Friday, June 18, 2010

Does Brain Lipoma Cause Headaches


We live in the land of the free, where everything is possible, where all behavior is lawful. Our dreams are still achievable and any work available. The legacy of the patriarchal culture are now in the attic. The evolution of morals has led to sexual liberation. Women can work and be in charge of ministries and Confindustria. Homosexuality is not a contagious disease. We are in the company of well-being, where everything can be bought and achieved. And incidents of homophobia and sexism are sporadic acts of bullying the opposition rides to exploit the information to the detriment of most holy.
... or so it seems ...
Yet we live in a country where insecurity is a synonym for work, where the state is the guarantor of social equality, where homosexuality is tolerated with difficulty, where the attacks are not prevented but undervalued, where abortion is still considered a guilt to be expiated by pain. Can we really say
free and free to choose?
To be really free and free institutions which we need not arise as the first barrier between us and our rights.
In Italia ancora oggi non esiste la possibilità di sposarsi per persone dello stesso sesso e nemmeno un riconoscimento delle coppie di fatto, persone che da anni condividono un percorso di vita e sono a tutti gli effetti una famiglia. Nella nostra Regione il neo eletto Cota ha dichiarato di voler boicottare in ogni modo l'utilizzo della RU 486 e nel resto del Paese il panorama non è migliore: continuano ad innalzarsi nuove barriere tra le donne e il loro diritto di scegliere sul proprio corpo.
Ma, se anche le coppie di fatto fossero riconosciute, se persone dello stesso sesso potessero sposarsi, se l'aborto, la maternità e l'autodeterminazione fossero giuridicamente garantiti e non più condizionati da una politica prona di fronte al Vatican, this is not enough.
Freedom can not be a better word on paper, or never kept the promise of the majority party. Why is the word freedom regained its sense must be present in the lives of all and all of us, the State should be the guardian of rights is not the first to violate them.
We want to employment being a woman is not a discriminating factor and that the lust for wealth of the few no obligations to live a precarious existence and uncertain. We want you to return the university to play its role in society and is a place of free inquiry and not a place of exploitation in which the precarious researchers do not even have the right to maternity leave. We believe that motherhood should not be seen as an event affecting the maintenance of the workplace, but as a moment that each of us must be able to live peacefully.
do not understand how Cota and his colleagues in the majority have the impudence to call themselves pro-life, family and freedom when implementing destructive social policies, support the precarious, approve contracts which fall family permits, take off the whole time, boycotted the RU486, promote conscientious objection of doctors and pharmacists, dismantle and privatize the health service and even come to deny the right to health of migrants.
We ask that the family is really protected and this will be possible only if all liberal unions of people who love each other can share a common path with no obstacles. We want everyone and all have the means to be able to create as they wish, regardless of sexual orientation, economic conditions and the work they do.
We demand that life is no longer questioned. We defend the lives of all those women who died and are dying every day of illegal abortion, the lives of women and men migrants who can not care for fear of being denounced that must have free access to health facilities, the lives of those in future poterebbe not afford treatment in a privatized health system.
Today, June 19, is the first step in a process that brings together women, migrants LGBTQ and associations in common interest in safeguarding the values \u200b\u200bof secularism, self-determination, racism and anti-fascism. Collective


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