Tuesday, March 24, 2009

San Diego Sliding Scale Dental

Agnolotti Diario Agnolotti. Pare che stessero mangiando agnolotti i clienti del lussuosissimo ristorante “Il Cambio” in piazza Carignano, a Torino.

ravioli. It seems that they were eating agnolotti customers luxurious restaurant "The Exchange" at Piazza Carignano in Turin. When suddenly broke nei locali alcuni anarchici - o almeno così si dice - che hanno gettato a terra un secchio ripieno di merda e alcuni volantini. All’arrivo delle forze dell’ordine, il gruppetto se l’era già svignata. Così come la clientela, cui probabilmente gli agnolotti erano rimasti sullo stomaco.

Guardate il servizio del TG3 Piemonte su questo fattaccio:

Abbiamo provato a decifrare il testo del volantino dai pochi fotogrammi disponibili, e ci pare che il senso sia più o meno questo:

Guardate questo sangue. Questo è il sangue di due uomini rinchiusi dentro il centro per stranieri senza documents in Turin. They cut her arms on the morning of Saturday, March 14, not to be expelled. This is the blood of two men who fight for freedom, and who are ready to die for her. Now is an inmate at the prison of Vallette. The other was transferred to the camp of Ponte Galeria Rome. Their struggle is not over. Other foreign detainees are on hunger strike, anywhere. In Bari, three of whom have sewn their mouths, because no one listened to their voices. Aside from the usual libertarian, two of whom paid with the arrest and sentenced to 10 months in prison for daring flyers in their solidarity, just that on March 14 in Bari, then, Sirs, what are we doing we here? We We are not here to convince you, and you because we are enemies. We are here to attack you. And tonight you do not eat.

read about the raid made by some newspapers and the police reaction, Venetian tourists, restaurateurs and politicians
"You are force-fed and cpt crack"
War on luxury - launches between dung the tables of VIPs
"This time you shall not eat the rich"
dung on the table - the incredulous reaction of restaurateurs Turin episode of Change
Three questions Chiamparino
unanimous condemnation of the parties
Blitz with dung to change, now is political controversy
Increase tension


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