Saturday, September 18, 2010

When Does Nature Inspire Me

. A

Sapete... è strano essere consapevoli del fatto che quattro anni della mia vita sono rinchiusi qui, davanti a me, in sei scatoloni, una valigia e un borsone da palestra. Quattro anni sembrano pochi se rapportati all'arco intero di una vita, eppure sono abbastanza da lasciarti un segno indelebile. Quattro anni in cui hai riso, hai pianto, hai conosciuto nuovi amici, e ne hai perso qualcuno. In quattro anni passi dai venti ai trenta. In quattro anni ti accorgi di non aver capito ancora chi sei. E ti rimetti to find your identity. Change home, life and habits change, I change. When you feel the overwhelming desire for change is now late for second thoughts. There is a motto that I made in my recent days: that the better the remorse no regrets. In all these years I have always done exactly what my instinct and my heart have suggested that I do. Thanks to this "recall" I was lucky enough to find work in the family of Radio Selene. Thanks to this "recall" I am now living the adventure of Radio Rama.
Well, yes. Back in Salento. And I do it with pleasure nonetheless.
am a pirate, and as such, I never know if the route is the right one, but I know for sure where I'm going.

I bow,
look subdued applause
is deaf,
but laugh anyway.
falling from a stage
and do crafty
are ready
salirne to another.
Someone has pointed the finger at me,
feel from behind
who say "you crazy?"
but who knows
what lies beneath the makeup
hugs me and smiles
and remains of stucco.
Inside is a fire
out there is nothing
but that voice
soft rocks me
says "Go for it
and then who knows?
who loves you so much
hours there and there will be. "
I follow my heart
follow a gleam,
new stage curtain,
new costume.

To the friends of yesterday. To old friends. Friends of tomorrow. And to those who will never be my friends will certainly not mine. A


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