Tuesday, March 24, 2009

External Hard Drive Movies To Tv

Mangia che ti passa

Debris from

bocca cucita

Eataly Sunday evening at the supermarket / restaurant frequented by gourmets jocks of the city. A large group of anti-racism comes in, scattered across departments and disseminates thousands of slip of paper on the shelves: "Eat well? I have sewn their lips, "" Here the police beat us and the Red Cross says nothing. Eat it will pass, "... Then gather, check the banner, megaphone and many others volantini. Un piccolo e inaudito corteo comincia a sfilare tra le mensole ricolme e le tavole imbandite. Tra gli avventori c’è chi chiede i volantini interessato e chi fa finta di nulla. Ma c’è anche chi si volta con sdegno: in effetti molestare chi si sta succhiando delle ostriche è segno di scarsa classe e urbanità. Da parte sua, il personale non si scompone più di tanto – ed è una questione di classe anche questa.
Per la prima volta dopo anni di cappelle, la polizia politica torinese è sul luogo del delitto per tempo: un funzionario della Digos, in effetti, è già seduto ad un tavolo in dolce compagnia ancor prima che gli antirazzisti entrino nel supermercato/ristorante. Troppo impegnato a mangiare, he even throws too much to stop the protesters.


More notes and read the leaflet distributed.


Here is the text of the leaflet distributed:

are what you eat?

Let's imagine a foreigner, ignorant about the uses of our country, today we did a tour in this supermarket of taste, certainly you would the idea of \u200b\u200ba civil society and refined, where everyone is free to meet as their preferred appetites and desires. Unfortunately this is not so, and foreigners in particular do not fare affatto bene.
Per questo siamo qui oggi, affinché nessuno si dimentichi che questi privilegi sono possibili solo al prezzo di vergognose diseguaglianze, sulle quali non è più possibile tacere. Non è un mistero per nessuno che ormai la stragrande maggioranza dei lavori più bassi e faticosi, dalla raccolta nei campi alla cura dei nostri anziani, dai cantieri edili alle pulizie, siano lasciati agli immigrati. Mal pagati, sfruttati e denigrati dai padroni italiani, sono costretti a vivere a testa bassa in cambio delle nostre briciole, col ricatto costante di essere trovati senza documenti ed essere trattenuti in un CIE. In questi luoghi i pestaggi da parte della polizia sono all’ordine del giorno, come le omissioni di soccorso del personale medical and psychiatric drugs hidden in food to cause a long sleep and quiet. With the new regulations on security prison now has been extended up to six months, then there's the forced expulsion.
Yet this regime of fear and segregation does not seem to take away your appetite to the Italians.
In recent days, since the inmates in the Lampedusa Centre have decided to rebel camp and burn that, in many CIE facing one another and desperate actions, from Malta to Milan, Bologna Gradisca d'Isonzo. In Turin, some inmates CIE Corso Brunelleschi were cut in protest, someone has swallowed the batteries and they have been poisoned, someone goes on hunger strike and thirst, another tried to hang himself, and another because he reacted against the policeman who was touching the wound was arrested and taken to jail. A Bari have sewn their lips in Rome after yet another dead inmates have entered all of Ponte Galeria on hunger strike. The Algerian boy said he felt bad, but the doctor did not want him to visit, and he was told that the drugs could take a strut to his country. He was beaten by the police and the next day, Thursday morning, was found dead.
not stand by watching while the political right and the left monitor lizard racist laws and spread words of hate and persecution. We are not resigned indifference of Moreover, neither the silence imposed by information regime, because we can no longer bear to see good people who tasted delicious while others are forced to swallow needles and hunger strike to be heard. They want to be left at liberty, and they need our help. We are confident that in a glass of organic wine risotto and a fair will have many scruples to reflect on these very serious events that happen with more and more dramatic rate. Some may cry out against us, others will want to know how to do something, no one in any case may refuse to do a little self-examination. If
reason it is often said that we are what we eat, we can not longer hide our eyes increasingly clear that boundary that separates those who have everything to those who are not at all, who is free who is slave.

We close the camp!
solidarity with all immigrants in the fight for freedom!

Assembly Antirazzista Turin

Download the flyer.

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