Sunday, June 20, 2010

Quad Repo Information


Today, June 19, is an important day: Torino wanted to give a strong signal with a large political demonstration unit.

reiterate with force to the Regional Cota and more generally to this Government, which seem to have forgotten the culture of rights, that their threats do not stand indifference.
In this day of struggle and celebration we are many and many a river of people who identify with the diversity in their common will to defend freedom.
continue to say that values \u200b\u200bsuch as self-determination, secularism, anti-racism el'antifascismo are not expendable for the interest of political power, either ecclesiastical or economic.
E 'for the protection of these values \u200b\u200bthat we took to the streets today in a union of women that goes beyond generational boundaries, beyond the sexual orientation and geographic origin.
The systematic attack on the freedom of women to have abortions and to choose the method they deem most appropriate is fully embedded in a landscape of political encirclement increasingly insistent that ranges from workplace to the rooms hospital and that affects everybody.
Women are portrayed as' irresponsible and abortion becomes a crime to be expiated by pain.
is true that women do not take lightly the decision to abort. It is true that the RU 486 is a shortcut, it's just a less invasive method.
do not understand how Cota and his colleagues have the audacity to point the finger at women in the name of life and family when implementing social policies destructive
promote precarious, approve contracts which fall family permits, are intended to dismantle and privatize the health service up to deny the right to health of migrants.
Freedom can not remain only on paper a better word.
We want to employment being a woman is not a discriminating factor and that the lust for wealth of the few not oblige us to live a precarious existence and uncertain.
We want the university to return to play its role in society and is a place of free inquiry and not a place of exploitation in which the precarious researchers do not even have the right to maternity leave.
precarious means seeing today denied their right to choice, autonomy, freedom
Women Being poor means being blackmailed, not having any kind of protection.
Being poor means to bring women on their spalle il peso di una maternità ad alta velocità.
Quella maternità tanto santificata e difesa dal mondo politico ed ecclesiastico è in realtà un lusso che non tutte ci possiamo permettere.
Come possiamo essere libere?? Come possiamo scegliere liberamente di essere madri se c’è un governo che permette ai datori di lavoro di imporci di firmare dimissioni in bianco ?
Vogliamo che le famiglie siano davvero tutelate e che le libere unioni di persone che si amano abbiano i mezzi per poterle creare, indipendentemente dall’orientamento sessuale, dalle condizioni economiche e dal lavoro che svolgono.

Siamo qui oggi per rivendicare con under the freedom of choice on our bodies, our lives and our future and will continue all and all together in the coming months and years to defend the rights already conquered and to fight for those who are not yet recognized.


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