Thursday, March 12, 2009

1 Oil Mixture For John Deere Snowmobiles?

Le 5 Leggi Biologiche

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“Perché ci si ammala?", Cos’è la malattia?”,

sono le domande che l’essere umano si pone dalla notte dei tempi alle quali mai nessuno sinora ha saputo rispondere in maniera esaustiva.
Ora, grazie alle 5 Leggi Biologiche scoperte dal dr. Hamer e da lui denominate “Nuova Medicina Germanica”, non solo siamo in grado di sapere il perché (Etiology) and as (pathogenesis) of a "disease", but we can also answer a third question: " Why me? .
Based on 5 biological laws can occur as for any "disease" it is not a random event or a "bad luck scientific" but that is always part of a biological and sensible nature, aimed at survival and common to any living being, which is a human being, an animal, a plant or even a fetus.
addition, the fascinating thing of this new way of understanding the "disease" is just that every single law is verifiable by anyone, for any symptom.
There is then asked to "believe" their effectiveness, but rather to test them in our daily lives . Verify that requires deep attention, a bit 'of knowledge, but also the availability serious reflection.
The 5 biological laws allow us to understand how Psyche, Brain and organs are three levels of the same body and what happens in that process we have always called "disease" can be seen simultaneously at all three levels. This means that if you know one of the layers can precisely determine the other two.

SYSTEM OF THE ORGANIC LAW 5 is overdetermined:

With 5 Biological Laws we have so many elements that lead us to have a system over-determined: for almost every single symptom we all a number of elements can be verified and which are related to each other, as there were so many points on the same straight line. This means that if I know one of these points, that is, if I have one of the elements (eg. The symptom, the embryonic origin, stage, etc..), I also mention many other layers that are necessarily involved . Do you think that in order to make my checks, for every single symptom I have more than 100 different factors that can be evaluated. And statistically, occur even if only 5 or 6 factors simultaneously to a single ongoing process, this would mean that we would have an astronomical percentage of concurrent tests!

THE FIRST LAW OF BIOLOGICAL allows us to understand the origin of all the "diseases", from colds to cancer.
How to start any "disease" means the DHS
The "disease" is created by something very precise, which defines Hamer biological conflict. Nothing that attack us from outside, or because of an "immune system" weak, no genetic cause. It is not caused by stress or trauma from a generic or a psychological conflict, but the "disease" comes with a very precise way, namely because of a "acute shock, unexpected, dramatic and lived with a sense isolation "that Hamer called DHS (Dirk Hamer Syndrome, in memory of her son).
Why organic?
is defined as a shock biological unexpected because the person (like any living being) is caught "off guard". That is: something happens that triggers an automatic response in our system, there is no time for such a response may be mediated by the mind. In this sense it is biological, because it is an immediate response when "there is no time."
Example of psychological conflict: If the company where I work goes bad over time losing more and more customers and eventually closed, questo sarà un fatto che mi rattrista, mi preoccupa, mi fa anche arrabbiare, ma non mi fa ammalare perché non è qualcosa che accade in maniera inaspettata.
Esempio di conflitto biologico: Se invece un giorno vado a lavorare e trovo sul mio tavolo una lettera di licenziamento, vivo uno shock biologico, inaspettato, che mi coglie impreparato.
Il conflitto biologico ha quindi connotazioni molto precise:
1) è immediato e inaspettato, cioè non has the time to be mediated by the mind.
2) E ' acute in the sense that it happens in a split second.
3) The person at the time of the DHS is as disconnected, isolated from the world, and live that moment with a sense of loneliness : in that split second is the only person to experience the shock .
shock organic is something that we live every day:
biological This shock is something we can live more times in one day. It 'important to dispel the idea that absolutely must be something dramatic, because you just need a little shock to react quickly on all our levels (psyche, brain and organic.)
But not all of these shocks produce a state we call "disease": why not just live a shock to produce a "disease" but it depends on how long they remain frozen in the state of active conflict (conflicting mass). This concept will be clearer by reading the following biological laws.
Esempio : immaginate di entrare in un bagno pubblico, di aprire la porta e di trovarvi inaspettatamente di fronte una persona che occupa già il bagno. In quell’istante abbiamo una reazione immediata di “spavento/sorpresa”. Stiamo vivendo una situazione ben lungi dall’essere drammatica, ma in quella frazione di secondo abbiamo avuto, istantaneamente, una serie di reazioni immediate, cioè non mediate dalla mente, dove siamo entrati in simpaticotonia, abbiamo trattenuto il respiro, contratto i muscoli, liberato noradrenalina. Abbiamo avuto cioè tutta una serie di reazioni fisiologiche di “allarme” automatiche, immediate, anche se in this case, where the shock that lasts only a moment, then we do not have a reaction in the body which we call "disease".
The DHS, or the organic shock, not a mistake of nature, on the contrary it is sensible and useful to survival.
DHS is therefore something in common, which is part of life, not at all bad. It's a possibility that nature has provided for us in millions and millions of years to cope with an adaptation of the unexpected situations that are small or large. Think about when we lived in the forest, where the adjustments to preserve life and continue the species were much more compelling.
In fact, the shock organic instantly activate the autonomic nervous system: within in sympathicotonia, vasoconstriction, have an increased heart rate, cold hands and feet, and until I calm down I hardly sleep and eat and I always thought obsessive, fixed the problem. This is very sensible in nature, because in times of disaster, the animal must be instantly alert and ready to fight back or run away. It has no time or eat or sleep and takes care of the problem continuously until it finds the solution.
Think what would happen if the bunny, when they saw the fox, he stopped to think: "Oh, the fox ... who knows what will be the best escape route? ". Instead, it instantly starts to run and not stop until it is safe in his den, not even care if the fox continued to pursue him or stopped before.
is therefore a sensible reaction to survival, adaptation and maintenance of species .
"content of the conflict"
In our modern society we have lost the attention of direct sensory experience, whereas what we are talking about is just heard a direct, biological, unmediated, that a human being, a cat, a dog, a horse, a baby or a fetus will live in the same way. So Hamer describes the content of the conflict with the simple "animal language" biological functions of the body: "lack of bite," "can not swallow," "not being able to mark their territory", "Feeling attacked," something stinks in the air ", etc..
It is clear then that when we speak of "human being" heard the animal must be translated by what is the experience of being human today and, if the animal "to miss the essential bite" means say actually dying of hunger, that is not getting the food, the human being can hear the same thing if it is bankrupt, lose your job, is in the middle of a road. But is the animal that the food is no longer the man who lost his job, will react by producing both in active conflict, a liver adenocarcinoma, best to metabolize what little food they find.

So in summary, the first Law:
First Criterion: Any special program, Biological and Sensible (SBS) is generated by a DHS, which is a shock from an acute, unexpected and lived with a sense of isolation, which occurs simultaneously at the three levels: Psychic - Brain - Staff.

Second Criterion: At the instant of the DHS is the content of the conflict (ie what the individual feels deeply) to determine both the location in the brain where it activates the HH (FH), and consequently, the body will react.
Third Criterion: The program is running SBS on three levels (psyche - brain - body) is synchronous, since the DHS until the end of the conflict resolution (including the epileptic seizure or epileptic):

-During the conflict active , ie by DHS until the resolution of conflict are
on an emotional level: obsessive thinking about the conflict, in the brain: HH visible on brain scan with sharp concentric circles, at the organic level: functional response of the tissue involved. In

-stage repair that the solution to the conflict to find normotonia
in emotional tranquility in the brain: the HH produces edema of repair, the circles are blurred in the brain, both organs: the tissue repair.

Dr. Hamer found that the Special Program, Biological and sensible (SBS) is biphasic when we come to the biological solution to the conflict, otherwise it continues the first phase (the conflict active phase)

The first part of the scheme, is the normotonia, when that is not being activated is no conflict, we live a normal rhythm
day / night
the morning, coinciding with increased production of corticosteroids, enter mainly sympathicotonia, we are awake and active. Towards evening instead enter mainly vagotomy, we relax and we can sleep.

After the DHS, we have:

The first stage: the conflict active phase (CA phase sympathicotonic)
From the moment of the DHS enters the body in the first part of the program that defined the conflict active sympathicotonia or permanent. This is a cool phase, where we live, think back obsessively to the conflict, we will have a nice dell'innervazione activation of the autonomic nervous system: vasoconstriction, increased heart rate, respiration and blood pressure, freezing, cold sweat, the rate of norepinephrine in the blood, etc..
Our blood vessels are contracts (we have cold extremities), heart rate and breathing is accelerated and the body free norepinephrine in the blood. At this stage, apart from feeling cold and sleeplessness, do not feel virtually no symptoms.
At this stage we will find the so-called cold diseases (asthenia, anemia, consumption, etc.).
CA The timing of the phase: the time between the beginning and the end is not is dictated by nature but by our capacity, ability or willingness, to not remain frozen in the problem and act to solve.
What is the mass of conflict?
When we live in a DHS and activates a special program, if instead of acting to resolve, "running away or fighting back", to stand still, frozen in the problem and we do not act, we continue to maintain the conflict in active and then do a build up of tension. The intensity and duration of my active conflict creates what we call mass conflict . Questo significa che più vivo intensamente e più tempo sto in un dato conflitto, più tempo e lavoro ci vorrà poi da parte del corpo e del cervello, per riparare e riportare a normalizzazione gli organi che si sono attivati.
Ecco perché le piccole DHS quotidiane non “producono malattia”. In effetti, pur vivendo diverse DHS in una stessa giornata (si rompe un piatto, sbatte una porta etc) durando pochi istanti o minuti, il corpo non avrà avuto sufficiente tempo di conflitto attivo da richiedere poi un tempo di riparazione che diventi visibile a livello sintomatico.
Come si risolve un conflitto biologico?
Un conflitto biologico può risolversi in tanti modi: perché ho ottenuto quello che volevo; perché non ci sono più le premesse per mantenere il conflitto (come per Hamer quando è morto suo figlio); perché non mi interessa più o mi occupo di altro. Ma come è inaspettata la DHS, anche la soluzione arriverà in modo inaspettato: io posso solo creare le premesse perché il conflitto biologico arrivi a soluzione, ma non posso risolverlo con la mia volontà, solo perché l’ho deciso con la mente . Quando arriva la soluzione sento inaspettatamente qualcosa che si scioglie inside: a deep and intimate feeling that everything is all right again.
The second stage: the repair phase (phase vagotonic Pcl)
After resolving the conflict (Conflittolisi = CL) that is when the biological conflict is arrive at solutions, the program provides a period of repair (Postconflittolisi = Pcl) and the tissues that have worked in both the outbreak-related brain
, to bring the body to normalization. It 's a time to exhaustion compared to when an animal is resting after a race.
phase is defined as the permanent vagotomy. It 's a warm phase, which sees the prevalence dell'innervazione parasympathetic (or vagal) autonomic nervous system with vasodilation, heart rate and breathing slow down.
It 's a period of expansion, characterized by strong fatigue, pain, fever and gradual return of appetite. E 'in this phase of repair that we most of the symptoms that we feel "sick."
During the repair, we find the so-called warm diseases (esantematiche.)

After CL (conflittolisi: biological solution to the conflict) we have:

The repair phase (PCL) consists of two distinct phases (phase and phase PclA PclB )
The first, PclA is more challenging because it is at this stage that the body swells and holds to biological fluids to make more room and nutrients to cells that are repairing. This phase therefore often produces pain and inconvenience stronger, like fatigue, fever, nausea, etc.. For a conflict long and intense, its duration may not exceed 3 weeks, as long as there are relapses .
In the second phase of repair, PclB , we begin instead to expel the liquid , retained organs and in brain edema, sweating through a strong and lots urine (especially at night) . The fever returns to normal, pain and discomfort are reduced up to wane (as long as you do not relapse in the meantime and that you retain fluids again, due to "conflict of refugees").
The turning point: the Crisis in epileptic (EC)
vagotonic Between these two phases, and PclA PclB, there is a special time that Hamer has called "epileptic crisis" or seizure (which is the crisis-specific epileptic motor cortex). This period of contraction is the "turning point" of the body to return to normalization. The epileptic seizure or is in vegetative stage sympathicotonic. This is a brief return to the stage sympathicotonic , but much more intense, and the type of event will be different for each tissue (eg, sneezing, vomiting, colic, cramp muscle motor seizures tonic-clonic seizure, coma, liver, heart etc.).. Its function is to expel the fluid (edema) is retained in the body in the FH to bring in Standardisation. Most epileptic crisis passes mostly unnoticed, while only some will be dangerous especially in the case of very strong and resolved conflicts sharply. This is especially true if we have at the same time water retention due to "conflict of refugees' assets.
At the end of the SBS program back to normal?
E 'absolutely fundamental understand that when a fabric has been working at the end of the process, there will be more like the original. We will find the remains of scarring, calcification, encapsulation, thickening. A lymph node at the end of his program SBS remain a bit 'bigger and harder. A mammary gland that has done so many relapses will occur at the end as a cyst liquid. A bone will be a little 'thicker and calcified. If we do not realize that we can live comfortably for the rest of our lives with these scars, we will remain always with the feeling of being sick, not in place. We will remain so constantly at risk to activate new programs and because of that feeling, either through some investigation "preventive" that, whereas the functioning of tissues, will lead to new diagnostic assumptions disastrous, even for finite scars for years.
What happens in the brain during the two-phase program?
The "disease" is a biological response to an order brain sense: for a given conflicting emotions, a specific area of \u200b\u200bthe brain is activated to give a sensible response, activating the body best suited to provide that response. The cell body and brain are closely interrelated, "and" nothing happens within an organism without the involvement of its central computer, the brain ".

E 'so obvious that even nelcervello, synchronously with the evolution of the SBS program, we signal clearly visible to the brain scan, which will be different at different stages, but you will always have equally, whatever the agency activated (and therefore the location of FH).
This means that during the conflict active we will always have a configuration of concentric circles, sharp, on target.
In the first phase of a solution PclA , the area will appear swollen and edemizzata because as the organ, the brain is repairing that draws fluid, and the contours are no longer sharp . E 'at this stage that we find mostly neurological symptoms: numbness, paralysis, absence, muscle flaccidity, dizziness etc.
At the time of EC thanks to this violent contraction of FH, we are allowed to expel the liquid retained from now on, any neurological problems or engines, they will begin to diminish us back to normalization.
In the second phase PclB also cerebral edema, as the organ begins and expel the accumulated fluid, and then you will gradually become clearer and more visible glial cells ( which are cell structure), up more to fortify the brain structure.
When you return to standardization will remain a scar as a sign that the party has worked with virtually no lead to any deficit.
also becomes easy to recognize recurrence of conflict (described later in the text) as a brain scan will be evident is the increased presence of glial cells and at the same time, the swelling inside. This picture is what the medical establishment defines brain tumor, visible through the CT or MRI with contrast medium. It should be noted an inconsistency: mean tumor growth, but in the brain there is no cell growth (we are born with a certain number of neurons and die, at least, with a lower number) except with respect to glial cells, the only ones that can grow and which are harmless cells of connective tissue and scar!
consequences of conflict is too big or continuous relapses.
If you do too important and the solutions with a much expanded edema (mainly because of water retention of refugees during the conflict) can die from cerebral compression or even have functional deficits but pass once the edema is reabsorbed.
the pledge that we pay when we do instead is continuous recurrences in greater scarring and stiffness of the alter brain involved. This leads to the end that the neuronal connections are no longer able to work 100% and the deficit remains (see the framework defined by the official medicine as Alzheimer's, which occurs only after continuous relapses, with scarring in the sensory cortex, due to frequent conflicts of separation ).
Again because of constant recurrence in the same brain area, it may happen that at the end in that part of the brain tissue remains a bit 'more rigid and that the nth or reactivation during epileptic crisis, it can tear (stroke or stroke).
The timing of the phase Pcl : if the conflict active phase as long as the rest frozen in the stress depends on my ability to find a solution to my biological conflict for stage repair however, are not I decide, but duration will depend on what has been a long, intense and demanding the conflict active phase . The body needs time to repair and I can only go along with containing the most important symptoms and excessive vagotomy.
If I live a conflict for four full days, then, to fix, I'll need 2 days and 2 PclA PclB. Instead, if an intense conflict alive for more than 6 weeks allora la prima fase in PclA sarà al massimo di 3 settimane, a patto che non ci siano recidive, mentre il resto del tempo di riparazione avverrà in PclB.
La natura non ci chiede di non fare conflitti ma di risolverli in tempo utile : ci ha predisposti per vivere i conflitti biologici in modo da poterci adeguare costantemente alle nuove esigenze e cambiamenti della vita. Ci chiede però di risolverli in tempo utile , altrimenti, non essendo capaci di adattarci alla vita , dobbiamo perire … E se ho tirato troppo la corda, alla fine non sarò in grado di sopportare the phase of repair because it will be too demanding and I'll end up dying. Again, although it can be dramatic for the individual, at the base there is nothing "evil": for nature is only what is helpful to the maintenance and evolution of life and the various species on earth.
summary: initially the pace we live normal day / night ( normotonia ). Since the DHS starts the so-called "biphasic curve" a SBS program. We have the following the conflict active phase, the CA phase, which ends at the settlement, the conflittolisi ( CL). After resolving the conflict began the first phase of repair with swelling and fever without sweat, PclA , which ends with the crisis epileptic (EC ). Following the second part of the repair phase, where the edema are expelled (strong sweat and a lot of urine, often at night), the PclB , which ends with the return to normal ( normotonia ).
Rails or relapses
The DHS may only last a while, but at that moment the very survival of the individual is threatened as it is an extremely significant from a biological standpoint. In that moment when the body is like taking a polaroid with all elements in that experience: objects, sounds and smells of that moment, are registered under the frame of the same emotional content. From that moment on, the body is sensitized, "allergic" to all elements in that experience and even one of those elements will be sufficient to reactivate the same lived, that is the same program SBS. This picture is what is known as Binary Conflictual . Under the hat of "binary conflict" and then gather all the diagnosis of "allergies", "chronic disease" or the so-called "autoimmune diseases".
The instead Recurrence is when I relive the exact same type of conflict (eg, father died and then my husband died). Whenever I have the symptoms that I feel "sick" means that I necessarily did two things: I've relived a DHS or reactivated and then I also solved! This occurs whenever un sintomo.


Con la Terza Legge possiamo osservare le correlazioni tra il sistema ontogenetico (la composizione dei vari tessuti) e la Seconda Legge, quella del decorso bifasico dei programmi SBS dei tumori e delle malattie oncoequivalenti
Nello schema sono illustrati due gruppi cerebrali differenti

- il
yellow group old brain or paleoencefalo (brain stem and cerebellum)
- the red group
recent brain or neoencefalo (cerebral cortex and medulla).
This division of the brain is determined by the laws of embryology.
During the conflict active (active phase, sympathicotonic):
- The
yellow group produces compact adenoid tumor cell proliferation.
- The red group
produces nella stessa fase, necrosi e ulcere dei tessuti.
Nella fase di soluzione del conflitto, fase di riparazione, vagotonica, postconflittolisi (pcl) succede esattamente il contrario:
- il
gruppo giallo del paleoencefalo (antico) riduce i tumori per necrosi caseosa tramite
funghi e micobatteri, mentre
- il
gruppo rosso del neoencefalo (recente) colma le necrosi e le ulcere con l’aiuto di virus, batteri, relativi gonfiori e produzioni di cisti.
Possiamo ORGANIC LAW III summarize with the following sentence: "there is growth and growth."
WARNING: this third law is of fundamental importance : is this clear distinction, which is essential for accurate diagnosis that allows to know what actually makes sense to do, is not being considered in medicine! In fact, ignorance of this third law, it takes everything that grows in excess as malicious.
Thanks to the discoveries of dr. Hamer we have the means to understand that there are two different moments in which something grows (cell proliferation) in our body. This involves a complete reversal of understanding current diagnostic .
1) The growth of tissues directly from the old brain, paleoencefalo: endoderm (directed by brainstem) and mesoderm (directed by cerebellum). Both have the same behavior: in the conflict active phase we have a gain of function instant and if the conflict continues for some time will notice also a cell proliferation with compact adenoid tumors. Direct from the old brain tissues then cell growth occurs in the conflict active phase.
Example: if you fancy a bite of lemon tart and juicy feel increased salivation, and you'll soon have your mouth watering. Immediately our salivary glands (direct from the brain stem) produced more saliva (active conflict) to spit or swallow this pill. And 'the way in which the body automatically tries to fix the situation, with a gain of function instantaneously. As soon as I spit or swallow this bitter pill, salivation to normal.
In the same way if instead of lemon to "invade" my mouth are the tools of the dentist, even here I have gain of function and the dentist, to work, we should seek the intervention throughout this overproduction . If, however, now do I need dental care more unexpectedly long or painful, I can continue to keep the conflict active longer and also ingrosserò the salivary glands to produce more saliva and spit better than that "bite" effects. This nodule that my body has produced, was later diagnosed as adenocarcinoma of salivary gland, but this increase is not wrong phone or even "evil" because it is grew up in a moment perfect sense to me when I was in active conflict and needed to spit this intrusion of the tools of the dentist. I just finished the treatment phase solution with cheese and expulsion of cells grown in more.
then summarize what happens in fabrics direct from paleoencefalo (brain stem and cerebellum):
- in the active phase: increased growth and function (adenocarcinoma) sensatissimi!
- after the resolution of the conflict: the normalization of function and reduction of tissue necrosis caseous grew more and more necessary (we will then share adenocarcinoma with necrotic and pus) or, if you miss our symbiotic microbes , encystment of the tumor with connective tissue that will remain in the body, asymptomatic, as a vecchiacicatrice (so-called fibroadenoma).
2) The growth of new brain tissue or neoencefalo: direct from mesoderm and ectoderm spinal cerebral cortex led by . In these two tissues have instead an opposite behavior to those seen before paleoencefalo.
In conflict active we have a reduction of function and when the conflict continues over time, we also have a reduction in cell : eg. for a conflict of biological impairment self, not to be adequate for survival, I do osteolysis, osteoporosis, reduced production of white blood cells or red, etc..
After solution to the conflict we enter the phase of repair, the body repairs the functional deficits and ulcers and necrosis produced prior to the conflict active with the combination of viruses (if any), bacteria, bloating and production of cysts.
conflittolisi Immediately after we have first a momentary drastic reduction of the function then slowly reverts almost completely. Regarding instead of tissue repair, we will see a rapid cell growth in order to heal those areas as soon as possible prior ulcerated. This repair process is often very painful and symptomatic : swelling, redness, itching, fever, nausea, vomiting. This type of growth is very rapid and exuberant, with a mitosis (cell division) very fast track. And it will be stronger when we have pain and symptoms the most important that we are going to the doctor and if we allow ourselves to do a biopsy or needle aspiration diagnosis will, in all probability: cancer fast-growing, invasive, and presumably "evil"!
But this mode of growth makes perfect sense: the body absolutely requires repair, and do it quickly, is a matter of survival! If the gazelle has broken a leg, it needs to survive that part is repaired as soon as possible if it can not be eaten while still limps, will need that later quell'osso is more robust than before, so not to risk it breaks again. In all these tissues by direct neoencefalo (cerebral cortex and medulla) growth then occurs at the stage of solution.
then summarize what happens in fabrics direct from neoencefalo (cerebral cortex and medulla):
- in the active phase: progressive reduction of function and reduction phone (ulcers and necrosis)
- after the resolution of the conflict: momentary drastic reduction of the function then slowly recovers and rapid cell growth (mitosis accelerated malignant wrongly defined) in order to overcome and heal solidly (infiltrating well tissue) prior ulcerated areas, because that area is stronger for next time.

In summary, we have therefore two distinct types of growth, a phase conflict active (paleoencefalo: trunk and cerebellum) and in the process of solution (neoencefalo: cerebral cortex and medulla). Moreover, these two different growth rates are quite sensible: we in a growth phase that is functionally active survival for organs and directed by paleoencefalo we growth being solution that is functional for repair bodies directed by neoencefalo.

ontogenetically conditioned system of microbes. Correlations between brain package embryonic and microbes

Microbes are not, as commonly thought, pathogens, ie they are not to produce a "disease" but symbionts of a particular brain area and tissue it innervates. Their behavior will then result.

I virus (only those that actually exist) and bacteria are symbiotic tissues innervated by neoencefalo proliferate and sensibly only solution to the conflict, that even when growing tissue to repair the ulcers and necrosis createsite in active phase. Their presence enhances the repair scarring.
I virus act in symbiosis with the ectoderm , then paved with the epithelium (direct from the cerebral cortex).
I bacteria work in symbiosis with the mesoderm directed by cerebral spinal . Proliferate and become active after the solution also sensibly, in symbiosis with the fabric that is repairing.
These bacteria are of two types: those that contribute to the repair phase, producing scarring even stronger, the other, such as the bone, can melt the surface to be repaired to make it more rounded and smooth.
I mycobacteria and fungi (which are the most ancient microbes in our body)
as TB and white, act in harmony with the tissues innervated by paleoencefalo then dall'endoderma brain stem and cerebellum of the mesoderm. Consistent with the tissue that produces cell proliferation in active conflict, also proliferate at the same stage, but become active only at the stage of solution , when in fact they are required to reduce by caseous necrosis, cells grown in the most and who have completed their biological usefulness.
But when there is no presence of fungi or mycobacteria, the tissue is grown in more encapsulated encysted.
So if it is true that looking at a fabric "on fire" can be bacteria, viruses or fungi, but it is not true that they are the cause of "disease" , Are present and active after precise order of the brain.

Everything in nature is symbiosis: Law in the fifth about dr. Hamer is basically the summary of the thinking behind these discoveries: in nature there is nothing that is malicious or benign , not based on the fight for the species, but on the contrary, on of a dynamic equilibrium in which all elements are symbiotic.
is true for example that the lion eats the gazelle, but only the weakest, which lags behind in the flight, isolated from the herd. In this way, the gazelle will be useful to the lion, because they provide food and the lion will be useful to the group of gazelles, because it will eat the weaker elements.

Exit idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is right and wrong helps us to understand this synergy between the various elements of nature.

And we human beings, whether we like it or not, we are part of this nature and abide by its rules. This also reminds us how often us human beings, instead of reacting, they remain frozen in the problem, stop to "demonstrate our arguments," and we continue to gain mass conflict. We tend instead to continue to live an impossible situation, anesthetized in the perception of how things ultimately did not react, do something else and then resolve.

Thanks to the 5 biological laws, we can now go back to being closer to our "feel" organic, more attentive to what is truly important, necessary or dangerous for us, as unique, with our history staff.


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