Sunday, January 25, 2009

Cheap Dartboard Stands


--- From the movement ---
With the protection of the assignment of Digos City
Rain of bolts on the anti-fascist demonstrators launched by activists Pound House

Saturday 24: Milan an imposing procession of 5000 people across the city to say no to eviction of the historic community center 'Cox18'; another parade in Naples, braving the rain, has marched with the dual purpose (met) to prevent the fascists from 'the right' of the businessman Francesco Storace con artist to reach the historic city center with their procession, provocative Gold Medal in a city like Naples for the Resistance, and strongly supporting the anti-fascist character of the beautiful town bell. Saturday 24
But, unfortunately, the anti-fascists in Rome had to take to the streets in a procession started and ended, after a tour of the district, Piazzale della Radio, to protest against the new fascist occupation of the association (just from leakage 'Fiamma Tricolore') 'Casa Pound Italy', called 'Uscocchi' (referring to D'Annunzio ...).
Shortly before, during autumn, had been occupied by the student movement in a building not far from there, via Induno, with the aim to keep it open for only two days, so as to understand what they need for new spaces social in the neighborhood ... the "police" But in that case, could not resist the temptation to evacuate even for those two days, and students who were there were identified and expelled.
Also not long ago, also the social center 'Horus', occupied in 2007, was stato sgomberato dalla Digos e, quando poche settimane dopo è stato rioccupato, i compagni hanno ritrovato danni per migliaia di € e i muri ricoperti di svastiche e scritte nazifasciste… nonostante la polizia avesse garantito che nulla all’interno sarebbe stato toccato… da “altri”.
Vediamo invece com’è la storia di questa ‘Uscocchia’…
< neonazista Casapound[1] ha occupato una
struttura comunale in via Pellati, al quartiere Portuense. Ancora una volta la
destra estrema tenta di mettere piede in una parte di Roma che negli anni ha
saputo mantenere alta l’attenzione e prevenire che si aprissero new locations
fascist, always attentive to the many cultures that inhabit it.

This space,
originally intended for a recreation center for the elderly, has been for a couple of days
manned by several dozen nostalgic, who say they want to restart
inside the activities of the "green years" [ 2]
already closed for embezzling € 1.2 million health Lazio well, speculating
on services for disabled people. All this with the approval of municipal councilors and municipal
PDL, ensuring that these are few and marginal
squad for the opening of negotiations for the allocation of a place in the area
pubblico, pagato con soldi pubblici.[3]

Il sindaco Alemanno, e buona
parte della maggioranza, che non ha mai rinnegato il proprio attivismo
fascista, sono saliti al Campidoglio con il proposito di cambiare radicalmente
il volto di questa città. Non possiamo permettere che ciò avvenga con la
legittimazione di chi ha compiuto decine di aggressioni e intimidazioni ai
danni di immigrati, studenti ed attivisti di sinistra, come quella che ha
portato all’omicidio di Renato Biagetti[4], sul
litorale di Focene, o quella contro gli studenti in Piazza Navona lo scorso

Esprimiamo la nostra ferma
opposizione a qualsiasi assegnazione public goods to those who claimed
culture of fascist squads, making it increasingly impossible to live our

For days, in fact, the area was patrolled by leafleting.
But the fascists were not afraid (they "believe, obey, fight", but certainly not scared ...): they had no reason, for that matter!: 21 trucks of Digos defended the occupation and continue to defend it, reinforced.

Saturday 24, then, about 500 anti-fascists marched through the neighborhood, under a heavy rain, collecting the hearts of passersby (shopkeepers who post the anti-Fascist pamphlets in their boards for boys and girls who passed by chance and then joined the show) and slogan chanting and hurling anti-fascists.
They collected another thing, though: the cast iron washers on the infamous fascist demonstrators lurking somewhere nearby, which unfortunately has not been seen ... You will be well hidden! Luckily no one was hurt in the rain with washers; there was only a broken headlight of a car stopped nearby. Even the fascists made the rounds before and after the march, with the evident purpose of "pinch" some guy or girl to massacre them isolated from others, have not had success with all'accortezza companions.
short, those who still believed that the institutions (with Alemanno as with Veltroni) are guilty of being equidistant between the left and fascists, we must say that no more of "equidistance" is (which in itself was something very serious and an insult to the supporters who gave their lives to liberate the country), but to facilitate open and explicit alliance between fascists and institutions.
But there will come a time when this action to finally unmask in the eyes of the people, this nostalgia for Mussolini, allowing everyone to recognize their true face: that of the servants of the ruling class and its interests.


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