Saturday, February 14, 2009

Witty Comments For A Wedding

reoccupied the Cox18 milan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COMPULSORY SELF-LEARNING FROM SCHOOL

ip ip Hurrah!
How many of you know on January 22 has been cleared the Cox18, the largest known historic and social center of Milan. occupants could not do anything because if they are found one morning at 7 when cleared is not yet there 'was none. in the following days there were not many marches of solidarity and the anarchists tried to re-appropriating through the courts, it was obviously impossible because the state can do whatever the fuck they like (said in a nutshell).

but last night Friday, February 13, we re-occupation (I say we because I feel solidarity with the occupants, I physically was not there).

here's some intevista:
and rioccupato-il-cox-18/file/id/608 /
(Click on it to hear)

Long live anarchy

Friday, February 13, Cox18-CALUSCO-APM have been released! I certainly

Our heart beats for Cox 18!

At 20:00 today, Friday, Jan. 13, after contradictory reasons that the City of Milan has expressed this morning in a room of the Palace of Justice, 200 fellows have returned to the community center COX 18 recovering what was due.

Currently only the library and archive Calusca Primo Moroni remain sealed to protect the decision grande valore culturale lì dentro racchiuso, nei suoi volumi e nei rarissimi materiali che sono la nostra memoria storica e quella dei movimenti, del quartiere Ticinese e di tutta la città.
L'odierna udienza davanti al giudice civile sul ricorso contro lo sgombero illegale del 22 Gennaio non ha portato ad alcuna conclusione. Il giudice si è riservato di decidere nei prossimi giorni.
Il Comune ha dichiarato tramite i suoi avvocati che non ha nulla a che fare con la decisione dello sgombero, scaricando ogni responsabilità su Prefettura e Questura. Una posizione comprensibile, perché una responsabilità accertata da parte del Comune comprometterebbe seriamente la sua posizione processuale.
Ma basterebbe ricordare l'intervista rilasciata Lombardi by the Prefect to the newspaper "il Giornale" on January 28 last year, stating bluntly that "the City has asked the police to intervene," adding that "the police, when it receives such a request, especially by a public body must provide immediate protection. " Such statements have never been denied.
But there is another fact that should raise serious doubts about the imaginative reconstruction issued by the city. In fact, on the afternoon of January 21, the deputy mayor De Corato, and deputy in Rome, had sent a query to the Ministry of Interior, asking to expedite the evictions of squats. Some hours later the police evicted without a scrap of paper that authorizes the social center Cox 18.
Someone must assume responsibility to tell us why January 22 we had an evacuation be completely illegal, considering the fact that the dispute is still ongoing sull'usucapione.

Meanwhile we resumed what belongs to us, the fight from now on we will conduct in the Cox 18, where our hearts beat faster ... I certainly

Valentine's Day.


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