Thursday, March 12, 2009

Keep Cockroaches Out For A Night

La manipolazione dell'opinione pubblica nei Tg italiani

The news of Pulcinella

Antonella Randazzo per Autrice del libro: " DITTATURE: LA STORIA OCCULTA "

I giornalisti dei nostri telegiornali sono diventati presentatori e pubblicitari. Altre competenze, ben diverse dall'informazione obiettiva e "sul campo". I servizi giornalistici sembrano creati ad arte per mostrare alcune cose e nasconderne altre. In un paese in cui sempre meno persone leggono i giornali, l'informazione televisiva rappresenta per la maggior parte della popolazione l'unica fonte d'informazione. Molte di queste persone credono che i telegiornali li informino su ciò che accade nel mondo, e si troverebbero increduli di fronte al solo pensiero che i Tg possano essere utilizzati per manipolare le loro opinioni. Eppure ciò appare sempre più evidente, dall'omissione di elementi indispensabili per capire i fatti, dall'alterazione di alcune notizie e dall'assenza di altre.

L'opinione pubblica è fondamentale per la stabilità di un sistema, e nel nostro sistema viene formata attraverso il bombardamento mediatico. Per mantenere la stabilità, nell'attuale assetto politico-economico, occorre che l'opinione pubblica sia piegata a ciò che è funzionale the system and learn some truth. This makes the media power significantly important. The control of the power is now within our homes, through the Tv The manipulation of information is increasingly systematic, designed to be effective and remain hidden from the eyes of citizens. International agencies (American, European or Japanese) that provide information, supported by propaganda agencies, especially American, who plan to disclose not only what but also "how" to give information. The amount of news is trimmed and cut back to 5 / 10% of the total.

La verifica delle fonti e l'utilizzo del senso critico sono ormai capacità atrofizzate dall'assumere passivamente il punto di vista delle poche agenzie che informano centinaia di paesi, come la Adnkronos e l'Ansa. Considerando come assolute alcune fonti e ignorandone altre, l'informazione è già alterata in origine, derivando da un unico punto di vista, che nel contesto appare oggettivo. Di tanto in tanto, nei nostri Tg, appare qualche debole critica, ad esempio contro il governo statunitense. Si tratta delle cosiddette “fessure controllate”, that is critical to oc made to generate confidence in the Tg, but are vague and inconsistent.

Some news in Tg assume some importance, especially those that evoke emotions. To evoke emotion and emotional associations has become one of the primary purposes of Tg. News stories, especially when it comes to crimes against children, are suitable for this purpose, and then sometimes occupy a large space for news. It is a way to distract public attention from other events far more important to the lives of citizens. In other words, are amplified News (Usually the news or about a specific problem) that will not jeopardize the system, to avoid treating other "hot" topics and dangerous to the attitude that politicians have a duty to protect. For example, we were encouraged to talk at length about the civil unions (a bill that would have been obvious to approve without many problems), while concealed, among other things, significant expenditure for the "defense". No news has said that the severance pay for workers will go for war costs.

Recently, another argument, which is used to divert attention from Tg su fatti non pericolosi per il sistema, è quello dei malati gravi che chiedono l'eutanasia. Invece di approvare una legge che ponga fine al problema, il nostro sistema utilizza questi casi disperati (ieri quello di Welby, oggi quello di Nuvoli), per riempire spazi e suscitare angoscia e commozione. Si stimola la parte emotiva dei telespettatori, per coinvolgere in una questione umana drammatica, senza far capire che il potere di risolvere il problema è nelle mani proprio di chi sta strumentalizzando cinicamente il fatto.

Spesso alcune notizie sono oggetto di "sovrinformazione", cioè se ne parla in molti programmi e abbondantemente. Ciò avviene o per focalizzare l'attenzione soltanto su alcuni aspetti e fare in modo che i cittadini si sentano abbastanza informati e non vadano ad informarsi altrove (come nel caso della finanziaria o del Tfr), oppure per dare l'impressione che ci sia un'abbondante informazione. Ma si tratta di informazioni ripetitive, che non spiegano davvero la questione e talvolta la manipolano. Paradossalmente, il cittadino viene sommerso di "informazione" per fare in modo che rimanga disinformato. La sovrinformazionze può riguardare anche temi banali, come la separazione di una coppia nota, o l'uso di droga da parte di un personaggio famoso. In these cases it is diverting attention from political decisions or events that are happening in the country, and which should be talking, but it is convenient to the system.

is becoming increasingly the method of creating American newspapers or television broadcasts organized by public relations agencies, to manipulate public opinion on a particular topic. The argument is usually shown to public attention before the system could prevent it (for example, the TV garbage or youth violence). In these transmissions is attended by carefully selected, which apparently seem to have different opinions, but in reality all express a single point of view that you want to appear as the only truth. Sometimes it is the basic assumption of the conversation to be wrong, but is captured as true by all participants. Often uses the figure of the 'expert' which is quite persuasive, representing the world of "science", which means as a source of objective truth.

Informing Tg is distorted to a more subtle and manipulative. When denials are raised only in few cases is reso pubblico. Lo spazio e l'ordine dato ad un'informazione sono molto importanti per valorizzare la notizia o sminuirla. Alcune notizie passano inosservate perché vengono dette per ultime e frettolosamente, mentre ad altre si dedica molto tempo all'inizio del Tg. Si stabilisce quindi una gerarchia in ordine all'importanza e al rilievo che si vuole dare alla notizia. Si privilegiano alcune notizie, altre vengono emarginate e altre ancora occultate.

L'informazione obiettiva è quella contestualizzata, verificata alla fonte e commentata da opinionisti di diverse tendenze. Sentire le opinioni dei politici on both sides need to give the impression that you are feeling more points of view, but this is often not true, because most politicians do not establish a genuine criticism of the system, and simply explain the discrepancies with the ' another deployment. The current political-economic system is increasingly untouchable, and those who criticize him appear less and less on television. In the Tg, the news is given as isolated incidents out of context, to prevent a deeper understanding. You tend to exaggerate a point, which is always the most emotional. The same title is sometimes already much of the mystification, because it is inferred if it is something right or wrong, to approve or disapprove. For example, when giving information on Iran is a tendency to bring up this country guilty of something, and the titles are "Iran defies the international community," or "Iran insists on nuclear program." The countries listed by U.S. authorities as enemies automatically become enemies for our authorities, that criminalize them so mercilessly, without mention of the constant threats and preparations for war against Iran by the United States. It manipulates the Italian public opinion to think what the American authorities, and to consider che alcuni paesi debbano essere colpiti perché "pericolosi". Non si danno notizie sui numerosi crimini e attentati terroristici attuati dalle autorità Usa nel mondo, se non quando ciò risulta inevitabile. I nostri telegiornali si limitano a parlare di "attentati terroristici" in Iraq, Afghanistan o in altri paesi, senza raccontare la situazione vera. Ad esempio, non parlano mai della resistenza irachena e afghana, anche se ormai molti sanno che questi paesi sono occupati e che la popolazione cerca in tutti i modi di resistere (anche con metodi pacifici) all'invasore.

Difficilmente le notizie su paesi in guerra are explained in detail, before providing the political, economic, international, etc.. that can make people understand the facts and present situations. The contextualization is therefore one way to misinform giving the opposite impression. The fact is disconnected from other facts that would make it more understandable. For example, the violence in the stadiums is detached from the phenomenon of youth violence and pressures media that incite violence.

The tone and the type of language used affect how information is perceived. The tone can be derogatory, sentencing, or emphatic and enthusiastic. The tone gives meaning to the positive or negative news. The choice of words is very important in militant work, because every word is evocative of meanings or emotions and therefore must be chosen carefully to achieve the desired results. For example, to convey a sense of negativity, groups considered dangerous to the system, such as environmentalists, anti-globalization or the communists, are defined as "radical," "fanatics" or "extremists." The police is called "law enforcement agency" even when repressed. Those who are repressed are called "rebels" or "young extremists. "The violence of the state, even if brutally murders is called" security "or" defense. "The violent are always those who protest against the system and never state authorities, even when they command a crackdown, as happened at the G8 summit in Genoa.

The images used are for manipulative. The images are used to give a negative or positive to places, situations or concepts. For example, when talking about Arab culture show women with burqa or images of fanaticism and violence, to induce a negative association.
Another effective means to manipulate information is the use of figures. Statistical analysis on the sample chosen and the model used. Statistics can be used as a given conclusive and incontrovertible. But just select a particular sample which could alter the results , to give the information you want.
The news is explained by the same point of view in all the newscasts. The powers at the top of the system, banks and corporations, are increasingly rare, and only in cases where a merger is announced, the purchase of a business or the appointment of a Administrative Director. When a corporation is sued for serious crimes like the killing of trade unionists, the enslavement of children or other crimes against human rights, is almost never notified of our news.

Until the early eighties there was the television objective investigation, which showed the company in its truth and complexity. Today, it is also about the mystification media company. Not appear to be almost more workers while they are struggling. The space dedicated to Industrial action is minimized. Some events protesta non vengono documentate. Si manipola persino l'immagine della società civile, che deve apparire accondiscendente anche quando non lo è. Non si va mai alla radice delle questioni lavorative o sindacali e non si fa comprendere abbastanza per poter giungere alla soluzione (che richiederebbe cambiamenti al sistema) del problema.
Le notizie sul dissenso alla politica di governo sono pregne di accenti nefasti. Spesso vengono utilizzate categorie stereotipate o etichette per puntare il dito contro chi mette in dubbio l'operato politico del governo.

I telegiornali fanno in modo che gli oppositori appaiano as a few people who do not want the "modernization", the "progress" or as marginalized people, and fanatical "anti-American." This happened in the case of TAV in Val di Susa and the U.S. base in Vicenza. In the news they showed individuals interviewed who expressed conflicting opinions, to show that there were different opinions and obscure that the vast majority of citizens were against the decisions of government. You want to hide the fact that the power of citizens is constantly demeaned by the system. And it is far from what the people want. The issues that are of citizenship, such as the environment, the peace and freedom to decide on its territory, are denigrated by information tendentious and manipulative in the Sz. For example, citizens of the Val di Susa protesters were shown as a handful of people who were afraid of having "the train that goes under the house." The truth was that they were trying to hide under the Musinè there is asbestos. Furthermore, in the Val di Susa is already a railway line Turin-Lyon, currently underutilized, we're delighted to support the traffic.

Another technique, used by Tg, to divert attention to the issue of dissent and to simplify the facts (not to bring out other aspects), is the problem with ideological connotations "right" and "left." When citizens are opposed to an issue do so for rational reasons, but the news tends to believe that they are ideological reasons, or irrational and unacceptable.

In matters in which the U.S. imposed a strict diktat, as in the case of troops in Afghanistan and the military base in Vicenza, journalists play an alarmed tone toward dissent. In particular, in the case of Vicenza, pointing out that even within the maggioranza c'erano coloro che avversavano la scelta del governo. Il sistema dei due schieramenti è stato creato per impedire un vero esercizio di sovranità. I giornalisti reggono questo gioco e si mostrano stupiti che lo schieramento al potere possa avere persone che ragionano con la propria testa e non eseguono passivamente "l'ordine". I Tg colpevolizzano queste persone facendole sentire responsabili di "indebolire il governo" o di metterne in pericolo la stabilità. Ciò nasconde che i nostri politici non prendono scelte sulla base del benessere dei cittadini, ma per tutelare e rafforzare il sistema stesso. I nostri giornalisti hanno dimenticato che l'essenza della democrazia is its pluralism. Have aligned themselves with the system in which all political camps are obliged to obey the true masters of the country: the economic-financial elite.

In recent days, the Tg shouting "alarm" for the protest organized for February 17 against the new military base in Vicenza. But democracy in which journalists put on alert citizens to an event that expresses the will of almost all citizens?
On 16 February, announcing the protest the following day, the news said "we fear violence," as if those who protest against militarism and violence. We define the paradox of those who are violent against war and militarism, and no new bases for those who want to better wage war.

a manipulative way to give news about protests or violent evictions is to bring closer the news of crime, in order to induce the association between "criminal" and those who protest against the system. On February 17, announcing the news: "Expression of Vicenza ... Imposing security measures." Transmit a call for Prodi: "The demonstrations are the salt of democracy but be pacifici". Il tono era quello del buon padre di famiglia, e non traspariva affatto che la realtà era esattamente l'opposto. Cioè coloro che stavano manifestando erano contro la violenza e il bellicismo americano, mentre Prodi era il politico che, lungi dall'avere a cuore il bene dei cittadini, stava sostenendo gli interessi bellici americani contro la volontà della maggior parte dei cittadini di Vicenza. Quindi, si trattava di scelte politiche non democratiche prese dal governo, ma i Tg facevano in modo da creare allarme attorno a coloro che stavano pacificamente, e giustamente, protestando. Qualche telegiornale osava un "Si temono infiltrazioni", ma non spiegava che soltanto the system defended by politicians interested to infiltrate the protesters that create fake disorder and violence (as occurred in the Genoa G8), to be able to display violent and extremist, like trying to describe the alarming messages through Tg. Tg3 stated that the police were "to defend the city's historic center," as if the protesters were dangerous and destructive. Then he added: "there is anyone who is concerned" and was interviewing an elderly person who was confused by the many people who arrived in the city. The emphasis on the "danger of violence" also served to divert attention from the value that the protest would have on government decisions, and to hide the fact that the will of the people counts for nothing in the face of American taxation. Since there had been violence, the journalist Tg2 showed a banner that called for "solidarity with the arrested terrorists." Another way to divert attention and to criminalize dissent.

Committed as they were to blame those who protested against the new American base, the Tg of the journalists have failed to notice that the new base will be paid by us for 41% of maintenance costs (for other base pay part of costs).
Those who are against the war has become a "radical extremist". Those who report crimes such as torture is an "anti-American." Is put on trial those opposing the war, and not the one who organizes.
same newscast (TG2, but the others were almost equal) of 17 February Prodi appeared posing next to Afghan President Hamid Karzai, as if this were a true political representative of the Afghan people and not bankrolled by a character Washington.

notify When the news of the terrorist attacks in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkey or other countries, give only an estimate of the dead and the place where the outbreak occurred, and explain the situation in the country. Sometimes mention associating al Qaeda attack, without giving the evidence to support this.
News from Africa, Asia or South America there's only if there is a problem that concerns our fellow countrymen (kidnappings, killings, etc..), Or when there are elections, now in our system have become the very symbol of democracy. As if to say that if undocumented elections (which take place everywhere, even in Iraq and Afghanistan), we would not find another way to prove that "democracy" there.
The few times that the news talking about the wars in Africa, they do so in a confused and imprecise, speaking of "ethnic conflict", and does not specify who organizes the groups and those who fight weapon. Not told that in most cases, these governments and European and American intelligence agencies, which organize the wars to control the territory and plundering its resources.

The big cities and suburbs of southern Italy appear Tg in their environmental degradation, also appears petty crime and desperation of the unemployed youth. All this is described in a fatalistic, as if governments are powerless in the face of these problems. When in Naples was the problem of waste, the news showed the submerged city from the garbage and dirt, but did not say that this was happening because the service was privatized, and prevented the old employees to work, denying them the means suitable for waste collection. In deference to private service was planned differently. The citizens were "guilty" of something, but in reality ricevevano le bollette da pagare senza ottenere alcun servizio. Nessun telegiornale trasmise la manifestazione degli operatori ecologici napoletani che protestavano perché non erano messi in grado di lavorare. I cartelli che essi mostravano avrebbero potuto far capire la vera situazione, mentre i telegiornali rendevano impossibile capirla alla radice.

C'è una serie di argomenti "riservati", di cui i telegiornali non parlano. Ad esempio, delle stragi che l'Agip attua in Nigeria, oppure della produzione di armi (ad esempio le cluster bomb), in diverse fabbriche italiane. Armi che vengono esportate in molti countries, including those where there is war. Tg I never speak of seigniorage, which is the method used by banks to loot the country. Very little of the statutes of the banks and the banking system of the European Bank, who removed to Italy as much as 38% of the budget, preventing the country's significant economic growth. Were cut spending on education and health and has increased the tax burden to pay for the banks and the U.S. support in war. When we discussed the financial, although the space devoted to this subject, the news have carefully refrained from notifying the significant resources that Banks pull out of the country. The transmission Ballarò was the only one to reveal the fact (but not put in evidence). Another taboo subject is that of rules and of the institutions like the WTO, World Bank (WB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF). No news has ever explained that due to these organizations over the past twenty years, extreme poverty and hunger are increasing, and that the economic collapse of many countries, including Argentina, was caused by measures imposed by the World Bank and its IMF. Many other topics are not discussed, for example, the situation inequality of immigrants, they suffer severe discrimination and persecution of African citizens by the puppet governments in the pay of the U.S., the massacres in Somalia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, Haiti and many other places. Another taboo subject is money that the state gives to large corporations, often very large sums.

The news only talks about drugs when it reports the news that the police managed to seize quantities of drugs. But he never talks about the implications and connivance of corporations and governments in international trade drugs.
We talk about the Mafia when you shut down or when some alleged Mafia crimes occur, but not really explains what the Mafia, and how it is expanding due to financial liberalization, which paved the way for easy recycling.
The minutes of domestic politics, the news, resolved in brief interviews with representatives of left and right, to show that there is a question, a dispute, and as duelists are determined and strong. The different views seem to beat plays, in a scenario increasingly demeaning and absurd. The issues are always treated in modo marginale e superficiale, anche quando si tratta di questioni serie, come l'invio di soldati in Afghanistan. L'informazione si riduce all'opinione dei politici, la maggior parte dei quali non oserebbe sfidare il sistema nemmeno nelle questioni minime.

Alcune questioni interne non sono divulgate. Ad esempio, nel 2002, il Parlamento, quasi all'unanimità, approvò una legge che permette di abolire il tetto massimo di spesa per il "rimborso ai partiti". I cittadini italiani avevano espresso la loro volontà di non dare denaro pubblico ai partiti, attraverso il referendum del 1993, over 90% of voters voted against it. People believe that today this will be respected and was not informed when, in 1999 a law was passed which effectively reintroduced the public funding to political parties calling it "reimbursement election." In 2002 all parties except the radicals, voted in favor of a new law, No 156 of 26 July 2002 titled "Electoral Rules on Reimbursements." The law lowered the quorum access to reimbursement from 4% to 1% and abolished the expenditure ceiling, allowing nearly all the parties to receive very large sums of public money. For example, Berlusconi ha incassato, l'anno scorso, 41 milioni di euro per Forza Italia, la Margherita ne ha presi 20 milioni, l'Udc 15 milioni, i Ds 35 milioni, An 23 milioni, Rifondazione 10 milioni, [1] ecc. Dato l'ingente costo pubblico che ci sarebbe stato, l'approvazione della legge era una questione molto importante per l'opinione pubblica, ma non è stata sottoposta all'attenzione di tutti noi. I Tg non ne hanno nemmeno fatto cenno.

Le questioni spinose, come la malasanità o il costo pubblico di aziende privatizzate (come le ferrovie and highways) are treated as if the problem was not solved and without sufficient documentation. For example, we are talking superficially of the cuts that are causing serious health problems in the management of facilities, or fraudulent contracts that important business (like Benetton) have entered into with the State. These contracts could be terminated if the government wanted. Many people expected it, given that previously had been harshly criticized by the majority.

poverty or precarious employment, have become the news or in columns di approfondimento una specie di calamità naturale. I poveri ragazzi trentenni vengono intervistati per sapere quanto guadagnano e che tipo di contratto hanno nei call center, nelle fabbriche o addirittura negli uffici pubblici. Si mette in evidenza che queste persone sono spesso laureate e molto preparate, e alcune di esse svolgono funzioni essenziali nel settore pubblico. Ma non si parla delle leggi che permettono il lavoro precario. Di quando sono state approvate e da chi, e di come sono state peggiorate nel tempo.

Poi ci sono i servizi giornalistici che hanno il compito di prepararci ad accettare il peggio. Ad esempio, quelli che There alarmed about the "energy crisis" (to prepare for the increase in the bill), those who show us the youth gangs in London, or those which document the strange weather phenomena. Even in these cases do not go to the root and not explained how the problem was created and by whom. In a report of 17 February, TG3 informed about the murder of a boy by the youth gangs in the suburbs of London. The journalist said: "The problem is the social conditions ... the families are unable, because of poverty, to address the problem, then there is alcohol, drugs or firearms." No mention of political and economic situation, and the media bombardment that brings more violence.

Even the alarm was part of SARS in the news that aimed to worry. For several months we have been bombarded with alarming news about alleged cases of this disease. What is not said was that SARS came from an experiment took place in April 2003 to Toronto, carried out by U.S. government organizations and the World Health Organization, financially supported by the Rockefeller family, Carnegie Foundation , and important drug manufacturers. The objective was to reduce the population and to buy new drugs, as explained by Dr. Leonard Horowitz:

SARS and the current concern about avian influenza receive the approval of the captains of the industries the military-medical-pharmaceutical-petrochemical, which is also documented in many cases to operate above the law ... consider the fact that the flow of information given by the mass media has been heavily influenced, if not entirely controlled by sponsors businesses multinationals, which have protected and advanced the interests of a relatively small group of global companies ... Having testified before the U.S. Congress, I have personally verified as the first female head of the pharmaceutical industry in terms of our economic and political representatives in government. The diseases that are emerging are complementary to the policies of "War on Terrorism" and our culture affected by bioterrorism. This agenda serves two primary objectives: profitability and population reduction. Political reality against the mass-media myths. [2]

When it became clear that the alarm bird flu in Europe was intended to lead to purchase the drug Tamiflu, and that the safety and efficacy of the drug had never been tried, the alarming news have disappeared. In recent days are returning more news on the H5N1 strain of bird. It was probably produced a new drug.
In our Tg, after a few minutes of news of domestic and foreign policy, comes the longest part of the news and current events. The choice often falls on News about new products for hair loss, beauty or technology. Giuseppe Altamore, in his book The owners of the news, said a growing number of television journalists have advertorials as they were simple news. It is emphatically present in products ranging from new type of phone to new cosmetics, clothing and even drugs. After the hanging of Saddam, the TG2 in the United States announced the creation of a new toy: the doll comes with Saddam's noose. The reporter even bother to specify the price and the ability to purchase over the Internet.

The gossip has its place in the Tg, increasingly large weddings or divorces among celebrities, where Madonna has a new baby, or if an actress was inflated silicone or drugs. The services on fashion, on the election of Miss Italy and Miss Universe are not lacking. Sometimes Tg fill space by telling the story of an animal or explaining the execution of a recipe. It is even documented in the "International Meeting of the Balloon, and we also inform about the latest models of clothes for dogs and cats. These are ways to confuse what should really be the journalistic communication, which in the last twenty years has been downgraded and misled in the same way of understanding it.

Informing Tg now follows the "pensée unique" and is also the sole director. These are the great agencies of American propaganda, as the Heritage Foundation, the American Enterprise Institute and the Manhattan Institute. The U.S. propaganda agencies shall ensure that the public suffers heavy manipulations, which make it difficult a real awareness of what's happening in the world today. To be able to understand and use the Internet to read news from the world. It 's a something that only few can afford to do, and usually it is not elderly, housewives or people working for many hours a day, and who have no time to learn the material than through the Tv For these people c 'is merely quell'infomazione "emotional" and distorted, used to make them docile and unable to defend their rights. As Sartori points out: "To say that the citizenship of the electronic age is characterized by access to endless information ... it would be like saying that citizenship in capitalism allows everyone to become capitalists ... It is true that a picture can be worth a thousand words. But it is even more true than one million images do not give a single concept. " [3]

Television news magazines have become a reality that is not the one in which we live. They are increasingly oriented the show, flattening and banality. As in a circus, everyone does his number, with the aim to excite and attract attention, entertain and even to entertain. While the events are becoming increasingly obscured unacceptable the two-thirds of the world's poor in extreme poverty, the millions di bambini che per mangiare devono cercare nella spazzatura, le nostre regioni soggette al potere mafioso implacabile e crudele, le guerre contro i popoli, le dure persecuzioni contro chi lotta per la giustizia e i diritti umani...
Finché il potere mediatico sarà quasi completamente nelle mani di chi vuole un sistema politico-economico basato sulla legge del più forte e sul controllo dei popoli, è ingenuo credere che le risorse umane, spirituali e culturali degli individui stiano ricevendo impulso alla loro libera realizzazione. Le sottili tecniche di coercizione, di diseducazione e di appiattimento culturale sono dirette contro ognuno di noi, come a further affront to our minds and our dignity as citizens.

Antonella Randazzo wrote Rome marauders. The Italian colonialism in Africa, 1870-1943, (Kaos Edizioni, 2006); New Democracy. Illusions of U.S. hegemony in the era civilization (Publisher Zambon 2007) and Dictator and . The Occult History (The New World Edition, 2007).

[1] Report, October 1, 2006.
[2] Leonard Horowitz, Death in the Air : globalism, Terrorism and Toxic Warfare , Tetrahedron Publishing Group, Idaho, USA, 2001.
[3] Giovanni Sartori, Homo videns , Laterza, Bari 1997.


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