Saturday, April 11, 2009

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the human unconscious that takes its name because it can not be directly known by human consciousness. However, we are certain of his existence, like how we are certain of the existence of dark matter because they note its effects (gravitational). Today, therefore, more we see the effects on our unconscious human emotions, feelings, choices, but not all. We live, often, the experience of dreams, in which we are actors and spectators, but Director and Screenwriter, and for millennia we have misrepresented our unconscious world with a pseudo-transcendental metaphysical or spiritual world.
For Antonio Damasio, one of the greatest living neuroscientists, Descartes' Error was to not understand that nature has built the apparatus of rationality not only above that of biological regulation, but also from it and within itself.
Decision-making (eg to make a choice between two or more alternatives), second Damasio, è spesso ben lontano da quello di un'analisi che consideri minuziosamente i pro e i contro di ciascuna scelta. Il più delle volte, in special modo quando abbiamo a che fare con problemi complessi, dai molteplici risvolti personali e sociali, siamo portato ad utilizzare una strategia diversa che fa riferimento agli esiti di passate esperienze, nelle quali riconosciamo una qualche analogia con la situazione presente. Dette esperienze hanno lasciato delle tracce, non necessariamente coscienti, che richiamano in noi emozioni e sentimenti, con connotazioni negative o positive.
ANALOGAMENTE l’errore di filosofi e teologi del passato è stato quello di NON CAPIRE che l’uomo differiva dagli altri animali non solo per la sua COSCIENZA and RATIONALITY ', but have developed a range of functions than unconscious, which affect his conscience and his decision making.
And, above all, had not understood that the interconnection between the human unconscious, common to all those individuals who are organizing in communities (eg social insects, colonies of bacteria, lymphocytes, flocks of birds and schools of fish) generated functions that were unthinkable a few years ago (enough to reflect on the extraordinary development of bees, ants and termites, without there being a designer or project manager).
All this, however, was not born in an instant, but was the result of a slow evolution, which continues even today At every moment of our lives. The unconscious uses
MEANS, the result of ancient evolutionary experience, even better to influence our consciousness and direct our choices, such as emotions, feelings, love in various forms, intuition and faith, AIM FOR A SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT Selfless.
The good and evil are not, therefore, only moral concepts, but already structured in our subconscious for SEEK TO END SOCIAL ONE COMMUNITY '.
Our subconscious tells us that if something is selfish or altruistic, unless your mind has not been catechized from religions, more or less fundamentalist (which deconstruct our networks synaptic).

human person becomes to us by evolution, as before you became a man of the Neanderthal people. Become a person means, too, seems to enter the NETWORK OF UNCONSCIOUS HUMANITY ', a kind of biological Internet that you can connect all the human unconscious.
This, of course, is possible when the fetus is formed synapses are sufficient for such interconnection and exchange of information, and never in their infancy. Already
St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas, rather than studying the biology of the time, had realized that the embryos into their unconscious COULD NOT HAVE a rational soul, so much so that St. Thomas thought that they could not go to heaven, if died prematurely.
I nostri inconsci ci dicono già se possiamo comunicare con loro; e questo spiega perchè il NOSTRO INTUITO ci dice che hanno meno diritti della SALUTE PSICOFISICA DELLA MADRE, come riconosciuto dal 90% degli stati laici e civili dell'emisfero Nord della terra (stesso risultato che si otterebbe in Italia con un referendum che raggiungesse il quorum, anche se è un paese oltremodo catechizzato).
Lo stesso nostro INTUITO ci dice che una persona in stato vegetativo irreversibile, in cui mancano le funzioni inconsce superiori, non ha più vita come persona umana, ed è ormai un corpo che vegeta.


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