Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Globe Theatre Model Template

"Better Foggia" on Sky (Channel 200 - 10.30)

In December 2007, inspired by the tutelary deity Nick Hornby and the red and black striped shirt Athletic Union, we gave birth to our firstborn literature. We decided to call echoing an old title for the Corriere dello Sport: " Juve or Milan? Foggia better. " Newsagents and bookstores began to peddle this our pleasant fatigue - published through the efforts of our unconscious, and enriched by the publisher Conrad Rainone wonderful preface to Darwin Pastorin - and that Christmas was filled with memories. "The acrid smell of tear-Foggia Varese to bolt irreducible Caramanno Pino. Hopes of Pippo Pippo Marchioro the scope of promotion in the night in B ". So explained short article that we have been accustomed to read and reread. To give an idea of \u200b\u200bour chance of a sentimental journey in the history of the team that makes us go crazy with joy. And not only.

In May of 2010, our baby has grown up. She left outside the borders of the province, and thanks to a new unconscious, this time of Bradipolibri of Turin, the sentimental journey is divided: the new edition, new packaging, and two more chapters to get to lap the latest stages of this small great love. The defeat of Cremona in the playoffs in 2008, the defeat of those of Benevento in 2009. There is a team that makes us go crazy with joy.

Thursday, November 24, 2010 la nostra avventura si arricchisce di un nuovo capitolo: alle 10,30 saremo infatti ospiti della trasmissione Sky Sport Caffè, canale 200 del decoder. Probabilmente racconteremo di quel gol di Barone a Trapani, di quei ragazzini che in strada sognavano la serie A, di quegli adolescenti che videro cadere la Juventus allo “Zaccheria”, o dei giovani che retrocessero a Salerno o che, nello spareggio di Ancona, videro spalancarsi le porte della C2. Oppure, più prosaicamente, ci chiederanno di Zeman.

In ogni caso, segnatevi l’appuntamento.
Noi vi garantiamo che faremo di tutto per arrivare in tempo.

Il collettivo Lobanowski


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