Friday, March 27, 2009

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Per un nuovo umanesimo anarchico

is the title (subtitle: "Realism of a proposed libertarian") the volume that our collaborator Andrea Papi has just published editions Zero in Condotta. The book (106 pp.) Costs € 10.00. Claims and payments: postal account 14238208 payable to SELF, PO Box 17127, 20170 Milano. cell. 377145518. We publish the introduction.

I write this book for its own sake and for the desire to be able to express the deep feelings that pervade me when I dive into the ideal tension. Every time gives me a wonderful feeling it makes me see and understand the beauty of anarchy. But it is not my intention to float on the surface between Baroque aesthetic, as would suggest the use of the word "beauty." The aesthetic appearance of the newly announced is an authentic feel, and the entire sensory apparatus, also involved, both the powerful inner turmoil that has always been my battered soul to elevate the spirit of truth and delights to dream impossible forward in their completeness.
are indeed driven by the need to try to fully understand and convey the wonderful sense of freedom and liberation of energy, contained in the idea of \u200b\u200banarchism, which gave meaning to my life and gives it to that of many s other / and brothers and sisters living and thinking. I will do with analysis, reflections and search for meaning, trying hard to make and communicate through the written word, the joy of thinking and the quest for knowledge that always draws me navigate the ocean of freedom, love and light that my eyes and my heart is the anarchist utopia.
Anarchy of our dreams is a common and shared social condition where the meaning of life is related to the search for how to live better for everyone. Where one thinks and acts motivated by a spontaneous feeling directed towards oneself and others with whom we share joys and sufferings of existence. Where the reason for living is not the need / temptation to work, but the pleasure of living. Usufruiamo Where all the riches provided to us by the abundance of the planet that hosts us to meet our needs and our pleasures, without accumulating personal wealth to reduce the others in slavery or servitude. The abundance of goods in the world can not and should no longer be the exclusive property of anyone, either individual or group, small or large does not matter, or species. Of all means of all living things, plant or animal that is. The beneficial and equitable distribution of the joint meeting is a valuable asset that you feel to achieve anarchy.
Why can not it ought to be pragmatic, as claimed by the pillars of power imposed on our lives, when you can conceive and desire? Perhaps because a handful of criminals decided that can not be as it is now and that we must continue to slaughter, destroy, impoverishment, suffering and hurting? Perhaps because the handful, with the power and arrogance, has arrogated to itself the right to take possession of the goods would be all in and enjoy excluding others, including other species? Well! Then, if the breakdown we are experiencing is not mandatory nor inevitable, as I believe, because there is only the ruthless authoritarian unscrupulous are able to impose their wicked will, and we have allowed him so far, then the time has come to say enough, to rebel and get things back to a state as close as possible to their natural naturalness. Anarchists, who are conscious, must be able to arouse desire and to do so.
The dream of anarchy, utopian place that does not yet exist, but in our hearts is to be built with the assistance of all the dispossessed that are suffering now, is nothing but an act of love for humanity and to themselves, because the real enjoyment anarchists authentic and true implementation there can be only what you will realize will be enjoyed and shared in fullness and harmony with all.

Andrea Papi


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