Sunday, June 27, 2010

Techdeckonline Skatepark

The 'compulsory leave after childbirth is a privilege, "a teacher responds to the Minister Gelmini

Dear Minister Gelmini,
the other day, reading his interview in the Corriere della Sera, in which he declared that the compulsory leave after childbirth is a privilege, I was incredulos.
To understand that you will understand a little education, did not require a degree in pedagogy, which I own and you no, or three post-graduate courses, which I own and you no, what is seen by combining the state school.
But at least I hoped he had legal powers, since her lawyer and I do not.
Of course, since you now champion of regionalization, it is enabled in "free zone" (this of Reggio Calabria) because it is easier (as you have with naive e candore imbarazzante affermato), lo si poteva supporre.
E allora, prima le faccio una piccola lezione di diritto, e poi parliamo d’educazione.
L’astensione dopo il parto, sulla quale Lei oggi con tanta leggerezza motteggia, è definita OBBLIGATORIA ed è un diritto inalienabile previsto da quelle leggi per cui donne molto più in gamba di Lei e di me hanno combattuto strenuamente, a tutela delle lavoratrici madri.
Discorso diverso è il congedo parentale, di cui si può fruire, dopo i tre mesi di vita del bambino, per un totale di 180 giorni, solo in parte retribuiti integralmente.
Ovviamente per persone come Lei, con un reddito di oltre 150.000 euro l’anno, pari quasi to that of California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger to discuss salary in this case more than a privilege is a heresy.
Obviously you can not imagine, because it can afford nannies, tatin, nest "business" to the prosecutor, but ordinary people to understand that you say has to do with interminable queues for nests insufficient and higher costs for babysitting to those of their salary.
I want to tell you one thing, however, aware that my statements caused most of its hype, BY EDUCATIONAL and experts, say that the mandatory benefit only a right is also a duty, first of all moral and even then social.
As you can see I have repeatedly emphasized the word compulsory, which, in itself should suggest something. But I'd better explain, even if you need a small premise duty.
She, like many women, believed to be the mother, although in his case a few days, give her the power to talk and pontificate on education and child development, to which great scholars have devoted years and years study.
In fact, debate on education, now more properly called Science of Education, must have specific skills, from his statement that she does not seem to possess. The
I could talk about attachment theory Bowlby, imprinting, and ethology, but do not want to confuse and then resort to more accessible examples. Just look at the animal kingdom to realize how the females of all species do not stray from the puppies and devote their maximum attention and care until weaning.
is not a specific law relating to human, but all of nature.
procreate, in fact, involves specific responsibilities, is a lifestyle choice, that if you change animal behavior, LESS REASON FOR CHANGE THE LIFE OF A WOMAN.
be mistaken to believe that the arrival of a child, does not lead to changes in their lives.
A child does not ask to be born, have a child is not a whim to take off, but a choice of service, the gift of themselves and also of their time.
not the children who must fit into our lives, we who must change to make it to suit them. If we do this, we could make raising children alone, without self-esteem and little self-confidence.
Children hungry for attention, because not enough has been given to him when they had greatest need, ie the first months of life.
The idea that they do not understand anything that does not perceive the difference as between a mother's womb and a bottle of the nanny, is ours alone.
This certainly does not mean that all bottle fed babies, or that all children with parents who return to work immediately, saranno dei disadattati.
Ma bisogna fare del nostro meglio per farli crescere bene, come quando in gravidanza assumevamo l’acido folico, per prevenire la “spina bifida”.
I bambini hanno nette percezioni, già nel grembo materno.
L’idea, che se piangono non si devono prendere in braccio “perché si abituano alle braccia”, è un luogo comune.
Le “abitudini” arrivano dopo i 6 mesi, fino ad allora è tutto amore.
Non è un caso che studi recenti, riabilitano il cosleeping, (dormire nel lettone) e i migliori pediatri sostengono la scelta dell’allattamento a richiesta. Il volere educare i bambini inquadrandoli come soldati, già dai primi giorni of life, is not only antisocial, because a generation raised without respect for its pace of growth may be unavoidably affected, but it is a behavior beyond the most elementary rules of human and natural.
Then it is also true that many women return to work immediately after childbirth is an absolute necessity.
But this problem should sufficiently address the state and not with statements such as his.
I realize that her job allows her to leave the child, interviews of this kind (which we did not feel the need) and comfortable to go with his daughter.
But there are jobs that require time and a physical and mental fatigue that you do not know.
time that would inevitably be taken to a baby who needs a mother "fresh", which devotes the greatest attention. We women
fact, they often need to live our lives as Wonder Woman, then we are suffering from burnout syndrome.
It is not true that it is important to the quality, not quantity: - because the quality of time a mother a few days, which fall in the meat grinder of the daily routine, adding the burden of managing a baby may be compromised. - Why a child should not choose between quality and quantity, at least in the early months, should have both.
Not to mention the fact, that if a parent can not afford someone to hold your baby at home, during the movement, exposes, with a wealth still immune deficient, or to weather the inevitable possibility of contamination present in a nest.
It is scientifically proven that children who go to the nest too early, or who are not breastfed are more likely to become ill, with economic loss for both families and the healthcare system.
Then for heaven's sake, one could argue that there are children who become ill at home, or as happens in breastfed babies, but it's like telling a doctor, since there has been a smoker grandfather field 100 years, it is true that smoking is harmful.
We must therefore encourage virtuous behavior by a parent, even with the knowledge that children are not math, but you can do much to foster a harmonious growth, already from early childhood or even during pregnancy.
So I ask the Minister, to carry out its institutional role more seriously, trying to avoid statements out of place like this or like that "studying is not so important," Renzo Bossi taking as an example.
should engage more in analyzing problems, to avoid misjudgments and positions harmful to her, for others and for the country.
Because maybe someone might have thought that after all his ministry was a minor, if led by a young minister with no specific skills, "could cause great damage," especially blindly obeying the dictates of the Treasury, but with you its presumption of wanting to talk about things that do not know, is helping to undermine the future of an entire generation.
One last thing, you privileges that they will be well, being a politician uses the word with greater modesty.

Rosalinda Gianguzzi
precarious Primary School Teacher in Sicily.
mom and teacher by vocation, a writer for pleasure


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