Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Victoria Paris-tracy Adams

More on New Era (the day of protest II)


are stones, they usually say. They are important, "said Nanni Moretti. Tattered crazy, stupid, rowdy, delinquents. So yesterday Don Pasquale, in the picturesque dopogara press conference. Offenders. The Gordian knot: the gradual progress, fleeting shots with small, minimalist, from one term to another in a progression meaning, that nel'economia of a speech made in one go, it seems logical and consequential. And instead of hiding the criminalization of a whole. What we are accused and we all know enough already summarized: the lighting of a firecracker and two smoke bombs that have caused companies to the beauty of 3,500 euro fine from the league. In a few frantic days, we came to be criminals accused of "vandalism". As if our main task was to destroy a car, set fire to bins, not to rob stores but to slash hunger. One of two things: either the wording still hold true, then the public conscience should rise to claim a redefinition, despite the appeal of the new-old salesman, or indeed the concept of crime has spread widely recognized without notice, coming to understand anything against the portfolio of Don Pasquale Casillo. Portfolio from which sooner or later, but it is entirely personal opinion, will pull a rabbit out.


The alpha and omega of everything. Also spoke of this. And so. He admitted that he spent at the time, but guaranteed to do so. How and when will. Meanwhile, he blathered credit endless claims by the community. The community is tight around him to continue to thank him, to kiss feet like a certain statues of saints, to be consumed. And on the day of protest, has isolated the ultras with the stroke of theater: the announcement of the construction of the new stadium. As someone who, in the credibility of several chips, raised in the dark. He asked the press, in essence, to become a union corruption in his service. And judging by the quality of an adversarial process, made a futile request. Unnecessary. A local journalist no one ever came to mind, until now, to dig under the guise of folklore that the return of this character raises captains to discover the true intentions and change the orbit advent administrative, economic and financial implications on the city streets, accordingly. They think the circus, our journalists. You can bet that they would continue to do so without stress employers. The city is back to where - in his words - to redo the money that was stolen, is kidnapped. Stockholm syndrome, doctors say. In the mercy of her captor. That, like some magicians who use hypnosis, can afford to overthrow him any abuse. In exchange for a full consent, no ifs, ands or buts. An absence of critical spirit, an enthusiasm that is typical of humoral football fans. But that clashes with everything else, when the new lord uses football to come to raise elephants.


When you say, it was said, "all united under one flag." The stadium, the popular sectors, such as the legendary agent affratellante: the rich, the poor, the conservative, progressive, educated, the ignorant. Side by side. To fly the same flag. Worship rhetoric of the good old days. Strapaese. But there was an element of truth. This is undeniable. The card, which I'm getting tired even to speak, he retracted the common feeling. Mistake of paying insufficient attention to nature not to notice sull'attimo. Moreover, when faced with a choice of citizenship that would have required the barricades on the street, with the look and lightness of those who choose a movie from Blockbuster, is inevitable. It is too late. And what we saw yesterday on the sidelines of the "Zaccheria, with whole sectors which called for the ultras to leave out of the box, as if they were the only dissonant note in a romance to music and text, is not the inevitable consequence of the fracture consumed July. People love the carriers of dreams, that often coincide with the snake oil salesmen. And the people of the stages is the same as the ballot box. Realists who are opposed are accused of defeatism, to be of chronic troublemaker. It is ignored, minimized, invited to sit away from the masters of New Age. "It is building a great project," said the Pulcinella capopopolo. And, since di ogni rosa si immagina il profumo ma non le spine, nel dubbio è meglio bandire gli scettici. Poco conta dire a questa piazza che la realtà parla la lingua dell’inganno. A quelli che gridavano “Fuori! Fuori!” o facevano gestacci poco ne cale. Vogliono sognare con don Pasquale, sognare il sogno di don Pasquale. E si schierano con lui anche quando devono sborsare 30 euro per una gradinata, 15 per una curva; anche quando denuncia e diffida, quando licenzia e offende. È il prezzo da pagare. Il tributo al sogno di tornare grandi. A noi non rimane che aprire gli occhi e considerare i fatti per quelli che sono: non esiste l’unica grande fede che affratella l’ultras e il tifoso, il ricco e il povero. Esistiamo noi, la nostra minority under siege (by Maroni, the patron and the ordinary citizens feel "right"). And there is the rest, with his approach to Sunday sports. And between us and them, the trench.

Warning for the foreseeable future.

Nobody let us acknowledge, our way of extremist love this shirt. Why would only serve as an alibi. The gods take credit for the disgust yesterday I lived elsewhere. And you do not need to raise the dust of civilization to learn or conspiracy cheap. Everyone assumes its responsibilities. That's when the stadium will not be a funeral organized a tea room open, a database of prospective living autopsy you can not help regretting that the good old days of classical mythology. And maybe you take the opportunity to examine a conscience and understanding of those obsequious has paved the path next to the now, and almost expected, disappearance of typhus.


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