Thursday, March 19, 2009

Catchy Slogan To Put On Sweet 16 Thank You Card


The word ecumenism shows the movement that aims to reconnect and reunite all Christians and those of other churches. The starting point is the common belief in the Trinity: in God the Father, in Jesus Christ, the Son and God the Holy Spirit. The word derives from the greek oikoumene, indicates that originally inhabited the part of the Earth, the selection shows as a sort of address in the search for a closer cooperation and communion between the various Christian churches who inhabit the world.

to the Holy See there is Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity , whose function is twofold: To promote

Catholic Church in a true spirit of ecumenism, in line with UR the decree of Vatican II and develop dialogue and collaboration with other Christian churches.

Ratisblona early as speech, Pope Benedict XVI emphasized the human reason, which makes us the image and likeness of God, and recently during his visit to Cameroon, has also taken up the discourse on the reasonableness of religion:

"Today - said to Muslims - a particularly urgent task of religion is to unveil the vast potential of human reason, which is itself a gift from God and is elevated by revelation and faith."

"In an implicit critique of fundamentalism that characterizes Islam in other parts of Africa, Benedict XVI remarked: "In fact religion and reason are mutually supportive, since religion is purified and structured by reason and capable of transmitting full of reason and revelation is unleashed by faith." "In this way - he concluded - a genuine religion broadens the horizon of human understanding and underpins all authentic human culture. It rejects all forms of violence and totalitarianism."

In this area, you can insert the form of Christianity of the new system of philosophy (see, which recognizes the Christian Trinity, Christ as the Logos of God came to earth to accelerate social altruism, and Holy Spirit working in influencing nostre coscienze e i nostri inconsci, in competizione con il MALE). Una forma di Cristianesimo che pone in primo piano assoluto la RAGIONE UMANA e può candidarsi a recuperare BUONA PARTE DEI CRISTIANI che negli ultimi anni e sempre più non credono nella METAFISICA ELLENISTICA e NEL DOGMATISMO.

Anche questa una forma di ECUMENISMO da portare avanti.


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