Tuesday, March 10, 2009

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Il Lavoro

[ Herman J. Schuurman (1897-1991) was one of the cofounders of the group De Moker (the hammer, or rather the bundle) which brought together young workers freely organized around the periodic "De Moker, agitating newspaper for young workers ". The Mokergroep shook his libertarian workers' movement and the Dutch for about four years, the end of 1923 to summer 1928 . The work can be considered a crime how their program. Taking part in all the struggles against capitalism and militarism, also fought against political parties and trade unions, considered as a brake rather than revolutionary stimulus. The story he has not denied. ]

N el language there are words and expressions that we have to eliminate, because they indicate the concepts which are disastrous and corrupting the essence of the capitalist system. First, the word "work" and all concepts related to this - the worker or worker - working time - salary - Strike - unemployed --nothing.
The work is the greatest insult and the greatest humiliation that he has committed against humanity itself.
This social system, capitalism is based on the work and created a class of men who have work - and a class of men who not work. The workers are forced to work at the cost of dying of hunger. "Whoever does not work shall not eat," say the rich, who for their part claim that calculate and collect its profits it means to work.
There are unemployed and-nothing. If the former are without work and can not do anything about it, the latter do not work and enough. The slakers are exploiters who live by the labor of workers. Unemployed workers who are not allowed to work, because one can not derive profit.
The owners of the production system have set the work time, they built the places of work and ordered to what and how workers must work. These receive just what you need to avoid starvation and are barely able to feed their children in their early years. Then these kids are sent to school the minimum necessary to be able to go to work in their turn. Even the rich send their children to school because they know how to direct themselves workers.
Work is the great curse. The product of men with no spirit and no soul.
To make others work for its own benefit, you must have a certain personality, as well as to work: you have to crawl, trade, cheat, deceive and falsify.
For the rich-nothing work (for workers) is the means to live an easy life. For workers is a burden of misery, a misery imposed by birth and prevents them from living decently.
when to stop working, then life will begin.
Work is the enemy of life. A good worker is a beast of burden with calloused hands and a look abbruttito and empty.
When man becomes aware of life will not work anymore.
I do not pretend that it is enough simply to leave their boss tomorrow and then see how to eat without working, believe that life begins. Being forced to live in poverty is already a great misfortune, but even more so if the result is - as happens in most cases, living off of other students who work.
If you are able to make a living by stealing - as they say law-abiding citizens - without you to take advantage of a master, that's fine, but do not think so di avere risolto il problema.
Il lavoro è un male sociale. Questa società è nemica della vita ed è solo distruggendola, e distruggendo poi tutte le società del lavoro bestiale che seguiranno - vale a dire fare rivoluzione su rivoluzione - che il lavoro sparirà.
E' solo allora che verrà la vita - la vita piena e ricca – nella quale ciascuno sarà portato per proprio istinto a creare . Allora naturalmente ogni uomo sarà creatore e produrrà unicamente quel che è bello e buono , cioè quel che è necessario.
Allora non ci saranno più uomini-lavoratori , ognuno sarà uomo; e per il vital human need for inner needs, so each one will create endless what with reasonable social relations, serving vital needs.
Then there will be nothing more than life - a great life, pure and cosmic - and the creative passion is the greatest happiness of human life without constraints , a life where we will not be blackmailed by hunger or by a salary, the weather or the environment, and where we will be exploited by parasites. Create
is a joy intense, intense work is a pain.
With the social relations of crime today, you can not create.
Every job is criminal.
work and collaborate on profit and exploitation, is to work together to forgery and deceit and poisoning, and collaborate on preparations for the war is to work the murder of all humanity.
work destroys life.
Having including this, our life will take on another meaning. If we feel in ourselves, that creative impulse is expressed in the destruction of this system cowardly and criminal.
And if by force of circumstances we have to work to stay alive of hunger, in every job we do must contribute to the collapse of capitalism.
If we do not work for the collapse of capitalism, work for the collapse of humanity!
WHY sabotage us every AWARE capitalist enterprise. Each owner will suffer losses because of us. Where we, young rioters, we forced to work there, the raw materials, machines and products will be phased out mandatory.
Every instant jump from gear teeth and spatulas and chisels will break, more tools indispensabili scompariranno e ci daremo i nostri metodi e i nostri mezzi.
Non vogliamo crepare a causa del capitalismo: ecco perché il capitalismo deve crepare a causa nostra.
Noi vogliamo creare come uomini liberi, non lavorare come schiavi: per questo distruggeremo la schiavitù.
Il capitalismo esiste grazie al lavoro dei lavoratori, ecco perché non vogliamo essere dei lavoratori e perché saboteremo il lavoro.

* Titolo originale: Werken is misdaad , Utrecht, 1924.

La traduzione dall'originale Els is Dutch and Toni, Amsterdam 2007, Timeless Editions, Bologna 2007.


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