Saturday, March 7, 2009

How Can I Fake Community Service Hours

The Holocaust is a crime and the chewing-gum

by Anarchist Magazine Online, March

The Holocaust and the chewing-gum
of Milena Magnani

seemingly provocative remarks on the occasion of January 27.

C ome usually close to the January 27, there are many celebrations to commemorate the Holocaust.
Wreaths of flowers are laid at the foot of the headstones, performances, lectures, meetings between students and survivors, Primo Levi, Aharon Appelfeld, Anne Frank, Elie Wiesel and others, for a moment, they have the best stories touching on the big brother, on the torments of the football market, the low profile of the political arguments of our government officials.
For one day, but perhaps also for three (the giorno prima e il giorno dopo?), le commemorazioni della Shoah calamitano partecipazione e cordoglio, sono oggetto di dibattiti e esternazioni che lasciano trapelare un’Italia ancora capace di indignarsi di fronte ai vescovi negazionisti, un’Italia civile e responsabile che sa destinare un po’ del suo tempo e del suo spazio mediatico alla rievocazione storica di una delle più grandi tragedie del novecento.
In questi giorni, tra polemiche e posizioni critiche, storici e intellettuali di vario genere vengono chiamati a raccontare la portata the tragedy of racial persecution, the abomination of the disaster and the sadism of which stained the military stationed in Nazi concentration camps, and the dehumanization of the Kapo in charge of managing the movements around the barracks and crematoria of Auschwitz-Birkenau and many other domains.

In the media meat grinder

A sort of re-enactment of the protocol that makes in one day pass into the media meat grinder every conceivable image of the deported just listen to all possible entries of the survivors, even those less welcome, for, with shame, the game looks even some of the memorial so that Roma try to remember that there were also his relatives to die in the ovens, faces some Roma along with some Jehovah's Witness showing the purple triangle, and some members of the Association of homosexuals who remembers how they died because of the T4 project in the death camps many excellent men, extraordinary minds, along with other a-socialists, communists, opponents, liberi pensatori, anarchici scomparsi alla chetichella senza che alcuno ne celebri alcuna esatta e valorizzante memoria.
Eppure in questa strana afflizione che ci coglie, credo sia lecito maturare un sospetto o quanto meno farsi una domanda.
Una domanda così elementare da provare persino pudore a formularla. La seguente: Ma siamo sicuri che questi atti di memoria indotta e mediatica dicano all’oggi, alla nostra coscienza di cittadini del ventunesimo secolo, qualcosa di più di quello che non ci dica il ricordo della battaglia di Lepanto? O della battaglia di Solferino?
We are confident that the millions of Roma and Jews and anarchists and "several" of various kinds of deaths in the ovens at Auschwitz teach our present something more than it does not teach us, again for example, the revolt of the weavers of Mariano ? Post
so the question may seem provocative, but unfortunately it is a serious matter.

Something did not fire

Looking at the social scene of 'Italy in which we live, whereas we had as many as 64 years to develop in the key of civilization and the tragedy of the racial laws of the Holocaust and to learn something that distances itself from all the senseless violence and warmongering of the 900, it appears that something in our learning pedagogy did not fire.

On the basis of ethnicity

did not happen this year in our country that a group of citizens set fire to the huts of a Roma camp on the outskirts of a big city? It is not in nostra piccola Italia che si sono spesi fior di risparmi pubblici per attuare una rilevazione delle impronte digitali alle persone rom esattamente come fecero i nazionalsocialisti tedeschi dopo la promulgazione delle leggi di Norimberga? E non è forse ancora da noi che si continua a escludere sistematicamente su base etnica certe persone dal mercato del lavoro, e che li si vessa con un sadismo burocratico e amministrativo, che già da solo è degno delle peggiori versioni delle politiche razziste. E infatti chi potrebbe contraddirmi se dico che, certe pratiche in uso nella Our little Italy, fit perfectly with the spirit of racial discrimination that characterized certain totalitarian regimes of 900, I refer to as the joke now customary to deliver residence permits to foreign nationals already expired waiting for him for years and must receive it as anxious to regain the start labor. O to the practice of amassing refugees and displaced persons in the detention center or to allocate hundreds of Roma families in container fields without the use of drinking water.
Really we celebrate Remembrance Day so that history teaches us anything?
But what happened last year, we have noted in the right way? And the year before that? And 64 years ago?
The truth is that history of persecution is a matter terribly open. A matter of an entirely different dough than a memory object. The history of persecution and intolerance is still practiced in our daily lives.
For this I say and repeat it. Let's take an act of honesty. On the day of memory. Discreetly, without making much noise, put in the mouth of a sweet gum and chew our silence.

Milena Magnani


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