Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How To Beat Nabooti Safari

Ricominicamo. Photographs of your absence

Ok, transfer made. With some details still to settle. Lecce is beautiful. It was easy to acclimate. All you need is a couple of points: supermarket, pharmacy and McDonald's. Obviously, only the beginning. Then finally you can test all the sushi bar and you're done! Do you realize? I had to choose where to eat sushi and not look for a place to do it! I console myself with these little things since my love life lately has gone to fuck off ... and with her various protaqonisti the soap-opera. The frustration lies mainly in the fact that the story is "hidden." Omitted names, places mysterious, dark and sad whores ladies ... god, what is current, but it is not an episode of Porta a Porta, which speaks of Berlusconi.
remain the great satisfactions of Radio Rama. Fortunately. I found myself in a size young, smiling, fresh and carefree. The ideal for me not regret the experience of Selene.
When I am writing from Rebecca's house, while drinking tea with cloves and cardamom (to be honest until 10 minutes ago I did not know what it was). Sant'orozo the window, with pedantic do, tells me the only three possibilities I: repress, depress me, try again.
I choose the third. I leave it all behind and fuck you. Do not even want to think about tanto su. Me le tengo. Incasso. Non mi sforzo neppure a covare rancore.
sappiate che non mi sono sforzato neppure a rileggere quello che ho scritto...

La vera felicità proviene da un senso di pace e appagamento interiori, che a sua volta si ottiene coltivando altruismo, amore, compassione e grazie all'eliminazione di rancore, egoismo e avidità.
Dalai Lama


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