of Medicine, Sant'Anna Hospital Gynaecologist Molinette

to follow themes of the workshop on Collective

Doctors Without Flags

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Best Bronzing Powders 2010


TORINO Saturday, June 19, 2010

The growing threat that rise, almost general indifference, against the rights of all and all it led us to organize a big joint demonstration of the entire LGBT, women, migrants and the laity and how / believe the fundamental rights to their lives in Turin, Saturday, June 19, 2010.

The title of the event is "The rights are our PRIDE" and want it to be a great time to sit together around certain core values \u200b\u200bthat we are never called into question: self-determination, the laity ', anti-racist and anti-fascists.

For the protection of these values, which appear increasingly shared by politicians local and national, can not take sides in a piecemeal parts of civil society, but is in the interest of all and all focus on a unified political action.
We want to express to assert rights that we consider not negotiable because they are the foundation of individual liberties and collective.

Right to self-determination on himself and on his body, which in practice means: *

freely express our sexual orientation and gender identity
* our freedom to love and to choose how and with whom they live
click * if we want to be or not to be mothers
* choose how to deal with illness and even death

Right to choose where to live, freedom of movement and not be discriminated against on the basis of our geographical origin


right * health
* right to education and a public and secular education to remove inequalities
* right to work and the dignity of all work without discrimination and blackmail
* right to the common property

We want the event is also a party to express our pride with multiple differences. For this we used the word PRIDE, which is the history of the LGBT movement, extending it to all those who now believe that jeopardized the rights that they believed captured.
We call an extraordinary mobilization to make the voice of civil society who wants to live in a region is in a secular country, and anti-fascists who support the rights, dignity and freedom for all and all.

Il Comitato 19 giugno
Promosso da: Donne di Torino per l’Autodeterminazione e Coordinamento Torino Pride LGBT

per adesioni: comitato19giugno@gmail.com

Cubefield Cheat Skipping Levels

manifest discrimination unit!

«Troviamo indecenti le metologie comunicative utilizzate dalle liste “Studenti per la Libertà” e “Azione Universitaria”, nelle quali si crea una ovvia e offensiva analogia tra il corpo femminile e il “il giusto cocktail per l’Università”», dichiara il collettivo AlterEva, collettivo interfacoltà che si occupa di tematiche di genere, che in collaborazione con la consigliera di fiducia dell’Unito ha aperto uno sportello anti-molestie, vessazioni e discriminazioni.

«Abbiamo denunciato il messaggio contenuto nei manifesti elettorali per il CNSU alla Consigliera di Fiducia e al Comitato Pari Opportunità dell’Università degli Studi di Torino. Pensiamo che una struttura pubblica – specialmente un’università – debba difendere la dignità della persona e promuovere le differenze senza permettere vergognose strumentalizzazioni del corpo della donna, ora addirittura utilizzato come mezzo di becera propaganda elettorale».