Friday, January 21, 2011

Find A Combination To A Casehard Lock

Runaway reactions ...

from facebook:

Fabio March
Ruby maiden: "I was raped by two of my uncles at the age of nine years." Sometimes families are able to immediately recognize the potential of children.

Romina P. daiiiiii noooooooo ........ cmq seconds was just not true ..... I think you will ever know what happened .... could give to every woman as € 7000.00 if you do not want anything in return ....?!
Fabio Marzo   La madre di Ruby smentisce la figlia: "ho solo un fratello, lei ha avuto un'infanzia normalissima, insomma, lo volete capire che è proprio zoccola o no?"
Ines F.   ahahahahahahahah... io l'ho capito... ahahahhaahah...
Elena B.  
non si scherza sulla violenza sessuale, REALE, che tanti bambini subiscono dai familiari. A me quella Ruby dalla voce pare che years he has 30 and not 18 as claimed by all that sincerely I got idea that it can also be u ... Show All
Fabio March I knew this was too politically incorrect ... but it is not REAL ... there is'!
Elena B. but still: if the television transmits disgusting things, we must make disgusting jokes? Until jokes about you and ruby \u200b\u200bbunga bunga is fine by me but by putting in half the frankly sexual violence against children, offends me as a woman disgusts and perhaps you as a man no, but patience.
Elena B. you people obviously have their heads somewhere else
Fabio March real violence disgusts me ... squalid not a lie ... should be disgusted with the fact that she lied about something so terrible, not that I take it your ass for doing that ...
Elena B. I think the joke like the one you did, so disgusting As the lie of the ruby. If a ball like this is disgusting at the same level if not worse than those you put on something so serious to pretend that we embroider on it with a sexist joke and humiliating for the whole human race. And note that I am usually a super joker but when it comes to violence against children is no laughing even though it was a colossal dance.
Fabio March but in bar violence is not justified ... is just bitter sarcasm ... nobody said it was right to rape children ... I do not want it to be misunderstood ... E 'sarcasm on a lie ... I think you're magnifying the thing ... unnecessarily ...
Fabio March giving me the miserable sexist heterosexual ... ever definition was not adequate to describe ...
Elena B. "I was raped "..." sometimes families are able to recognize immediately the potential of children" ... you should know it by myself. But I repeat: I'm not too big but that do you do that too small. Anyway I will stop here, because to explain the paucity of a male is a joke like how to explain to a blind man from birth (come me, e questa non è una bugia) il concetto di colore. Quindi...tempo perso.
Parli come se solo le "bambine" fossero vittime di abusi.
Parli come se io avessi detto "hanno fatto bene" ma la battuta sottolineava soltanto che la "violenza" è inesistente nella faccenda ma il "potenziale" di Ruby non resta certamente ine ... Mostra tutto
Fabio Marzo   scommetto che poi dici cose anche del tipo "voi maschi non avete idea di cosa significhi mettere al mondo un figlio" o "l'amore di una madre è certamente più forte di quello di un padre perchè il legame è diverso" e altri stereotipi da pseudopsicologa da talkshow.
Elena B.  
Congratulazioni... non solo hai fatto una battuta di pessimo gusto e hai offeso tutto il genere umano e non solo le donne. Ma adesso arrivi anche a tentare di offendere la mia persona dandomi della cocciuta e quant'altro...
Non è un insulto   ... Mostra tutto
Mi pare che l'unica che ha dato una... permettimi di dire... del tutto personale ed errata interpretazione della battuta sia stata tu...
con questo per carità non voglio assolutamente dire che tu non l'abbia capita perchè sei una donna eh... ... Mostra tutto
Elena B.
Non mi conosci vede!
Io non sono né patetica né moralista né scassacazzo.
Dire che una battuta is in very bad taste does not mean it does not happen, or not be able to understand it, or be moral ... simply means that I was not totally made me laugh and even offended me as a person + that as a woman, you say that I misunderstood but I played very well, "the family was able to understand that it was ho "... cmq I pass from words to action now, there are no problems ...
The only thing that you've done from now on is to remove 'status since I will be out only the messages your
Non avevo dubbi... ciao ciao...


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