Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Symptoms Of Warts In Throat

The large collective intelligence of small groups

From an article in SCIENCE of 04/10/2010:

If a group co-operates well, it can take advantage of a surplus of intelligence that exceeds the capacities of its individual members. To establish and a study by researchers at MIT, Carnegie Mellon University, and Union College, who sign about an article published in Science, which also shows that the tendency to cooperate effectively is in fact related to the number of women who are in the group.

"We wanted to test the hypothesis that groups as such, like people, have a considerable ability to deal with different types of tasks," said Anita Williams Woolley, the first signatory of the article. "And our hypothesis was confirmed. We found that there is generally effective, a collective group, which is predictive of group performance in many situations."

This collective intelligence, the researchers say, is closely linked to the ability to develop good co-operation: groups whose members had higher levels of "social sensitivity" were those that showed a higher collective intelligence.

"The social awareness has to do with the ability of group members to perceive the emotions of each member of the group. Thus, in groups where there was a dominant person, the group had a collective lower than those in which the relationship of conversation were distributed more evenly, "the researchers note. In general, moreover, the groups contained more women have a higher social sensitivity and a greater collective intelligence of those with fewer women.

To reach their conclusions, the researchers conducted a series of studies in 699 subjects divided into groups that included two to five people. The groups worked on a number of problems ranging from visual puzzle to negotiations, from brainstorming to role-playing games of varying complexity.

examination results of individual subjects and Researchers have estimated that the collective intelligence could account for about 40 percent of the variation in performance of different groups in a wide variety of tasks. The performance of the group does not seem determined primarily by the individual skills of its members, the maximum intelligence and the average of a group was not predictive of group performance. (Gg) ----------------

This, we believe it is a further indication of the operation of the network of UNCONSCIOUS we theorized. View: www.inconsci.blogspot.com

already know that (see our POST: http://nuoveteorie.blogspot.com/2009/06/lintelligenza-ei-domini-di-conoscenza.html)
man has evolved so much intellectual apes because we are only able to combine thoughts derived from different domains of knowledge to create new representations of the world and find new solutions to problems. An extreme example is provided by multidisciplinary genius of Leonardo da Vinci.

If now imagine that in a close-knit group and with high levels of "social sensitivity", the unconscious is put in communication with each other and can compare the individual domains of knowledge of each individual, it is clear that the chances of finding new solutions rise significantly (a parallel between a server computer that uses the data of individual computers to find more le soluzioni migliori). Se invece prevale un inconscio dominante, questo libero scambio emotivo (e quindi inconscio) non avviene. La presenza delle donne accentua poi lo stato di emotività sia per componenti sessuali inconsce, ma anche tra donne stesse, già geneticamente più predisposte a cooperare, a differenza degli individualismi maschili (e mi riferisco alle eredità sinaptiche dei tempi dei cacciatori-raccoglitori, quando le donne rimanevano, tutte insieme, nell'accampamento)

Questo meccanismo molto probabilmente è alla base delle grandi RIVELAZIONI ed ILLUMINAZIONI che certe persone ricevono nel loro inconscio (Gli antichi maestri induisti,Tao, Buddha, Mosè, Zaratustra, Mani, Maometto, Jung, etc...) These are the result of unconscious interactions of many people (even whole nations) that use individual knowledge and collectively develop new visions of reality. This explains the multiplicity of the thousands of religions and esoteric cults, often with conflicting teachings, but in any case different. This vision is also part of our new philosophical system of the network of unconscious result of the latest scientific knowledge and lessons for ages considered spiritual. At the time of lighting and pseudo-pseudo-revelations of the past, there were important conflicts between science and religion, because they were considered operating at different levels. Today, however, an alternative vision of reality, per essere più convincente e condivisa, necessita anche della mancanza di questi contrasti. Naturalmente, le precedenti visioni della realtà erano frutto di elaborazioni di domini di conoscenze collettivi più limitati.


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