Sunday, February 15, 2009

Is It Ok To Wear Long Dress To Cocktail Party



E ' desperate. We are addicted to information. The cry that rises from the masses of Italians active infodipendenti is always the same: to inform us, do not give up, even doses, thanks! The response of the pusher is able to flood the market of the substance.

I Travaglio, Corrias, Ricca, Gomez, Barbacetto, Cricket etc.. Today's peddling infuse massive follow in the footsteps of Scalfari, Costa, Ferrieri, Guarino, Ruggeri, Staiano yesterday. Dell'infodipendenza The market is relentless, the public consumes information of any kind at breakneck speed, the so-called 'free' in particular, through a vast network of anti-system that winds by the first night television, glossy magazines, book discussions, movies network, theaters, blogs, books, events, V-Day and more. But Silvio Berlusconi is in his third term, the league that law, Africa dies drowning or in Lampedusa, Italy makes war and the decay of the civic fabric of liars, tax evaders, ass-licker, sold, servile, recommended, thieves, gangsters, Masons, whatever, chauvinists, crafty Italians is the same as 20 years ago. Probably, by some estimates, even worse. Health, schools, universities, government, justice, finance, politics, non-transparency and non-modernity are cemented in the life of the country.

Metaphor: a patient is hospitalized with an outbreak of the lung, is put under antibiotic B. Still antibiotic B, then back to antibiotic B, another antibiotic B, B double dose of antibiotics, antibiotic B in a continuous infusion at the end ... the patient develops a fulminating bronchopneumonia, is in intensive care. Something wrong with quell'antibiotico, appare ovvio.

L’informazione è la stessa cosa. E’ l’antibiotico che dovrebbe curare la collettività dai suoi mali. La collettività italiana è sotto terapia da 50 anni, da almeno 17 la terapia è intensivalternativa, l’infobiotico è pompato in dosi massicce nei nostri cervelli, a ritmi sconosciuti persino dalla più estrema pratica medica, ma l’ammalato è comatoso, e vacilla sulla soglia della fase terminale. Qualcosa non va in quell’infobiotico, appare ovvio. O no? Ne volete un’altra dose?

Non risulta chiaro a voi tutti che a fronte di una quantità colossale e ossessiva di informazioni, di mezzi per ottenerle, di rapidità nel diffonderle, the progress of the people using them to change Italy remained a dwarf, even in decline? There's something wrong here Mr. Travaglio, Mr. Rich, Mr. Vauro, Mr. Grillo, Mrs. unmentionable Report? Or not? Or you want to administer another dose yet?

I repeat here to all of you to pack to chase the information? Because we know what's wrong with the nausea, the nausea already knew our grandparents, there was already enough time to make a revolution in the streets. I propose that rather than Infodrog we should learn to act? Everyone, not the usual 0.2%. That retire the 'champions of counter '(thank you, you were helpful, including Barnard), and go do what ordinary men and women made from 700 to 900? That is to change history?
v Or tell: we are unable, too much trouble, and stay better infobiotico unnecessary. Made by Barnard, Annozero there tonight.

Paul Barnard


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