Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Ted Bundy Type Of Women Attracted To

Si scrive Mussolini ma si legge...

You would think that of Benito Mussolini, by now, has already been said and written it all. Yet, given the importance, negative as you want but undeniable, that the character had in our history, the field degli studi non manca di offrire nuovi elementi di conoscenza su aspetti scarsamente indagati, quali, ad esempio, tratti del carattere e della personalità o particolari biografici apparentemente secondari e che hanno invece condizionato molte delle scelte del futuro dittatore. Altrettanto si può dire a proposito degli studi sull’ambiente in cui è avvenuta la prima formazione politica di Mussolini, un ambiente particolare quanto a caratteristiche sociali, vista l’importanza che vi avevano l’appartenenza e l’impegno politico, e dal quale il nostro ha ricavato una sorta di imprinting che lo accompagnerà fino alla fine.
Questo lavoro di scavo in terreni altrimenti poco indagati, è il merito maggiore dell’interessante libro di Paolo Cortesi ( Quando Mussolini non era fascista. Dal socialismo rivoluzionario alla svolta autoritaria: storia della formazione politica di un dittatore , Roma, Newton Compton, 2008), nel quale l’autore, profondo e appassionato conoscitore della sua terra, la Romagna, ricostruisce, con prosa scorrevole e convincente, gli anni della cosiddetta “formazione politica di un dittatore”, evidenziando la profonda influenza che la “romagnolità” ebbe sia sulle iniziali scelte politiche del “duce del fascismo” sia, in un secondo momento, sulla sua involuzione autoritaria e dittatoriale.
Il libro parte, infatti, dalla ricostruzione dell’ambiente Predappio family when his father Alexander, though sincerely attached to his wife Rose, a deeply religious woman, gives to his son, as a good socialist, subversive and fiercely anti-clerical education. And in fact, Benito Amilcare Arnaldo (as recorded to the registry, you know, in honor of the Mexican revolutionary Benito Juarez, Amilcare Cipriani and Arnold of Brescia, heretic) juice with the wine in the evenings in the pub paid plenty of heated discussions with the knife on the table, the ideas of the old blacksmith internationalist. That even if it is passed to the legalistic Socialism does not fail to be noticed, as my colleagues will remember a time, passion and militancy.

È un ambiente sanguigno e privo di sfumature quello in cui cresce Mussolini, come sanguigno e privo di sfumature sarà tutto il suo percorso politico, sempre improntato, al di là della contraddittorietà dei comportamenti, alla gratificazione del proprio ipertrofico e incoercibile ego. Estremista spigoloso quando guidava le schiere massimaliste del socialismo, estremista ispirato quando passò all’interventismo (anche se qui il suo estremismo era alimentato dall’oro largamente elargitogli dai francesi per convincerlo a “tradire”), estremista brutale come duce dei fascisti, quando non volle mitigare la violenza assassina delle squadracce, estremista paranoico when Italy threw in a long series of tragic war enterprises, unconsciously dealt with typical pomposity of the "fake". Who, in essence, tells huge bales (in this case on ridiculous military training and the alleged warlike spirit of the Italians) with the claim not simply to be believed, but also to be admired. In short, a man constantly over the top, unable to adopt attitudes that are not determined by the need to please and delight. I do not think is a stretch to call to mind another character today as intrusive, fake and decided to please everyone and at all costs. Clearly, the history of Italy can not do without it, periodically, rely on skilled and unscrupulous hucksters but false and misleading as the miracles of Our Lady of Lourdes.
Well, perhaps the most interesting aspect of the work of Cortez lies in having shown how the pomposity Mussolini was not a consequence of the political dynamics or necessitated by forcing some kind of higher interests of the country, but rather a trait due to the formation and upbringing in Romagna. A pomposity inevitable for a character that, as poignantly wrote Torquato Nanni, childhood friend and first biographer, could not be "part of man, man's hand violently:" Mussolini neutral would be like saying the sun at midnight. Never neutral, absolutely. " And it shows his whole biography, not only the best known, ranging from 1915 to 1945, but the previous one, when Mussolini is not on the wrong side, but from the workers and the humble, the "oppressed populace," as it was then. That painstakingly reconstructed by Cortesi and foreshadows, in its initial expectations, the following aspects of the personality of Mussolini: culture of excess, a culture of a mixture applicant in Romagna, where the passions, especially political ones, had to express how "passions "In this case powered by a radical socialism not yet polluted by reformist tendencies and government. The hagiography
Mussolini, as well as damnatio memoriae that followed, they never should have been addressed as these traits, considering that they were not the first path of ennobling the human and political "leader", the second because a careful reading material almost only to economic causes of social dynamics could not linger to also carefully consider the psychological and emotional aspects which are determined by historical events. With the exception of the innovative Berneri studies on the psychology of Mussolini, the gaps are still many historical studies.
Cortesi's book is thus to provide a tool for knowledge to better understand how it was possible that a character so negative, even though is undoubtedly brilliant, could have enjoyed so much credit. And how can that still one that should be handled by sleazy barker, when you put politics in throwing away any moral scruples, is able to have a plebiscite and then so so dangerous. To ask about the past, as always, need to understand the present. And this in mind, cluttered with people roaring and screaming, really needs to be investigated more carefully and critically. Cortesi's book, while looking at a seemingly distant past, investigates the present too. And this is certainly not little.

Massimo Ortalli


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